[278]Feds investigating whether criminal actors exerting 'command and control' over unrest as bricks thrown at cops
[276]Defense Secretary Mark Esper Says He Was Not Aware He Was Accompanying Trump to St. John’s for a ‘Photo Op’
[274]Minnesota's attorney general warns that while all four officers involved in the death of George Floyd are now charged, convicting them "will be hard"
[273]Defense Secretary Mark Esper has reversed decision to return active-duty troops deployed near DC to home bases, Army secretary tells AP.
[269]Ex-Baltimore mayor, once convicted of embezzlement, now favorite to fill seat of mayor convicted of fraud
[268]@NSArchive has obtained and published many useful declassified documents about this and related nuclear false alarms.
[265]2016 St. Louis circuit attorney candidate defends accepting super PAC campaign money from liberal billionaire / Now: The ST LOUIS Judge who let everyone go
[261]President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Holds Hearing on the Role of the Public Defender
[260]Interested in United States Air Force quantum information science programs and activities? Register now to get involved!
[256]Potus: “There has never been a president in the White House who has been more supportive of HBCUs and their mission than President Trump”
[254]HEATED: Judicial Watch VS Hillary Clinton Over EMAILS at DC Court of Appeals Hearing - AUDIO ONLY
[252]Former United Auto Workers President Gary Jones on Wednesday pleaded guilty to helping steal more than $1 million from rank-and-file workers
[247]'Looter' Goes Viral Bragging About All The Merch He Stole, Internet Identifies Him, Police Respond
[241]Airmen who died in shooting at Grand Forks AFB identified; family says domestic violence was cause
[237]Three people are killed as PG&E helicopter hits 115,000-volt power line and crashes before bursting into flames north of San Francisco
[236]our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.
[230]Dominic Raab has told @SkyNews the UK will stand up for Hong Kong even if it means sacrificing a free trade deal.
[226]Every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner.
[225]BREAKING: Defense officials says that active-duty troops brought to DC area in response to protests are returning to home bases - AP
[223]SpaceX will launch 60 satellites into space Wednesday night, weather permitting, the company announced on social media earlier in the day.
[222]SORRY AMERICA – Those Catastrophic Mortality Rates Sold to Us by the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Were a Huge Scam
[219]Anon is rightfully pissed about West Palm Beach mayor's new gun regulations that conflict with state law
[218]Protesters Clash With British Cops In Front Of Prime Minister's Residence As Europe Faces 2nd Night Of Rallies
[216]Donald Trump Jr urges Barr to release Antifa communications with elites & politicians over riots
[215]Federal Reserve Board announces an expansion in the number and type of entities eligible to directly use its Municipal Liquidity Facility
[208]NEW: Pres. Obama will address the nation at 5:00pm ET regarding George Floyd's death and the protests around the U.S.
[206]Weird—looks like Senator Graham just interrupted Rosenstein when he was about to implicate dozens of federal agents & lawyers.
[204]Truth is refreshing: new Richard Grenell tweet on Russian propaganda and election interference during Obama years
[201]Anon on Esper: This was bait to see if Trump could trust relevant people in his cabinet, silly MSM.
[200]“We’re going on very minimal information.” WHO officials complained in internal January meeting about the #CCP not sharing data on CCP virus spreading, contradicting public statements
[197]After Park Police busted media for lying about tear gas, media are now claiming, without evidence, that pepper spray and tear gas (CS) are same thing. They're not.
[195]Sidney Powell retweet: RR admitted to Senate he did not do independent investigation before appointing SC Mueller
[194]El Nuevo Rodeo (where Floyd + Chauvin worked) was the campaign HQ of former mayor of Minneapolis!
[188]Watch how DC crowd goes from chill and peaceful to loud and crashing on the fences the instant CNN starts filming.
[187]Protestors have had enough of the anarchists - video of protestor throwing their bomb back at them media link
[181]Jonathan Turley tweets on RR: testified that he would not have signed warrant application in 2017 on Page because of the misconduct of FBI agents + lack of evidence.
[178]Is there a Haiti connection with George Floyd we need to look at? Young Risk Takers described as a political organization?
[177]Antifa have but one consistent function: to prevent white people organizing against communism. This was the case in 1930s Germany and it's the case in America today.
[175]Secret Service is briefing local law enforcement about possible visits to the Twin Cities this week by former illegitimate President Barack Hussein Obama
[174]Military Times: White House may be softening stance on sending troops to states to quell civil unrest
[170]Mayor de Blasio Used National Guard to Quarantine Neighborhoods During Virus – Now Refuses National Guard to Prevent Mob Violence, Looting and Arson
[168]For Keks, Babylon Bee – Powerful: Protesters Spell Out 'Love' With Burning Homes And Businesses
[167]Anon on Q's "World War Z" image and interesting parallels with the movie: no coincidences, mistakes to some are roadmaps to others
[166]Wuhan chinavirus updates: 10 million people (allegedly) tested in 19 days, only 300 positive cases found
[165]FBI Document From, To, and Approved by Peter Strzok Provides Smoking Gun Russia Collusion Was ‘Illicit, Made-Up Investigation’
[156]POTUS deleted May 30 "MAGA NIGHT" tweet with extra [Y], Anon connects to today's tweet with missing [Y]
[155]Trudeau was waiting to be told what to say during press conference (ear piece) - silent and blank stare for 21 seconds when asked about POTUS
[154]Lara Logan details evidence rioters have 'well-developed political agenda and they're carrying it out'
[148]These people are stupid: John Legend, Natalie Portman, other celebs sign letter to defund police
[145]Optics? New POTUS: "Undercover Huber is a great spoof...the real Huber did absolutely NOTHING. He was a garbage disposal unit for important documents"..
[142]Fresh article on RR testifying today: Ex-Department Of Justice Leader Who Appointed Mueller To Testify In Senate
[141]Anon compares Epstein press reporting in GB with press reporting in Germany. Which detail is missing?
[133]Police union boss says 'NYPD is losing the city of New York,' begs Cuomo, Trump to send reinforcements
[128]In the first five months of the year, cryptocurrency thefts, hacks and frauds totaled $1.4 billion
[125]Trouble makers in Wilmington, NC complain about LEO efforts to... Restore law and order. Go figure.
[123]Two Individuals Charged in Federal Court With Illegally Possessing Loaded Handguns in Downtown Chicago
[107]Crowd chants ‘De Blasio, resign’ after police block 100s of protesters on both sides of Manhattan bridge for HOURS
[106]CNN: Teresa Leger Fernandez will defeat former CIA operative Valerie Plame, whose identity was famously revealed in a leak scandal during the George W. Bush administration
[105]Iowa Rep. Steve King, who was ostracized by Republican congressional leaders after making racist comments, has lost his primary in a major upset, CNN projects
[103]@RealJamesWoods: Will this victim get protest marches and Instagram memes? Will his killers walk free?
[100]Illinois man accused of handing out explosives at George Floyd 'riot' has history of trouble with the law
[096]@SydneyPowell1: We are proud of you and the great wrk you've done for the American people! @RichardGrenell
[095]New DJT: So pathetic to watch the Fake News playing down the Radical Left looters and thugs. Almost like they are all working together?
[088]@FLOTUS: As the night approaches I urge all citizens to obey the curfews, clear the streets, & stay inside to spend time w loved ones
[087]Ending qualified immunity: Five things to know about the legal obstacle protecting police officers who violate rights of citizens
[085]Digs into history of lights out WH pic on TinEye, interdasting search results re: WH's "Secret Bunker", and taken when Obama was president
[084]Liarwatha (Sen. Warren) asks @DoD_IG to investigate @DeptofDefense personnel in DC and other protests
[083]New York Times Writer Claims Property Destruction Is ‘Not Violence’... until it's HER house being threatened!
[082]Owner of club where Floyd and Chauvin worked is owned by a Jordanian who aided and abetted terrorists, Feds would not allow DOJ to revoke his citizenship
[079]'I wish you the best': US military adviser resigns after Trump's controversial historic photo-op show of strength at St. John's church
[078]What do you guys think, is the "paramedic" palming a syringe after "checking his pulse"? media link
[054]Black women on twitter are angry with Don Lemon & CNN tonight for excluding them from their special
[051]Anon's reminder to say something if you see something on livestreams - report to FBI @ fbi.gov/violence
[049]Antifa and other groups have to be labeled and declared "Terrorists & International Terrorists"!
[045]More than half of Americans SUPPORT SENDING MILITARY to aid police in dealing with George Floyd protests – poll
[044]POLICE FIND NO PLATES cars, including some stolen in Minnesota, were filled with rocks and weapons
[043]US Park Police Find Baseball Bats, Poles Hidden Along Street Near White House — Reports of Pipe Bombs
[036]US ‘highly unlikely’ to back July 1 Israel annexation of parts of West Bank, ToI told; """mapping""" far from done
[035]Antifa, what is gun ownership like, state-by-state? Legal U.S. Citizens have a right to defend themselves and their property.
[034]New POTUS: Our highest respect to the family of David Dorn, a Great Police Captain from St. Louis, who was viciously shot and killed by despicable looters last night.
[033]Kansas City, Minnesota, New York, Chicago Officials say evidence shows weekend riots were planned/organized
[032]David Dorn mattered. Retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn 'murdered by a looter' outside pawn shop
[030]Incredible statement from leader of NYPD to rank and file officers: "I know we are losing the city."
[026]George PapaD responds to Brennan on twitter: Italy, Australia and the U.K. have flipped on you and are cooperating with the new investigations into you.
[024]Judicial Watch: Documents Show State Department and USAID Working with Soros Group to Channel Money to ‘Mercenary Army’ of Far-Left Activists in Albania (2018)
[023]This guy needs a good dig - harbored a shitload of Antifa/BLM traitors in his home in DC last night
[021]China's Latest Desperate Attempt to Distract From Its Coronavirus Malfeasance Is Truly Incredible
[020]Officials at Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s Press Conference Blame White Supremacists and Proud Boys for Violence at Leftist-Antifa Protests this Week
[010]Pg 38 og RR release: purports to give context of how RR *sarcastically* discussed getting a wire to record POTUS
[008]NEW DJT: “Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters”, 3 min delta w/Q
[004]International Journal of Communications article, written by WEIAI WAYNE XU: Mapping Connective Actions in the Global Alt-Right and Antifa Counterpublics