[149]John Solomon: House Dems tell SCOTUS they are considering 'new articles of impeachment' in bid for Mueller docs
[147]Sputnik: European supercomputers researching #COVID19 outbreak reportedly hacked to mine cryptocurrency
[140]Trump Again Considering Withholding WHO Funding, Officials say the president is expected to make a decision a soon as this week
[138]China slaps an 80 per cent tariff on drought-affected Australian exporters starting TODAY as brutal punishment for push for COVID-19 inquiry - just hours after saying it'll support inquiry when pandemic is over
[136]Washington gov: Those who don’t cooperate with ‘contact tracers’ and tests not allowed to leave home
[133]Attorney General William P. Barr on the Nomination of Justin E. Herdman to Serve as U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia and the Designation of Timothy J. Shea to Serve as Acting Administrator for the DEA
[128]Hearing sought in Justice Dept. bid to undo Flynn guilty plea, as 1,000 ex-prosecutors prepare to oppose conviction reversal PANIC in DC!
[126]CBS busted again. Aired a photo and claiming it's a "mysterious illness" possibly tied to COVID.
[123]4/25 Refresher: “Yes. Everything is gonna be declassified and more — much more than what you just mentioned — it will all be declassified,” Trump said
[121]Trump’s New Vaccine Czar Makes $3.4 Million Windfall on Bill Gates-Backed CoronaVirus Vaccine Stock
[117]Federal judge issues order to allow NC churches to resume indoor worship, Democratic governor 'disagrees'
[104]California Governor Newsom Announces $125 Million in Assistance to Illegal Aliens – Then Wants US Taxpayers to Bail the State Out
[103]Flynn amicus John Gleeson will file an initial brief by June 10 - he may claim he needs to interview witnesses.
[102]Barr Announces Updates to the Findings of the Criminal Investigation into the December 2019 Shooting at Pensacola Naval Air Station
[101]Newsom says first responders would be first ones laid off if states don't get federal assistance
[099]The creator of the Matrix said “fuck both of you” to Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump for taking the red pill.
[098]Deep State Actions in Italy Are the Focus of Durham’s Investigation as Obama’s Italian Ambassador Turns Up on List of General Flynn Unmaskers
[094]President Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Restaurant Executives and Industry Leaders 2:00 PM EDT
[088]Police just showed up to @TheAtilisGym...The officer notified the gym they were “violating the Governor’s order.” said, “have a nice day” and walked away. The crowd roared.
[086]Justice Dept: Today at 11am ET: Attorney General William P. Barr & @FBI Director Christopher Wray will hold a press conference at the Department of Justice"
[085]The Wall Street Journal Editorial states that it doesn’t want me to act in an “impulsive” manner in Afghanistan...
[084]Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmakers dragged out of legislative session before pro-Beijing camp elects chair
[082]John Solomon conducting a poll: What do you think of the judge's conduct in the Michael Flynn case?
[078]Chuck Grassley twat: Last week was “spike” stage of corn emergence. #cornwatch This week two leaf stage & u can “row” the corn
[074]Chicago Mayor Vows to ‘Take Action’ Against Defiant Churches That Continue to Hold Services Despite Lockdown Orders
[071]Starting today, illegal immigrants in California can apply to receive up to $1000 per household of tax payer dollars
[051]an Oct. 2016 reminder: Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash publicintegrity.org
[049]Q4257-38 page Snowden Document-Full Document 38 page pdf (redacted) From US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence fas.org media link
[044]anon submits: POTUS latest tweet - is T.V referring to tuberculosis vaccine and its potential to stop children from getting Covid?
[042]State Department inspector general was investigating if Pompeo made staffer walk his dog and run other personal errands
[040]Bill Clinton’s telecom law: Twenty years later, Democracy in Peril: Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Under the Telecommunications Act
[034]House Votes May 15, Emergency Citation Wrong, Vote Illegal & Unconstitutional, clarification requested media link media link media link
[033]astronomy pic of day - waterspout in FL - anon 'saw something about Gen Flynn's twitter post pic related