[343]Adam Housley tweets Wray will be fired and there will be other changes at FBI. Not sure when….but it is happening.
[339]Crazy Joy Reid Pushes the Lie: White Nationalists Are Behind the Mass Looting, Rioting of Black Lives Matter
[323]Art Caplan, NYU Professor and NBC correspondent wrote this in 2016. What did he know? Was this their plan all along?
[322]Dueling claims: Trump blames Antifa for riots, Minnesota officials point fingers at white supremacists and cartels
[321]Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik: FBI Must Investigate Who Is Funding Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorism’
[319]New Allegations Of Massive Corruption In Colombian Armed Forces And Threats Against Whistleblowers
[316]Video of the National Guard rolling down the street in #Atlanta. #AtlantaRiots #AtlantaProtest media link
[315]Portland, Oregon mayor declares state of emergency, imposes curfew as riots spread | Just The News
[314]Security expert says most of the hard-core protesters in Minneapolis are far-left or anarchists; far-right groups have not yet made significant appearance.
[311]Over 500 arrested during yesterday's LA protest. All but 18 released. More mayhem planned for today/tonight.
[310]Protesters break through barricades and come face-to-face with Secret Service near the White House
[308]Breaking via NBC: The FBI's top lawyer Dana Boente was asked to resign on Friday. The decision came from high levels of the Justice Dept.
[302]Antifa terrorista accused of throwing molotov cocktail at NYPD vehicle with cops inside, could be charged with attempted murder
[299]Tony Timpa was suffocated by police during an arrest..As he lay dead, they cracked jokes. There were no riots. He was white.
[298]Anon dig from 2002: During influenza epidemics, mortality rates among nursing home residents often exceed 5 percent.
[297]WASHINGTON (AP) — US authorities say killing of federal security officer during protest in Oakland, California, was domestic terrorism.
[292]AG Barr: "Violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchic far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics"
[282]New DJT: Much more "disinformation" coming out of CNN, MSDNC, NY Times, WA Post than any foreign country combined
[280]Seattle Police Dept WTF: Lawful demonstrations can't be recorded... also, body cams run out of batteries...
[276]DC clothesline: George Floyd was deliberately murdered, right on schedule to unleash race riots across America to cause even more chaos
[270]PAYBACK: Dr. Judy Mikovits Comes Out Swinging; Drops NEW Bombs on Dr. Fauci & CDC During Vicious Interview
[267]Michelle Obama playing up emotions and gaslighting: ‘I’m Exhausted By A Heartbreak That Never Seems To Stop’
[262]@greggutfeld twat: For the media and their political counterparts to finally accept that rioting and looting is bad, they had to decide on the acceptable group to blame
[245]The Gateway Pundit: From Past History: It’s Highly Likely the Groups Behind Today’s Riots are Domestic Terrorists
[241]Rioter arrested for attempted murder of 4 NYPD officers after throwing Molotov cocktail at police cruiser
[234]UN Human Rights Chief Demands US Takes "Serious Action" To Stop Killing Of Unarmed African-Americans
[223]@DineshDSouza twat: I'd call on the FBI to investigate the criminal conspiracy behind the organized riots, but Wray is too busy covering up political corruption
[220]POTUS trolling CNN: Here we go again. Fake News @CNN is blaming RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA ... P.S. Can’t blame China because they need the cash?
[215]@RepVernonJones twat: I refuse to allow a bunch of ANTIFA affiliated thugs to come to my beloved city of Atlanta and burn it to the ground
[211]DJT Jr twat: Thankful that these business owners have a 2nd Amendment so they can protect themselves and their businesses media link
[206]@CalebJHull twat: Antifa bros are the source of a lot of these [property destruction] issues media link
[203]Furious Reaction to Release of the Newly Declassified Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts, ‘Flynn Was Framed’
[202]Updated list of Major cities in the headlines with major riot activity (so called protesters):-gardenpathways.org
[187]Customs And Border Protection Reaper Drone Appears Over Minneapolis Protests-thedrive and Q drop #104
[186]POTUS warns White House protesters would have been met by 'vicious dogs', 'ominous weapons' if they breached fence-foxnews
[185]Declassified transcripts add to evidence that FBI had no legal basis to interview Michael Flynn-justthenews.com
[182]Catherine Herridge-#FLYNN Compare FBI summary 12/29/2016 call between Russian Ambassador Kislyak and GEN Flynn with six page declassified transcript obtained
[181]1,700 National Guardsmen expected in Minneapolis tonight; military police on alert after riots rage across US-foxnews
[180]China's 1st Home-Built Carrier Tests Weapons At Sea Amid 'No Off Ramp' Ratcheting US Tensions-zh
[179]POTUS calls out George Soros in all but name as responsible for the riots appearing all over the country the last 48 hrs
[178]New DJT twat w/CAP: Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService. They were not only totally professional, but very cool.
[177]The FBI says that a car approached the Oakland Federal Building around 9:45 pm, firing at contract security officers. Two Federal Protective Service were hit...
[174]Louise Mecsch Replying to @CBS_Herridge and @Dudeteronomy: Catherine, if I were you I would not side with Flynn or his son. Fair warning.
[172]Giulaiani twat w/CAP: This killing and now out-of-control riot, being copied in Democrat cities throughout US, are the result of Progressive Dem incompetent leadership...
[170]James Woods twat w/CAP: Looting Louis Vuitton store in Portland. Nothing screams justice like designer handbags.
[169]140 Republican Lawmakers Pile Onto Lawsuit Against Democrats Over Proxy Voting, File Injunctions On New Proxy Votes
[148], Breaking: Rioters have stormed the Multnomah County Justice Center in Portland, Oregon, and have set the building on fire.
[147]Oakland Police is investigating a shooting of two security guards around the Federal Building on Friday
[146], Oakland Police is investigating a shooting of two security guards around the Federal Building on Friday
[141]CNN anchor just said on live TV that the riots in MN were "entirely peaceful" and a "merry caravan" and then seconds later someone throws a bottle directly at him.
[140], CNN anchor just said on live TV that the riots in MN were "entirely peaceful" and a "merry caravan" and then seconds later someone throws a bottle directly at him.
[139]LAPD chopper circling above just announced an unlawful assembly has been declared and that the ENTIRE downtown area has been closed
[138], LAPD chopper circling above just announced an unlawful assembly has been declared and that the ENTIRE downtown area has been closed
[137]@SeattleFire twat: advising all downtown area business owners to immediately secure all open areas like outdoor seating areas, garages, dumpsters, and recycling bins as much as possible
[136], @SeattleFire twat: advising all downtown area business owners to immediately secure all open areas like outdoor seating areas, garages, dumpsters, and recycling bins as much as possible
[135]Pentagon takes rare step of putting military police on alert to go to embattled Minneapolis 'within hours'
[134], Pentagon takes rare step of putting military police on alert to go to embattled Minneapolis 'within hours'
[126]@adamhousley twat: A lot of confidence building in Texas US attorney John Bash's unmasking investigation
[125], @adamhousley twat: A lot of confidence building in Texas US attorney John Bash's unmasking investigation
[120]@Breaking911: GA governor declares state of emergency, will send 500 national guard troops to Atlanta
[119], @Breaking911: GA governor declares state of emergency, will send 500 national guard troops to Atlanta
[108]Supreme Court, splitting 5-4, rejects challenge from CA church to public gathering restrictions. Roberts joins liberal justices
[100]DJT RT: In Democrat cities you can get arrested for opening a business, but not for looting one.
[099]DJT RT from 2016: @TallahForTrump Trump spoke at my church in Detroit and it opened my eyes. Never again will I be a slave to the Democrats!
[098]Texas AG Ken Paxton: Trump is right and Twitter 'fact check' is wrong - mail-in ballot fraud is a real problem
[097]DJT RT: @Jim_Jordan: Twitter “fact checks” President Trump. Did they ever fact check Comey, Schiff, Clapper, CNN? Double standard!
[094]@TomFitton twat: LA County to remove up to 1.59 million "inactive" names from dirty voting rolls
[088]Minneapolis City Council member saying @GovTimWalz pulled out the Minnesota National Guard; or maybe not? some tweets deleted
[086]@IngrahamAngle asks @laralogan about Antifa operations taking place now. Can they be declared unlawful combatants?
[082]Anon may have found the "expert crime scene witness" Kenneth (Dusty) Rhodes who witnessed Lori Kluasutis autopsy
[076]Riot Police, National Guard 'Completely Abandon' Perimeter in Minneapolis, Chased Away by Protesters
[072]“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States" - George Soros, The Age of Fallibility
[071]Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell on Flynn transcripts: "There are No Words Sufficient to Convey Our Disgust and Disdain"
[068]Protesters in Washington D.C. have breached the Treasury Dept. complex and spray painted the area
[066]Transcripts: Kislyak Says Moscow Believes the Obama Administration expelled diplomats and imposed sanctions to target President-elect Trump
[063]FBI Director Wray Presided Over Multiple Russian FBI Probes; Has Millions in Cash Invested in Russia
[061]@BernardKerik (former NYC police commissioner): Antifa, BLM, etc have military grade communication systems. Who funds them? Investigate!
[055]Charging documents showed George Floyd's death did not "support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation"
[053]@theangiestanton twat: The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots media link
[052]Reminder: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study of 600+ US children (2017) shows that VACCINATED children have increased rates of ADHD, autism, and other conditions
[051]@brianstelter twat: What you're seeing live on CNN is vandalism in the lobby of CNN Center in Atlanta
[047]@RealMattCouch twat: I’m curious is CNN still calling them protestors now that they are about to burn the building to the ground in Atlanta…
[046]Murky messaging: Facebook allowed 'Death to America' advertising but censors US back-to-work rallies
[039]Twitter thread: "summary" of Flynn-Kislyak conversation doesn't accurately reflect its actual meaning
[037]CNN: Every white person has a (racism) virus in their brain that can be activated at any time. Anon request for POTUS to tweet this video out
[033]Transcripts show Flynn wanted to work with Russia against ISIS, Kislyak warned Trump 'Russiagate' was targeting HIM
[031]Secret Service personnel are currently assisting other law enforcement agencies during a demonstration in Lafayette Park.
[021]What are the words "box[ed] us in doing in the Flynn-Kislyak transcript AND in Joe Pientka's notes?
[018]"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Ed Butowsky vs. the Deep State" Anon + Seth Rich connection to Wikileaks
[015]Haters gonna hate: This morning Taylor Swift accused Trump of 'stoking the fires of white supremacy' to her 86 million followers
[012]DOJ/Barr Statement of Interest in Maine's Gov Janet Mills Constitutional infringement on Right to Travel.
[011]RT: Forget the race-baiting scare tactics, Trump has every right to go after ‘thugs’ as Minneapolis burns
[010]Operation Project Flicker, PDF - 2009 report about 5000+ people working at the DOD engaged in childporn trafficking
[008]Secret Service have pushed journalists away from the Northwest exit as DC protesters come towards the White House.
[005]AP Comms?: Washington state has its first confirmed sighting of an Asian giant hornet this year. Dead hornet was a "queen"
[003]Beijing Hardens Resolve to Defy USA, Even While Calling for Cooperation… Threatens to Attack Taiwan
[001]George Floyd has a gofundme currently sitting at 2.6 million dollars. They are asking for any money orders or checks to be sent to…Florida.