[153]Potus: Be sure to watch, “Witch Hunt, the Flynn Vindication” hosted by the very knowledgeable @GreggJarrett on @FoxNews tonight at 8:00 P.M.
[144]A retired Major General (CIA) is trying to penetrate the Q movement. He wrote, "From PsyOps to Mindwar" with practicing satanist General Michael Aquino, NSA.
[137]Potus trolling those who say "we should move on" from the Mueller Report,answer to an Apr 2019 twat, 13 month delta
[131]Beaches, Bars And Boardwalks Packed Across The Nation, As Many Defy Government And Social Distancing Advisories
[128]POTUS RT's 'Thomas Paine' this morning, Q posts re 'Common Sense', Paine publishes "Common Sense"....
[123]- John Kerry denies meeting Iranians in Paris days after President Donald Trump announced the United States’ withdrawal from the international accord
[122]Timothy J. Klausutis's research while affiliated with Air Force Research Laboratory and other places
[121]Mueller Crook Andrew Weissman Was Behind Documents Illegally Released to the Press Before Roger Stone Was Even Indicted
[120]The secret war the Obama White House declared on Trump before he was even elected, was a war on America. Several years prior to the 2016 election, Obama had begun using the intelligence agencies to spy on his Republican opponents.
[119]DODGE01 - B-1B Bomber Made Bold Flight Into The Sea Of Okhotsk That Is Surrounded By Russian Territory
[118]THEY DID IT AGAIN! CBS Caught Using Photo from Ukraine in 2016 in Their ‘Panic Porn’ on Coronavirus in Children
[109]6th name on the NYSlimes' FRONT PAGE list of ChineseFlu "victims" really a vehicular homicide, as diggz by astute anon found
[102]The Coroner in the Lori Klaustis case lost his license in Missouri for lying on Autopsy Reports.
[090]Push for Creepy Joe Malarkey to pick Shamu as his candidate for VP (if he makes it to the DNC convention)?
[088]Governor Whitmer Sent COVID-19 Patients Across the State to ‘Regional Hubs’ to Spread the Virus — But Kept Patients Out of 1,000 Bed TCF Center in Detroit
[087]Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) introduced recent legislation “to end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.”
[078]Hungarian Politician names new Facebook 'elite Oversight Board Members' a 'Soros Toy' to 'Police American Thinking'
[076]Washington State's Bishops will wait for re-opening their Houses of Worship: 'We will wait to schedule our public worship when it is safe and prepared to do so.'
[072]Not in the News: Swedish Hero, Tommie Lindh (19), died after warding 14-year old Swedish Girl from being raped by Culturally Enriching African Immigrant
[070]#Obamagate: Matteo Renzo, former Italian PM, named in Russiagate: held meetings with Obama prior to the 2016 elections
[067]Trump talks deep state in Sharyl Atkisson exclusive interview, which is set to appear online in a few hours (Sunday morning 9:30a ET) (justthenews.com)
[066]Interesting retwatts by Yair Netanyahu & Mark Levin (son of): The fraudulent Flynn case and Netanyahu case originated in direct coordination with the Obama administration AT THE SAME TIME (Twatt/moar)
[063]PDJT/Matt Couch (Twatt) A blow to her head? Body found under Psycho Joe's Desk? Leaves Congress Suddenly? (Booooooom)
[062]Silicon Valley Giants Are Allowing Staff To Work Remote Permanently. Will Their Workers Flood Into Red States? (Daily Caller)
[061]Lori Klausutis (19yr old Psycho Joe Intern found dead under his desk) Digs (from past-present Twatter-MSM articles)
[059]VIDEO: Joe Scarborough in 2003 Joked About Having Affair With Intern and Killing Her (milnenews.com)
[050]Ubisoft sues Apple, Google for allowing Rainbow Six: Siege clone on app stores (DigitalTrends.com)
[022]In October 2006, Joe Scarborough sent a cease and desist letter to have all references to himself and his dead aide, Lori Klausutis, removed from this website.
[021]Connection established as to timing and movements of tail number 2-EPIC and Henry Kissinger. Suspicious indeed. Seems likely a spook bird with possible Logan Act implications says anon
[019]Trump Continues Quest to Push Conspiracy Theory That MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough is a Murderer (MSDNC)
[005]during Kavanaugh hearing: 'SC nominee Brett Kavanaugh has retained Washington trial attorney, Beth Wilkinson'