[343]Adam Housley tweets Wray will be fired and there will be other changes at FBI. Not sure when….but it is happening. media link media link
[341]1fa953e8-b208-4de1-9bf2-4fcb01e450b8 media link media link media link media link media link media link
[339]Crazy Joy Reid Pushes the Lie: White Nationalists Are Behind the Mass Looting, Rioting of Black Lives Matter media link media link
[334]69995344-5f90-436b-bb75-97d90627df84 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[331]MLK's daughter, Atlanta mayor among leaders condemning riots after George Floyd's death media link
[323]Art Caplan, NYU Professor and NBC correspondent wrote this in 2016. What did he know? Was this their plan all along?
[322]Dueling claims: Trump blames Antifa for riots, Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and cartels media link media link media link media link
[321]Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik: FBI Must Investigate Who Is Funding Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorism’ media link media link media link
[319]New Allegations Of Massive Corruption In Colombian Armed Forces And Threats Against Whistleblowers media link media link media link
[317]Reports that 70th NYPD precinct is under attack, surrounded, and requesting assistance media link
[316]Video of the National Guard rolling down the street in #Atlanta. #AtlantaRiots #AtlantaProtest media link
[315]Portland, Oregon mayor declares state of emergency, imposes curfew as riots spread | Just The News media link media link
[314]Security expert says most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists; far-right groups have not yet made significant appearance. media link
[311]Over 500 arrested during yesterday's LA protest. All but 18 released. More mayhem planned for today/tonight. media link
[310]Protesters break through barricades and come face-to-face with Secret Service near the White House media link
[308]Breaking via NBC: The FBI's top lawyer Dana Boente was asked to resign on Friday. The decision came from high levels of the Justice Dept. media link media link media link
[305]Pew: Democrats Represent 41 Of 44 Districts (93%) With Highest COVID-19 Death Tolls media link media link
[302]Antifa terrorista accused of throwing molotov cocktail at NYPD vehicle with cops inside, could be charged with attempted murder media link
[299]Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest..As he lay dead, they cracked jokes. There were no riots. He was white. media link
[298]Anon dig from 2002: During influenza epidemics, mortality rates among nursing home residents often exceed 5 percent. media link
[297]WASHINGTON (AP) — US authorities say killing of federal security officer during protest in Oakland, California, was domestic terrorism. media link
[295]Why is MN Gov's daughter sharing info about NG movements & capabilities to Minn. “protestors”? media link
[292]AG Barr: "Violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchic far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics" media link
[291]The curious case of the SF doctor who’s been coronavirus-positive nearly 90 days and counting media link
[282]New DJT: Much more "disinformation" coming out of CNN, MSDNC, NY Times, WA Post than any foreign country combined media link
[280]Seattle Police Dept WTF: Lawful demonstrations can't be recorded... also, body cams run out of batteries... media link media link media link media link media link
[276]DC clothesline: George Floyd was deliberately murdered, right on schedule to unleash race riots across America to cause even more chaos media link media link
[270]PAYBACK: Dr. Judy Mikovits Comes Out Swinging; Drops NEW Bombs on Dr. Fauci & CDC During Vicious Interview
[269]@Tore_says thread on Soros and protesters media link media link media link media link media link
[268]The Real Reason Why They Hate Him: Donald Trump is a Heretic frmo the Left's Secular Religion media link media link
[267]Michelle Obama playing up emotions and gaslighting: ‘I’m Exhausted By A Heartbreak That Never Seems To Stop’
[264]Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Pivots Back to Peace Talks With Russia’s Putin media link media link media link media link
[262]@greggutfeld twat: For the media and their political counterparts to finally accept that rioting and looting is bad, they had to decide on the acceptable group to blame media link
[259]Moar on alleged Antifa documents; may have been around for a while media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[254]Spoopy DJT twat: MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE??? Asking for public support? media link media link
[252]DC Mayor Accuses Trump Of ‘Hiding Behind His Fence’ From ‘Peaceful Protesters’ media link media link media link media link media link
[250]Atlanta rapper 'Killer Mike' blasts CNN in powerful speech: 'Stop feeding fear and anger' media link media link media link
[247]Ilhan Omar’s daughter promotes list of ‘supplies’ for rioters burning and looting Minneapolis media link media link
[246]@dbongino twat: Muriel Bowser (DC mayor) has NO idea what the Secret Service does media link media link media link media link
[245]The Gateway Pundit: From Past History: It’s Highly Likely the Groups Behind Today’s Riots are Domestic Terrorists media link media link media link media link media link
[242]Gwinnett County (AL) protest; anon says most home-owners there are armed media link media link media link
[241]Rioter arrested for attempted murder of 4 NYPD officers after throwing Molotov cocktail at police cruiser media link
[240]Death & taxes: Big Tech lobbies not to pay much tax after making a killing on Covid-19 pandemic media link media link
[238]Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Says She Has Two Words For President Trump: “F— You” media link media link media link
[236]@JimBridenstine: SpaceX launch moving forward today, 50% chance of cancellation due to weather media link media link
[234]UN Human Rights Chief Demands US Takes "Serious Action" To Stop Killing Of Unarmed African-Americans media link media link
[231]MN Gov. "fully mobilizes" National Guard, says riots "no longer in any way about George Floyd" media link
[230]Moar on alleged Antifa documents media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[228]Anon theory on Comey rose comms: "secret order for the nuclear option" media link media link media link
[224]@RealMattCouch: Police officers killed last night. This is an attack on our freedoms! media link
[223]@DineshDSouza twat: I'd call on the FBI to investigate the criminal conspiracy behind the organized riots, but Wray is too busy covering up political corruption media link
[221]Twat threads on riots being a setup: pallet of bricks left near expensive shops in Dallas media link media link
[220]POTUS trolling CNN: Here we go again. Fake News @CNN is blaming RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA ... P.S. Can’t blame China because they need the cash? media link media link media link
[215]@RepVernonJones twat: I refuse to allow a bunch of ANTIFA affiliated thugs to come to my beloved city of Atlanta and burn it to the ground media link
[214]@johncardillo twat: Perfectly coordinated national riots within 48 hours media link media link media link media link
[211]DJT Jr twat: Thankful that these business owners have a 2nd Amendment so they can protect themselves and their businesses media link media link media link
[209]Alleged Antifa riot manual (tweet now deleted) media link media link media link media link media link
[206]@CalebJHull twat: Antifa bros are the source of a lot of these [property destruction] issues media link media link media link
[205]Eric Holder tweets/diggs showcase his role in the coup against Trump media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[203]Furious Reaction to Release of the Newly Declassified Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts, ‘Flynn Was Framed’ media link
[202]Updated list of Major cities in the headlines with major riot activity (so called protesters):-gardenpathways.org media link media link
[198]Police Chief Renee Hall: 'All Of A Sudden Bricks Started Hitting Our Squad Car'-dfw.cbslocal media link
[196]ANTIFA manual that was accidentally dropped at a riot in Oregon. media link media link media link media link media link
[187]Customs And Border Protection Reaper Drone Appears Over Minneapolis Protests-thedrive and Q drop #104 media link
[186]POTUS warns White House protesters would have been met by 'vicious dogs', 'ominous weapons' if they breached fence-foxnews media link
[185]Declassified transcripts add to evidence that FBI had no legal basis to interview Michael Flynn-justthenews.com media link
[184]New POTUS twat and analysis media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[182]Catherine Herridge-#FLYNN Compare FBI summary 12/29/2016 call between Russian Ambassador Kislyak and GEN Flynn with six page declassified transcript obtained media link media link media link media link media link
[181]1,700 National Guardsmen expected in Minneapolis tonight; military police on alert after riots rage across US-foxnews media link
[180]China's 1st Home-Built Carrier Tests Weapons At Sea Amid 'No Off Ramp' Ratcheting US Tensions-zh media link
[179]POTUS calls out George Soros in all but name as responsible for the riots appearing all over the country the last 48 hrs media link
[178]New DJT twat w/CAP: Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService. They were not only totally professional, but very cool. media link
[177]The FBI says that a car approached the Oakland Federal Building around 9:45 pm, firing at contract security officers. Two Federal Protective Service were hit...
[174]Louise Mecsch Replying to @CBS_Herridge and @Dudeteronomy: Catherine, if I were you I would not side with Flynn or his son. Fair warning. media link
[172]Giulaiani twat w/CAP: This killing and now out-of-control riot, being copied in Democrat cities throughout US, are the result of Progressive Dem incompetent leadership... media link
[171]Supreme Court rejects challenge to limits on church services; Roberts sides with liberals media link
[170]James Woods twat w/CAP: Looting Louis Vuitton store in Portland. Nothing screams justice like designer handbags. media link
[169]140 Republican Lawmakers Pile Onto Lawsuit Against Democrats Over Proxy Voting, File Injunctions On New Proxy Votes media link
[167]riot mini-bun. you want it? itz here. media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[161], GOP Chairwoman MN Jen Carnahan Calls for Governor Tim Walz and Mayor Jacob Frey to Resign media link
[149], Anon identifies Keith Ellison Outreach Director in a riot video, ties to GS media link media link media link media link media link
[148], Breaking: Rioters have stormed the Multnomah County Justice Center in Portland, Oregon, and have set the building on fire. media link
[147]Oakland Police is investigating a shooting of two security guards around the Federal Building on Friday
[146], Oakland Police is investigating a shooting of two security guards around the Federal Building on Friday
[141]CNN anchor just said on live TV that the riots in MN were "entirely peaceful" and a "merry caravan" and then seconds later someone throws a bottle directly at him.
[140], CNN anchor just said on live TV that the riots in MN were "entirely peaceful" and a "merry caravan" and then seconds later someone throws a bottle directly at him.
[139]LAPD chopper circling above just announced an unlawful assembly has been declared and that the ENTIRE downtown area has been closed media link
[138], LAPD chopper circling above just announced an unlawful assembly has been declared and that the ENTIRE downtown area has been closed media link
[137]@SeattleFire twat: advising all downtown area business owners to immediately secure all open areas like outdoor seating areas, garages, dumpsters, and recycling bins as much as possible media link
[136], @SeattleFire twat: advising all downtown area business owners to immediately secure all open areas like outdoor seating areas, garages, dumpsters, and recycling bins as much as possible media link
[135]Pentagon takes rare step of putting military police on alert to go to embattled Minneapolis 'within hours' media link media link
[134], Pentagon takes rare step of putting military police on alert to go to embattled Minneapolis 'within hours' media link media link
[133]@Breaking911: The upscale 'Phipps Plaza' shopping mall in Atlanta has been broken into media link
[132], @Breaking911: The upscale 'Phipps Plaza' shopping mall in Atlanta has been broken into media link
[126]@adamhousley twat: A lot of confidence building in Texas US attorney John Bash's unmasking investigation media link
[125], @adamhousley twat: A lot of confidence building in Texas US attorney John Bash's unmasking investigation media link
[122]Always wear a mask and keep your social distance. Unless we are looting. Then we are good. media link
[121], Always wear a mask and keep your social distance. Unless we are looting. Then we are good. media link
[120]@Breaking911: GA governor declares state of emergency, will send 500 national guard troops to Atlanta media link
[119], @Breaking911: GA governor declares state of emergency, will send 500 national guard troops to Atlanta media link
[108]Supreme Court, splitting 5-4, rejects challenge from CA church to public gathering restrictions. Roberts joins liberal justices media link
[107]Lil Wayne on George Floyd: Stop Blaming Every Cop and Making It About Race media link media link
[106]Just a few weeks ago, 75 protesters at the Michigan capitol were going to get everyone killed media link
[105]Kellie Chauvin is divorcing her husband Derek (MN police officer) media link media link media link
[100]DJT RT: In Democrat cities you can get arrested for opening a business, but not for looting one. media link
[099]DJT RT from 2016: @TallahForTrump Trump spoke at my church in Detroit and it opened my eyes. Never again will I be a slave to the Democrats! media link
[098]Texas AG Ken Paxton: Trump is right and Twitter 'fact check' is wrong - mail-in ballot fraud is a real problem media link
[097]DJT RT: @Jim_Jordan: Twitter “fact checks” President Trump. Did they ever fact check Comey, Schiff, Clapper, CNN? Double standard! media link
[094]@TomFitton twat: LA County to remove up to 1.59 million "inactive" names from dirty voting rolls media link
[088]Minneapolis City Council member saying @GovTimWalz pulled out the Minnesota National Guard; or maybe not? some tweets deleted media link media link media link media link media link
[086]@IngrahamAngle asks @laralogan about Antifa operations taking place now. Can they be declared unlawful combatants? media link
[085]Renoting: There is a big problem with the story we have been given about MN (EMT resuscitation) media link
[082]Anon may have found the "expert crime scene witness" Kenneth (Dusty) Rhodes who witnessed Lori Kluasutis autopsy media link media link
[081]WH pool: Daily guidance and press schedule for Saturday, May 30, 2020 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[076]Riot Police, National Guard 'Completely Abandon' Perimeter in Minneapolis, Chased Away by Protesters media link
[075]Woman found dead in car in Minneapolis following night of kidnappings, random shootings media link
[072]“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States" - George Soros, The Age of Fallibility media link
[071]Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell on Flynn transcripts: "There are No Words Sufficient to Convey Our Disgust and Disdain" media link
[068]Protesters in Washington D.C. have breached the Treasury Dept. complex and spray painted the area
[066]Transcripts: Kislyak Says Moscow Believes the Obama Administration expelled diplomats and imposed sanctions to target President-elect Trump media link media link media link media link media link media link
[065]@Breaking911: Former Cop Derek Chauvin booked in the death of #GeorgeFloyd media link media link
[063]FBI Director Wray Presided Over Multiple Russian FBI Probes; Has Millions in Cash Invested in Russia media link
[061]@BernardKerik (former NYC police commissioner): Antifa, BLM, etc have military grade communication systems. Who funds them? Investigate! media link
[058]Protesters sharing "jail support" phone numbers incl. Minnesota Freedom Fund media link media link media link media link media link
[056]@JamesAGagliano twat: NYPD source informs me 88th Precinct in Brooklyn has just been overrun media link
[055]Charging documents showed George Floyd's death did not "support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation" media link media link media link
[053]@theangiestanton twat: The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots media link media link
[052]Reminder: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study of 600+ US children (2017) shows that VACCINATED children have increased rates of ADHD, autism, and other conditions media link
[051]@brianstelter twat: What you're seeing live on CNN is vandalism in the lobby of CNN Center in Atlanta media link
[050]Seattle advertizing for ANTIFA Protests; Not a chance this will be a 'peaceful protest' media link media link media link
[049]CDC admits COVID-19 antibody tests are wrong half the time & virus isn't that deadly media link media link media link
[048]CNN Atlanta violent "protest" (not a riot? not domestic terrorism?) media link media link media link media link media link
[047]@RealMattCouch twat: I’m curious is CNN still calling them protestors now that they are about to burn the building to the ground in Atlanta… media link
[046]Murky messaging: Facebook allowed 'Death to America' advertising but censors US back-to-work rallies media link
[039]Twitter thread: "summary" of Flynn-Kislyak conversation doesn't accurately reflect its actual meaning media link media link media link
[037]CNN: Every white person has a (racism) virus in their brain that can be activated at any time. Anon request for POTUS to tweet this video out
[033]Transcripts show Flynn wanted to work with Russia against ISIS, Kislyak warned Trump 'Russiagate' was targeting HIM media link
[032]Riot/Protest being planned for tomorrow in Orange Co., CA by Marxist group Hammer and Anchor media link media link media link
[031]Secret Service personnel are currently assisting other law enforcement agencies during a demonstration in Lafayette Park. media link
[029]WH is on lockdown due to escalating demonstrations media link media link media link media link media link media link
[025]Protestors shut down Highway 101 in San Jose to decry police violence, George Floyd’s death media link
[024](NSFW) Both George Floyd and Derek Chauvin were involved with the same woman media link media link
[021]What are the words "box[ed] us in doing in the Flynn-Kislyak transcript AND in Joe Pientka's notes? media link
[018]"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Ed Butowsky vs. the Deep State" Anon + Seth Rich connection to Wikileaks
[015]Haters gonna hate: This morning Taylor Swift accused Trump of 'stoking the fires of white supremacy' to her 86 million followers media link media link media link media link
[014]Minnesota PD denies undercover cop started Minneapolis riot amid avalanche of speculation media link media link media link media link media link
[012]DOJ/Barr Statement of Interest in Maine's Gov Janet Mills Constitutional infringement on Right to Travel. media link
[011]RT: Forget the race-baiting scare tactics, Trump has every right to go after ‘thugs’ as Minneapolis burns media link media link media link
[010]Operation Project Flicker, PDF - 2009 report about 5000+ people working at the DOD engaged in childporn trafficking media link media link
[008]Secret Service have pushed journalists away from the Northwest exit as DC protesters come towards the White House.
[005]AP Comms?: Washington state has its first confirmed sighting of an Asian giant hornet this year. Dead hornet was a "queen" media link
[003]Beijing Hardens Resolve to Defy USA, Even While Calling for Cooperation… Threatens to Attack Taiwan
[002]Reports that Secret Service, DC police detained protestor for unknown reasons outside WH media link media link media link
[001]George Floyd has a gofundme currently sitting at 2.6 million dollars. They are asking for any money orders or checks to be sent to…Florida. media link media link media link