[329]Former Chinese official extradited to the United States to face charges of laundering millions of dollars of stolen money
[319]BREAKING: Convicted felon Tondrique Fitzgerald, 23, was just arrested by Specialized Investigations Division detectives on charges of aggravated rioting & felony vandalism for Saturday's attack on the Historic Courthouse.
[318]POTUS left at 6:50pm and pool was asked to quickly move to the briefing room for an announcement.
[317]Sources: park rangers are clearing Lafayette Park (with tear gas) because President Trump is going to walk to St. John’s church from the White House soon
[311]Redpilling video to counter Epstein/Trump Netflix documentary claims (Trump was the only one to meet with victims' attorney, shared helpful info)
[308]The economist who’s warning of a 40% drop in the stock market this year just took credit for """predicting""" the riots
[307]Senior defense official says forces at WH are DC NG. NOT active duty MP. 2nd senior def. official said 250 MPs from Fort Bragg, NC are arriving
[306]@KamalaHarris is Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorist: "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund
[305]AG Barr confirms Durham’s investigation of the Trump-Russia investigators includes deep dive into 2017 IC assessment on Russian interference
[302]Aiding and Abetting Domestic Terrorist, AOC helping rioters: Warns them to 'cover identifying tattoos'
[296]Flynn Judge’s Lawyer Files Response to District Court – Says Flynn Can Defend Himself Against Independent Accusations By Court
[291]Based Matt Gaetz tweets on hunting down Antifa terrorists like we hunt down terrorists in Middle East
[284]FBI seeking information & digital media depicting individuals inciting violence during First Amendment protected peaceful demonstrations: fbi.gov/violence
[282]Antifa Domestic Terrorism Supporter MN gov blamed right-wing 'white supremacists' for violence — now the truth comes out
[281]Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) Leads Colleagues in Submitting Amicus Brief on Behalf of General Michael Flynn
[273]Investigators probe if ANTIFA AND far-right extremists are deliberately stoking violence at protests
[256]Domestic Terrorism Failing for Dems? YES: Dallas County reports 228 new coronavirus cases, no new deaths
[255]Sheriff: People in Polk County like guns, have guns, I encourage them to own guns… And if you try to break into their homes I recommend they blow you back out of the house with their guns
[253]Basim Omar Sabri: 'Sabri family dominance' over Somali-American merchants in Minneapolis. Invests heavily in real estate. Also funds Ilhan Omar and Hamas.
[251]VIDEO: Omaha Bar Owner Shoots Protester Who Was Assaulting Him, Won’t Face Charges; Leftists Vow To Burn Bar Down
[247]OANN Reporter Chanel Rion to Kayleigh McEnany: Will Trump Administration Investigate Members of Congress for Support or Ties to Antifa
[246]"Judicial Watch President @tomfitton: "#HillaryClinton will appear in court TOMORROW to avoid court-ordered deposition." Read: http://jwatch.us/1XtqBb"
[245]"If I'm not over here blowing up stuff, if I'm not here messing up my community, what are you all doing?"—Terrence Floyd (brother of George Floyd).
[244]Totally organic, not planned at all: Dozens Of New Cars Stolen From Dodge Dealership During San Leandro Looting
[238]As first reported by Kayleigh McEnany at today's presser: Governors activate 17,000 National Guardsmen in 23 states and DC amid riots
[237]The first NASA astronauts launched by SpaceX have captured the flag left behind at the International Space Station by the last shuttle crew.
[235]Popular UK Runescape streamer Boaty donated 10k to support a Domestic Terrorist group in the US and is banning anyone who calls him out on it.
[233]Digs: Almallah Rasmi, Omar Investments Inc, shady company associated w/ El Nuevo Rodeo, workplace of Chauvin + Floyd
[231]National Guard involved in at least two shootings, one fatal, in response to protests throughout US
[225]Anon's call to dig: "Molotov" lawyer, Urooj Rahman, part of War Resisters League? (logo in shape of triangle)
[224]JW tweet: FB oversight board that decides which posts get blocked is stacked with leftists including close friend of GS
[220]BREAKING: New York City to impose curfew, Gov. Cuomo says, adds NYPD will double force to about 8,000 officers - WNBC
[216]Armed Patriot in cowboy hat kicks looters out of his cigar store in Bellevue like it's the Wild Wild West
[214]‘Let’s not excuse violence’: Barack Obama forgets his ENTIRE presidency and argues riots should lead to voting Democrat
[212]BREAKING: Independent autopsy finds that George Floyd's death was "homicide caused by asphyxia due to neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain."
[211]Michigan Democrat Party Chair stoking racial tensions: ‘If You Support Donald Trump, You Are a Racist’
[209]Facebook, quite literally, wants to hear your thoughts - has a new patent for "subvocalized speech recognition glasses."
[207]Fairfax County Democrats Call Riots ‘Part of This Country’s March Towards Progress’; UPDATE: Tweet Deleted
[183]Trump Calls Out “Weak” Governors on Riots: Says You Have to Dominate Rioters, Arrest People, Put Them In Jail for Ten Years
[181]A former member of the #Antifa movement, Gabriel Nadales says it's not actually one "organization," but an umbrella term media link
[174]Australia Concerned Over 'Maritime Militia' in S China Sea Ahead of Major Defence Pact With India
[172]Gov Pritzker confronting Trump per source: “I have been extraordinarily concerned with the rhetoric coming out of WH
[166]Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has announced a 2-day curfew beginning at 7pm Monday evening-soc media
[163]Frisco, TX. There have been groups organizing “protests” in Frisco for 5PM this evening-soc media dupe but this titled
[142]Pro-Trump Georgia Democrat calls out antifa 'looters and hoodlums' who hijacked Atlanta protests
[137]Nashville PD: Specialized Investigations Division detectives & SWAT officers moments ago arrested Wesley Somers, 25, on charges of felony arson...
[130]New DJT twat w/CAP: “These were the people that trashed Seattle years ago. Who’s paying for these people. I was appalled that 13 of Joe Biden’s staff...
[128]New DJT twat w/CAP: “I don’t see any indication that there were any white supremest groups mixing in... anon catches misspelling: aci = CIA?
[107]TX: Police use tear gas to disperse protesters blocking West 7th Street Bridge in Fort Worth (WFAA)
[098]FBI’s Top Lawyer Boente Gets The Ax — DOJ Goes Over Wray’s Head to Sack Boss & Top Confidant of Rod Rosenstein
[097]In case you missed it, @HillaryClinton went on Rachel Maddow's dumb show and publicly called for the CCP to assist the Democratic party to take down @realDonaldTrump. media link
[092]Protesters continue to stumble upon pallets full of bricks where there is no construction going on.
[089]There has been an LAPD Officer-Involved Shooting in the area of Melrose Ave & North Wilton Place
[083]Videos continue to surface showing protesters stumbling upon pallets of bricks or pavers in areas with no construction taking place
[082]NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is now blaming the riots on President Trump saying he “helped to create” the “atmosphere” for them.
[072]Chinese President Xi Jinping has ridden roughshod over the Joint Declaration and directly threatened the city’s freedom
[071]Portland Police Are DONE With Rioting BS: Volleys Of Flash Bangs And Tear Gas Fly Through The Streets
[069]Federal Prosecutors Arrest St. Louis Man for Distributing Information to Create Napalm Following George Floyd’s Death
[068]The Secretary of The Army at the request of the president becomes the Governor of D.C. And has activated the National Guard
[066]BREAKING: The guardhouse at the #WhiteHouse has been set on fire. The police rushed forward and gassed protestors media link
[062]President Trump has just appointed the Secretary of The Army as Governor of DC. National Guard now activated. -according to twatterer (prob should wait for sauce)
[061]BOSTON: SUV Careens Through Crowd Of Rioters, Police Move In With Tear Gas, Cars Ablaze, National Guard Called In
[058]PapaD twat says 'Rosenstein is testifying publicly June 3rd. The next day, the senate votes to subpoena Obama WH and DOJ officials.' - we'll see...
[054]US Marshals & DEA agents called in to assist local law enforcement in Washington D.C. - breaking911 twat
[053]Pittsburgh Police say 20 year old Brian Jordan Bartles is the man who incited riots in downtown #Pittsburgh yesterday, vandalized a police cruiser, and set it on fire.
[036]Rubio: “terror groups on BOTH far left and right are instigating, committing acts of violence and looting”
[035]Nashville SWAT officers arrested Wesley Somers, 25, for setting fire to Nashville's Historic Courthouse
[020]IT SEEMS peaceful protestors are ABSOLUTELY sick of ANTIFA and their ANARCHICAL DESTRUCTION so they’re now capturing and turning them over to police!!! media link
[018]“TAKE HIS ASS!” Rioter causing damage is detained & handed over to police by peaceful protesters in D.C.
[013]DeAnna4Congress is funny - 'somewhere Dr Fauci is screaming - "we must limit the stores to 10 looters at a time"
[011]anon provides link to google docs of all the bail funds by city - Can we figure out who's funding these? Get them reported as aiding terrorists?
[010]Wisconsin city refuses to arrest rioters, but hands out hefty fines to churches with more than 50 worshipers
[009]Is Martin Weissgerber the antifa guy in video handing out money and directing protestors? (spec for now - dig worthy if youre bored)