[369]Antifa groups in Portland, Ore. have announced a 6 p.m. gathering at Laurelhurst Park. This is a middle class residential neighborhood far from downtown
[368]Two High-Powered Brooklyn Lawyers Arrested, Face Federal Charges After Hurling Molotov Cocktails into Police Vehicle
[354]University of Minnesota cutting ties with the Minneapolis Police Department over the death of George Floyd
[349]DJT RT: Much more “disinformation” coming out of CNN, MSDNC, @nytimes and @washingtonpost than any foreign country, even combined. Fake News is the Enemy of the People!
[347]New DJT: Our National Guard stopped them cold last night (in MN). Should have been called up sooner!
[345]TN Gov @GovBillLee: Following last night’s unlawful incidents in Nashville, the National Guard will remain mobilized
[341]DJT RT: Crossing State lines to incite violence is a FEDERAL CRIME! Anon says "escalation of force" media link
[338]@Breaking911: Cops to seek to ID thugs who attacked elderly white couple protecting their business in Rochester, NY media link
[336]Shouts of “f—ing Nazi” as a mob chased a man yesterday in Columbia, S.C. and attacked him. #BlackLivesMatter #antifa media link
[333]POTUS RT: This isn't going to stop until the good guys are willing to use overwhelming force against the bad guys
[329]@drawandstrike: How does watching US Attorney William Barr unleash all 56 Joint Terrorism Task Force personnel from within every single FBI field office in America on Antifa make you feel today?
[328]@KarluskaP: Antifa 'mapping' started a long time ago: August 2017 "Justice Dept demanding user info on Anti-Trump website"
[320]LOOK HERE NOT THERE: China's Foreign Ministry Tweets "I Can't Breathe!" As America's Rivals Troll US Over Unrest
[319]@MajorPatriot: You are witnessing the wealth, power, stranglehold and influence of the Rothschild-Carnegie-Morgan-Rockefeller legacy
[315]@USAttyHuber: My partners and I are in lockstep with AG Barr. Time to confront and stop the violence
[314]@davidhogg111 MK ULTRA twat: The police are erupting in violence across the country on "PEACEFUL" protesters and the press
[300]Elon Musk’s wife Grimes is legally selling her soul in an upcoming art exhibition in Los Angeles
[297]Libtard news: Republicans played up fears of “ANTIFA” in order to justify repression and attempt to split the protesters along racial lines
[295]New DJT 5:5 STRENGTH! Quoted tweet: "We knew this moment would arrive. We are the calm before, during & after the storm."
[288]@IvankaTrump: "This is what the Lord said: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5
[261]Minnesota Governor’s Daughter Hope Walz Was Tweeting Out Intel to Violent Looters and Rioters Just Like Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Isra Hirsi
[219]Minnesota Dem Gov Tim Walz’s daughter Hope Walz tells twitter "the NG will not be there tonight"
[211]Minneapolis Cops shooting People with 'Crowd Control Ammo' for standing on their Porch media link
[204]"Cash is King. Cashflow is Everything!" Large Gold transfer occured early in the Corona crisis at the end of March
[199]Another Democratic Senate candidate with ties to China: AZ's Mark Kelly sat on advisory board for company that partnered with Chinese Tech Giant
[197]Neutral Publishing Platform Twitter displays black banner honouring the rioters, pillagers and domestic terrorists that are swarming America
[181]Something shady with AntiFa going down? Sketchy couple get caught switching their vehicle plates. media link
[165]An epidemiologist studied the hydroxychloroquine controversy and found that cardiac problems are very rare
[164], An epidemiologist studied the hydroxychloroquine controversy and found that cardiac problems are very rare
[159]Many states made it illegal for Antifa to wear masks. COVID-19 Scamdemic gave them the excuse to minimize facial recognition while they attack
[158], Many states made it illegal for Antifa to wear masks. COVID-19 Scamdemic gave them the excuse to minimize facial recognition while they attack
[155]Senator @PattyMurray (D, Washington): We can protect voters’ health and safety while also protecting our democracy and elections, in part, by expanding #VoteByMail in every state
[154], Senator @PattyMurray (D, Washington): We can protect voters’ health and safety while also protecting our democracy and elections, in part, by expanding #VoteByMail in every state
[151]@Breaking911: Multiple injuries reported after driver appears to target police squad cars in Denver
[150], @Breaking911: Multiple injuries reported after driver appears to target police squad cars in Denver
[137]Minnesota State Patrol just fired tear gas at reporters and photographers at point-blank range media link
[136], Minnesota State Patrol just fired tear gas at reporters and photographers at point-blank range media link
[135]@Breaking911 twat: Ferguson, Missouri police department evacuated after coming under attack by rioters
[134], @Breaking911 twat: Ferguson, Missouri police department evacuated after coming under attack by rioters
[130], Random large pallet of bricks; no construction nearby? (Fayetteville, NC this time) media link
[126]National guard or police (?) firing on residents in Whittier residential neighborhood of Minneapolis media link
[125], National guard or police (?) firing on residents in Whittier residential neighborhood of Minneapolis media link
[122]Cheesecake Factory in Downtown Seattle was looted and @KIRO7Seattle caught someone walking away with an entire cheesecake media link
[121], Cheesecake Factory in Downtown Seattle was looted and @KIRO7Seattle caught someone walking away with an entire cheesecake media link
[118]California activates National Guard: Governor Newsom has authorized assistance after a request from LA City and County
[117], California activates National Guard: Governor Newsom has authorized assistance after a request from LA City and County
[103]Fed up Minneapolis Woman Gives Interview That Every Riot Apologist in the Mainstream Media Should Watch
[101]The question of"why would anyone need an AR-15?" is being answered in every city tonight - Mancow, Gutfeld mirrors sentiment
[058]BREAKING: Journalist Tom Aviles has been arrested while covering protests in Minneapolis media link
[057]American Journal of Epidemiology urges outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine regimen for COVID-19
[047]Might have to change our lingo? Trump apparently hates the term 'tweet' b/c it sounds "juvenile". Prefers "message"
[045]Friendly Reminder: if you can loot in person, you can vote in person!; anon calls for POTUS to retweet
[036]‘I can land the plane’: How Rosenstein tried to mollify Trump, protect Mueller and save his job (2019 article, RR testifying this Wednesday)
[034]Clarifying lb notable: It was an undercover officer that disarmed man who took rifle from police vehicle at Seattle protest
[030]Sophie Trudeau’s cousin alleges a wide-ranging Liberal Party cover-up to protect pedophile officials (article from May 2)
[027]Rioters just found an AR-15 in an abandoned police car and a hero immediately pulled his gun and disarmed him. media link
[025]Trudeau: Canadians watching US unrest and police violence in 'shock and horror'. About to spill over the border?
[021]MINN. GOVERNOR & MAYOR LIED: Jail records Show Most (38 of 44) Arrested in Minneapolis Riots Live in Minnesota