[331]Coresite Realty Grp sold by Carlyle Grp: $249.11m-May 28 media link media link media link media link
[329]Former Chinese official extradited to the United States to face charges of laundering millions of dollars of stolen money media link
[328]Taiwan Eyeing US-Made Anti-Ship Missiles for Coastal Defense, Despite Beijing’s Disapproval media link media link
[326]Trump Leaves White House on Foot as Military Police Clash With Protesters in Nearby Park media link
[324]Army Vet Lawmaker: Invoke Insurrection Act, Deploy Active-Duty Troops to Riots media link media link
[319]BREAKING: Convicted felon Tondrique Fitzgerald, 23, was just arrested by Specialized Investigations Division detectives on charges of aggravated rioting & felony vandalism for Saturday's attack on the Historic Courthouse. media link
[318]POTUS left at 6:50pm and pool was asked to quickly move to the briefing room for an announcement. media link
[317]Sources: park rangers are clearing Lafayette Park (with tear gas) because President Trump is going to walk to St. John’s church from the White House soon media link
[311]Redpilling video to counter Epstein/Trump Netflix documentary claims (Trump was the only one to meet with victims' attorney, shared helpful info) media link media link
[308]The economist who’s warning of a 40% drop in the stock market this year just took credit for """predicting""" the riots media link
[307]Senior defense official says forces at WH are DC NG. NOT active duty MP. 2nd senior def. official said 250 MPs from Fort Bragg, NC are arriving media link
[306]@KamalaHarris is Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorist: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund media link
[305]AG Barr confirms Durham’s investigation of the Trump-Russia investigators includes deep dive into 2017 IC assessment on Russian interference media link
[304]CBP personnel have deployed to the National Capital Region to assist law enforcement partners media link
[303]Terrorist supporter using his twitter (blue check) to warn criminals of LEO movements media link media link
[302]Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorist, AOC helping rioters: Warns them to 'cover identifying tattoos' media link media link
[301]BREAKING: POTUS to speak at 6:30PM, Bill Barr outside the WH media link media link media link media link media link
[299]Beijing Retaliates: Trade Deal On Verge Of Collapse As China Halts Some US Farm Imports media link
[296]Flynn Judge’s Lawyer Files Response to District Court – Says Flynn Can Defend Himself Against Independent Accusations By Court media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[293][GS] owns huge amounts of stock in Target & Auto Zone - INSURANCE FRAUD ALERT media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[291]Based Matt Gaetz tweets on hunting down Antifa terrorists like we hunt down terrorists in Middle East media link media link
[288]Louisville Chief of Police fired cop involved in shooting death of David McAtee media link media link
[287]Philadelphia pf report + police officers taking a knee with protestors at City Hall media link media link
[285]Moar and moar reports of pallets of bricks magically materializing in riot-torn cities media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[284]FBI seeking information & digital media depicting individuals inciting violence during First Amendment protected peaceful demonstrations: fbi.gov/violence media link
[282]Antifa Domestic Terrorism Supporter MN gov blamed right-wing 'white supremacists' for violence — now the truth comes out media link
[281]Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) Leads Colleagues in Submitting Amicus Brief on Behalf of General Michael Flynn media link
[273]Investigators probe if ANTIFA AND far-right extremists are deliberately stoking violence at protests
[269]TX Gov. Abbot announces federal prosecution for protest agitators violating federal law media link
[261]Continued digs into Orooj, Molotov cocktail terrorist media link media link media link media link media link
[256]Domestic Terrorism Failing for Dems? YES: Dallas County reports 228 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths
[255]Sheriff: People in Polk County like guns, have guns, I encourage them to own guns… And if you try to break into their homes I recommend they blow you back out of the house with their guns media link
[254]‘Anonymous’ Hijacks Chicago Police Radios to Play NWA’s ‘F*ck The Police’ During Protests media link media link media link media link media link
[253]Basim Omar Sabri: 'Sabri family dominance' over Somali-American merchants in Minneapolis. Invests heavily in real estate. Also funds Ilhan Omar and Hamas. media link media link media link media link
[252]Bombshell: Antifa Are Receiving Military Training from ISIS in Syria media link media link media link
[251]VIDEO: Omaha Bar Owner Shoots Protester Who Was Assaulting Him, Won’t Face Charges; Leftists Vow To Burn Bar Down
[249]THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL: Rioters Set Fire to Home with Child Inside, Then Block Firefighters media link media link
[247]OANN Reporter Chanel Rion to Kayleigh McEnany: Will Trump Administration Investigate Members of Congress for Support or Ties to Antifa
[246]"Judicial Watch President @tomfitton: "#HillaryClinton will appear in court TOMORROW to avoid court-ordered deposition." Read: http://jwatch.us/1XtqBb" media link
[245]"If I'm not over here blowing up stuff, if I'm not here messing up my community, what are you all doing?"—Terrence Floyd (brother of George Floyd). media link
[244]Totally organic, not planned at all: Dozens Of New Cars Stolen From Dodge Dealership During San Leandro Looting
[242]Multiple reports now on pallets of Bricks being dropped off in suburban neighborhood's. media link
[238]As first reported by Kayleigh McEnany at today's presser: Governors activate 17,000 National Guardsmen in 23 states and DC amid riots media link
[237]The first NASA astronauts launched by SpaceX have captured the flag left behind at the International Space Station by the last shuttle crew. media link
[235]Popular UK Runescape streamer Boaty donated 10k to support a Domestic Terrorist group in the US and is banning anyone who calls him out on it. media link
[234]'Determined to wreak havoc': Bellevue looting was organized event, police say media link media link media link media link media link
[233]Digs: Almallah Rasmi, Omar Investments Inc, shady company associated w/ El Nuevo Rodeo, workplace of Chauvin + Floyd
[231]National Guard involved in at least two shootings, one fatal, in response to protests throughout US media link
[229]Formula One Group bought by Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:$85.82m-May27-29 media link media link media link
[226]Anon on Gov. Murphy's handling of NJ riots media link media link media link media link media link
[225]Anon's call to dig: "Molotov" lawyer, Urooj Rahman, part of War Resisters League? (logo in shape of triangle)
[224]JW tweet: FB oversight board that decides which posts get blocked is stacked with leftists including close friend of GS media link
[222]Audio of President Trump Call With Governors on Riots; Media Says ‘Unhinged’, Listen and Decide media link
[220]BREAKING: New York City to impose curfew, Gov. Cuomo says, adds NYPD will double force to about 8,000 officers - WNBC media link
[219]US Cop Charged in George Floyd Killing Transferred to New Facility After Suicide Watch Reports media link
[218]Domestic Terrorism Supporter and Minnesota AG Keith Ellison to take lead in George Floyd case media link
[216]Armed Patriot in cowboy hat kicks looters out of his cigar store in Bellevue like it's the Wild Wild West media link
[214]‘Let’s not excuse violence’: Barack Obama forgets his ENTIRE presidency and argues riots should lead to voting Democrat media link media link media link
[212]BREAKING: Independent autopsy finds that George Floyd's death was "homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain." media link
[211]Michigan Democrat Party Chair stoking racial tensions: ‘If You Support Donald Trump, You Are a Racist’ media link media link
[209]Facebook, quite literally, wants to hear your thoughts - has a new patent for "subvocalized speech recognition glasses." media link
[208]WIRE: Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer lifting state's stay-at-home order effective next week media link
[207]Fairfax County Democrats Call Riots ‘Part of This Country’s March Towards Progress’; UPDATE: Tweet Deleted media link
[206]Let It Xi: Former Beatles Manager Paid Millions to Boost Chinese Regime in U.S. media link media link
[205]Univ. of Alabama Prof Coaches Rioters on How to Destroy Birmingham Monument media link media link media link media link media link
[204]The Biden Agenda: Killing Jobs, Killing Babies, Praising Rioters media link media link media link
[201]Two active-duty airmen killed in shooting incident at Grand Forks Air Force Base media link media link
[200]Teen Vogue Magazine Hails Antifa: A Group That ‘aspires toward creating a better world’ media link media link media link media link media link
[196]US Considers New Weapons for Saudi Arabia as Kingdom Renews Yemen Border Bombings media link media link media link
[189]Thousands Gather for Black Lives Matter Demo in Front of US Embasssy in Denmark media link media link
[188]PICS: Antifa, Black Lives Matter Flood London Despite Lockdown, Police Do Little media link media link media link media link media link
[187]Potus: Anarchists, we see you! 17 second vid, they got the perp media link media link media link media link
[183]Trump Calls Out “Weak” Governors on Riots: Says You Have to Dominate Rioters, Arrest People, Put Them In Jail for Ten Years media link media link media link media link
[181]A former member of the #Antifa movement, Gabriel Nadales says it's not actually one "organization," but an umbrella term media link media link
[178]Ready for war? Largest Chinese base has full-scale model of Taiwan’s presidential palace media link
[177]Q's MSDNC video footage screen grabs are a bad bad hoax done by a guy named "Bad Scooter" media link media link
[174]Australia Concerned Over 'Maritime Militia' in S China Sea Ahead of Major Defence Pact With India media link
[172]Gov Pritzker confronting Trump per source: “I have been extraordinarily concerned with the rhetoric coming out of WH media link
[170]riot news media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[167]ABC: Attorney General Barr directs Bureau of Prisons to send riot teams to Washington-soc media media link
[166]Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has announced a 2-day curfew beginning at 7pm Monday evening-soc media
[163]Frisco, TX. There have been groups organizing “protests” in Frisco for 5PM this evening-soc media dupe but this titled media link media link media link media link media link
[156]George Floyd Officer Derek Chauvin who are these men media link media link media link media link media link
[147]4c6f12d6-ed8b-40d7-be05-d55c146696d3 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[146]dc044ffb-f985-44ed-84df-eb355b3ceeac media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[145]85878a80-324d-4640-98d1-7e061311dea3 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[144]ef916ad0-393b-45fe-aa6b-ce68a521de22 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[143]November 3rd decode POTUS Tweet media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[142]Pro-Trump Georgia Democrat calls out antifa 'looters and hoodlums' who hijacked Atlanta protests media link
[139]America Wakes Up After A Night Of Chaos And Destruction: 1,700 Rioters Arrested In Three Days media link
[137]Nashville PD: Specialized Investigations Division detectives & SWAT officers moments ago arrested Wesley Somers, 25, on charges of felony arson... media link
[134]Roger Stone: Now That I’m Ungagged, I’d Like To Say A Few Things About My Prosecution media link
[131]Man Charged with 9 Felonies in Bridge Shooting Stopped by Soldier media link media link media link
[130]New DJT twat w/CAP: “These were the people that trashed Seattle years ago. Who’s paying for these people. I was appalled that 13 of Joe Biden’s staff... media link
[129]WikiLeaks founderJulian Assange misses UK hearingdue to being too “unwell,” says lawyer media link
[128]New DJT twat w/CAP: “I don’t see any indication that there were any white supremest groups mixing in... anon catches misspelling: aci = CIA? media link media link
[122]AG Barr announces Stephen J. Cox as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas media link media link media link
[120]Inept boss ignored warnings at Vet's PA nursing home media link media link media link media link media link
[119]Minnesota AG Jeremiah Ellison's son declares support for Antifa media link media link media link media link
[115]Ritter Family, Peacable Partners & Bruce Ritter II: Dig on media link media link media link media link media link
[109]Antifa Bail Relief Funds list & Antifa Acct Checker: Dig media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[108]Ritter Family, Peacable Partners & Bruce Ritter I: Dig on media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[107]TX: Police use tear gas to disperse protesters blocking West 7th Street Bridge in Fort Worth (WFAA) media link
[100]Tweets from US Army Europe: "When the unbelievable happens" ... and a hidden 17 media link media link media link media link
[099]Photos of non-rioting protesters in Long Beach CA (is possible way to protest) media link media link media link
[098]FBI’s Top Lawyer Boente Gets The Ax — DOJ Goes Over Wray’s Head to Sack Boss & Top Confidant of Rod Rosenstein
[097]In case you missed it, @HillaryClinton went on Rachel Maddow's dumb show and publicly called for the CCP to assist the Democratic party to take down @realDonaldTrump. media link media link
[092]Protesters continue to stumble upon pallets full of bricks where there is no construction going on. media link
[090]Police in #Minneapolis are slowly arresting everyone. There are about 100 #protesters. media link
[089]There has been an LAPD Officer-Involved Shooting in the area of Melrose Ave & North Wilton Place
[083]Videos continue to surface showing protesters stumbling upon pallets of bricks or pavers in areas with no construction taking place
[082]NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is now blaming the riots on President Trump saying he “helped to create” the “atmosphere” for them. media link
[077]Gretchen Whitmer Silent After Governor’s Office Attacked by Rioters media link media link media link
[072]Chinese President Xi Jinping has ridden roughshod over the Joint Declaration and directly threatened the city’s freedom media link
[071]Portland Police Are DONE With Rioting BS: Volleys Of Flash Bangs And Tear Gas Fly Through The Streets media link media link media link media link
[070]Bellevue declares civil emergency, police chief says gang members responsible for looting media link media link media link
[069]Federal Prosecutors Arrest St. Louis Man for Distributing Information to Create Napalm Following George Floyd’s Death media link
[068]The Secretary of The Army at the request of the president becomes the Governor of D.C. And has activated the National Guard media link media link media link
[066]BREAKING: The guardhouse at the #WhiteHouse has been set on fire. The police rushed forward and gassed protestors media link
[065]Crowds on Demand: Interesting business from a California Democrat media link media link media link
[064]Denver cops busted for doing drive-by shootings of anti-police brutality protesters media link media link media link
[062]President Trump has just appointed the Secretary of The Army as Governor of DC. National Guard now activated. -according to twatterer (prob should wait for sauce) media link
[061]BOSTON: SUV Careens Through Crowd Of Rioters, Police Move In With Tear Gas, Cars Ablaze, National Guard Called In media link media link media link media link
[058]PapaD twat says 'Rosenstein is testifying publicly June 3rd. The next day, the senate votes to subpoena Obama WH and DOJ officials.' - we'll see... media link
[057]Chris Palmer's epic 'Burn it Down' then "they tryin go climn our gates!!" twats media link media link
[055]OC Antifa - flips the script!! 3 year UC Op? -anon archived, twitter already suspended account media link media link media link media link media link media link
[054]US Marshals & DEA agents called in to assist local law enforcement in Washington D.C. - breaking911 twat media link
[053]Pittsburgh Police say 20 year old Brian Jordan Bartles is the man who incited riots in downtown #Pittsburgh yesterday, vandalized a police cruiser, and set it on fire. media link media link media link
[051]Lights that usually illuminate the exterior of the White House have been turned off media link media link media link
[046]Antifa members painting black lives matter on buildings of cities they don’t even live in media link
[039]Son of MN's AG: 'I hereby declare, officially, my support for ANTIFA' (Fox) media link media link media link media link media link
[036]Rubio: “terror groups on BOTH far left and right are instigating, committing acts of violence and looting” media link media link media link media link media link
[035]Nashville SWAT officers arrested Wesley Somers, 25, for setting fire to Nashville's Historic Courthouse media link media link media link
[034]Kek: James Woods twat, Either we will see sick Dems or COVID is not what they claimed media link
[020]IT SEEMS peaceful protestors are ABSOLUTELY sick of ANTIFA and their ANARCHICAL DESTRUCTION so they’re now capturing and turning them over to police!!! media link media link
[018]“TAKE HIS ASS!” Rioter causing damage is detained & handed over to police by peaceful protesters in D.C. media link
[017]patriots united against the black masks - Luke Rudowski says people are making citizens arrests media link
[013]DeAnna4Congress is funny - 'somewhere Dr Fauci is screaming - "we must limit the stores to 10 looters at a time" media link
[011]anon provides link to google docs of all the bail funds by city - Can we figure out who's funding these? Get them reported as aiding terrorists? media link
[010]Wisconsin city refuses to arrest rioters, but hands out hefty fines to churches with more than 50 worshipers media link media link media link
[009]Is Martin Weissgerber the antifa guy in video handing out money and directing protestors? (spec for now - dig worthy if youre bored) media link
[004]anons dig on twatterers bail numbers twat - National Lawyers Guild media link media link media link media link media link