[271]Official BLM twitter advocates overthrow of the government: "WH is not Donald Trump's house, it's time to take it back"
[268]Crowd goes crazy as Senator Warren, her husband and her dog walk through the protesters in front of White House a half hour before curfew
[260]Blizzard servers are DOWN due to DDOS attack half an hour ago. Reminder Soros is an investor in Blizzard, used it for Star Wars comms
[259]Leftie Gov. Cooper kills RNC Convention in Charlotte due to COVID-19 - then goes and marches with leftist mob in street
[258]Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee authorized deployment of 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, TN National Guard, and support to DC NG
[257]Today, on the 41st anniversary of Pope John Paul Il’s first pilgrimage to Poland, @Potus signed an Executive Order supporting International Religious Freedom.
[256]Mika putting vodka in her coffee again "Text me Qu for Pelosi"... Farm anchor Antifa terrorist comms
[254]GoFundMe has decided to fund Antifa, committing $500,000 to bail fund for those arrested at violent protests and riots
[251]The Lancet reverses course and publishes an "Expression of Concern" on hydroxychrloroquine paper published 2 weeks ago which says "no benefit" on covid-19
[250]Timothy O’Donnell, Wearing Joker Mask, Charged With Torching Chicago Police Car During Weekend’s Protest Violence
[248]Antifa member is a complete and utter pussy over a tiny piece of shrapnel in his leg (video) media link
[246]Video of 77 year old retired St. Louis chief dying on the ground + more info on person who recorded video media link
[245]SHOCKING: Blackout of reporting and analysis on Online Censorship EO since it was signed 5 days ago
[243]Developing: 2 crates filled with pipe bombs discovered near Korean War Memorial in DC after suspects spotted in bushes.
[241]Vid: ANTIFA terrorists & looters pretending they believe “black lives matter”—while they destroy African-American communities. media link
[240]Rep. Engel (D-NY) on hot mic, begs for speaking time at NY protest event: ‘If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care'
[234]FLYNN CASE: NEWS: federal appeals court panel in DC hearing Flynn's petition to have his guilty plea immediately nixed have set oral arguments for Friday, June 12.
[231]John Solomon says Americans should pay close attention to whatRR has to say before the Senate tomorrow, about his conversations with McCabe and Comey.
[230]BREAKING: 2 crates filled with pipe bombs discovered near Korean War Memorial in DC after suspects spotted in bushes. Federal assets in pursuit
[224]A group getting millions in state tax money is leading Madison's protests and calling for defunding of police departments
[223]DOJ considering federal ‘color of law’ prosecution of officer accused in Floyd death | Just The News
[222]US Park Police chief says USPP & Secret Service found "baseball bats & metal poles hidden along the street" near the White House.
[217]Wilton Gregory, Roman Catholic archbishop of Washington, D.C., apparently did not check with the St. Pope John Paul, II National Shrine before blasting the president's visit
[213]IL Gov. Pritzker: God Is on the Side of the Protesters Cleared Out of Lafayette Square During Trump Church Visit
[211]Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton to Testify before the House Judiciary Committee about Protecting the Right to Vote
[208]President Trump reposted a fox news video where they mentioned George Soros was behind the protests, and he should be deported.
[206]Department of Justice Awards Nearly $400 Million for Law Enforcement Hiring to Advance Community Policing
[200]'Random Piles of Bricks' Magically Appearing at Protests While Agitators Hand Out Cash to Rioters
[196]One of Bishop Mariann Budde's son, Amos Budde, worked for Obama for America and she participated in Obama's anti-gun agenda
[193]DC ArchBishop Gregory Lashes Out at President Trump for Visiting John Paul II Shrine and Lies About Tear Gas Attacks on Protesters
[181]During a presser in the Bronx, @RepEliotEngel heard on hot mic asking "If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care." media link
[172]Vice President Joe Biden blamed police for “escalating[ing] tension” across the nation in a speech
[167]Seattle Mayor Jenny says POTUS "has lost his mind" and vows to "fight any steps to use the military"
[161]Protester Arrested in Chicago After Filming Himself Handing Out Bombs at MN Riots and Posting on Facebook
[160]NY Gov Cuomo Blasts De Blasio For "Underestimating Problem," May Overrule NYC Mayor On National Guard Call
[159]If the rioters are “far-right white supremacists” why are liberal Hollywood elites bailing them out?
[157]Riots, looting, AND the potential for landfall of a tropical depression/storm/hurricane by Friday?
[155]HAPPENING NOW: Pres. Trump visits St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. vid media link
[148]When asked if he will bring in the National Guard, de Blasio answered with a defiant and condescending tone "NO!"
[143]NY Governor Cuomo threatens to "displace" NY Mayor Deblasio and bring in the National Guard. Says the Mayor and the NYPD failed last night-B911
[140]moar on nikilodean:Ousted Nickelodeon Producer Rumored to Have Abused Actresses, Received $7 Million Payout-from 2018
[128]Herridge Tweet: NSA may capture it all, but we need to do our part to help identify perpetrators.
[118]De Blasio: NYC ‘Fully Under Control and Overwhelmingly Calm and Peaceful’ – Extends Tuesday Curfew to 8 p.m
[117]In Providence, Rhode Island this business was set on fire by rioters while a resident was upstairs. You can see her in the window in this video... media link
[113]Polk, FL Sherrif Judd: "if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns."
[110]New DJT twta w/CAP: Congressman Mike Simpson (@MikeSimpson4ID) is a tremendous champion for Idaho!...
[109]New DJT twta w/CAP: D.C. had no problems last night. Many arrests. Great job done by all. Overwhelming force...
[107]Lisa Page: "...I wrote a few mean texts four years ago and have been rained down with insults and attacks ever since. But I'm the fucking coup plotter."
[102]KEK: Protesters chant “Let us leave! Let us leave!” Police have them trapped on 15th & Swann ST. Bonus Kek included.
[101]Tom Fitton: Seditious conspiracy. Bus searched: found bats, rocks, meat cleavers, axes, clubs & other projectiles.
[100]JUDGES ORDER ON HRC DEPOSITION. Federal Court Judge Ordered Hillary to Undergo a Deposition today 9:30EST. what will be her excuse this time?
[097]those brick pallets? Any coincidence that Berkshire Hathaway owns ACME BRICK COMPANY? media link
[092]St. Louis Police: update on 4 of our officers who were struck by gunfire tonight during the downtown unrest.
[087]Seattle, WA: police arrest a protestor using the same knee-on-neck technique used to murder #GeorgeFloyd media link
[086]@GovSisolak Today, I released the following statement in response to President Donald Trump “strongly recommending” that all Governors “deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets.”
[080]The FBI is investigating people inspired by “kind of an Antifa ideology,” bureau Director Christopher Wray said Thursday.
[078]Rarest WWII surrender documents in auction for COVID-19 relief. Entire proceeds are being donated to... Guess WHO?
[076]Louisville police chief ‘fired’ month before retirement after cops' body cameras in protest shooting found to be inactive
[075]Michigan Sheriffs' Assoc.Issued statement on George Floyd, but does NOT condemn or discourage the rioting.
[066]Police Chief Breaks Down After Describing how rioters torched home with children inside and then blocked fire department.These people are evil #AntifaDomesticTerrorists media link
[063]Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of Defense Mark @EsperDoD— walking the streets of Washington, D.C. tonight, visiting police lines… media link
[062]US DOJ says court is obliged by law to comply with department’s request to drop Michael Flynn case
[055]Here are NYPD officers standing down during tonight's looting festivities, obviously due to orders on high. NYPD now stands for Neglecting Your Property Damage…
[053]Downtown St. Louis is experiencing fires at multiple locations. Many small bonfire type in the middle of streets or parking lots.
[039]Gov. Cuomo Goes on CNN, Trashes Trump for Calling Out Military to Crush Leftist Mobs and Looters — As Looters Wipe Out Fifth Avenue in NY City
[038]New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Ducks Out on Approaching Looting Protest Mob in Midtown - Afraid he might run into his daughter? kek
[037]WA NG - Brig. Gen. Bryan Grenon, in his capacity as a @SeattlePD officer talks with @komonews about why he took a knee with protestors. -vid media link
[036]Police ran over by black SUV in Buffalo NY, update on status of PD ran over in Buffalo media link media link