[260]South Korean Engineering Company Pleads Guilty to Defrauding U.S. Army, Agrees to Pay $68.4 Million
[252]2013 A tip provided by a double-agent for the KGB set off one of the most self-destructive mole hunts in FBI history/SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE
[251]The pandering will continue until morale improves or Pelosi calls for 11 confederate statues to be removed from Capitol
[249]L.A. County to reopen gyms, day camps, museums, hotels and pro sports arenas without fans starting Friday
[237]Communist Insurrection: The violence across America over the last few days does not represent a “hijacked peaceful protest.”-from June 2
[233]Nashville councilman says meeting was 'hijacked' by people calling to defund police-fox17.com June 3
[229]POTUS tells reporters he will restart MAGA rallies in Oklahoma, Arizona, Florida & North Carolina-B911
[227]Andy Ngo Twat: on Antifa in Seattle habbenings w/ anon comments, "Welcome to Free Capitol Hill" June 9
[219]Universities around the country planning ahead / fearing a second wave. They're opening earlier and won't return after Thanksgiving break.
[206]The head of the Justice Department’s criminal division announced Wednesday that he will be stepping down next month/Brian Benczkowski
[198]Northern Ireland health chief kept best-case Covid-19 scenario under wraps & went public with one 12 times worse instead
[190]Big Pharma "Criminal" Influence On Research Exposed In Secret Recording Of Lancet And NEJM Editors-In-Chief
[187]The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19
[184]Ex-judge appointed to review Michael Flynn case says DOJ request to dismiss charges is 'abuse of power.'
[180]Schumer, Feinstein, Warner write to DNI Ratcliffe/FBI Dir Wray, "alert the public if Trump makes inflammatory comments"
[169]Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch
[167]Nelson Mandela Foundation courts controversy by advocating VIOLENCE in Black Lives Matter statement
[153]Another Conspiracy Theory Debunked – Officer Derek Chauvin, Who Killed George Floyd, Is Not A Taxi Cab Driver On TV
[149]State Dept Goes To War With Fired IG, Accuses Him Of Breaking Chain Of Command To Protect Himself From Past Investigation
[146]The percentage of Minnesota residents who have tested positive for coronavirus over the past two weeks has dropped from 10% to 8% despite the riots and protests.
[145]Cali Rising? California health official resigns after receiving threats for ordering facemasks in public
[142]Today, 6/10/20 is ‘Armor of God Day’. Q has referenced this Bible passage 17 times. Ephesians 6:10-20
[140]Sec. Pompeo: On June 10, we reopen our consulate in Nuuk, Greenland. Our presence in Nuuk will strengthen our partnerships with our Arctic allies...
[139]The #RNC expects to move the celebratory part of its convention to Jacksonville, Florida following a dispute with NC over pandemic safeguards,
[134]Kaepernick's Know Your Rights Camp for foreign and domestic terrorists. @Jack pledges $3M to it.
[132]get ready for moar of this: COVID-19 outbreak at San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office. WHO now sending uber mixed messages
[131]SDPD Officers Under Investigation After Video Shows Woman Detained in Unmarked Vehicle media link
[120]CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman RESIGNS after he was caught on leaked ZOOM audio saying 'We're not mourning for George Floyd'
[117](Twatt) Daniel, man who helped to stop the #SeattleProtest shooter from doing more damage yesterday has a GoFundMe for his injuries
[115]Georgia officials launch investigations into election day chaos amid voter suppression concerns (TheHill)
[111]US Army Europe (Twatt) Exercises are some of the most important elements of the training system/Heading into another day of practicing (practice makes perfect)
[109]LA Pride will NO LONGER be involved in Sunday's ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER march (Losangeles.cbslogcal.com)
[108]Lawsuit claims Michigan risks fraud, as country has more registered voters than people who can vote (FoxNews.com)
[107]AG BARR on Durham Investigation: I'm VERY troubled by what has been called to my attention so far.
[106]China's global kidnapping campaign has gone on for yeas and may be reaching inside the US borders. (GetPocket.com)
[104]Sanders Dismisses Progressive Calls to Defund Police, Says Departments Need More Resources (NationalReview.com)
[102]EXCLUSIVE: Donations, Including International Funding, to BlackLivesMatter.com Go Directly to the DNC – This Is Money Laundering (GatewayPundit)
[101]HBO Max pulls 'Gone with the Wind,' says it will return with a statement on race (all stops being pulled) (NBCNews.com)
[100]A hypersonic missile prototype under development at the Pentagon’s shadowy research arm reportedly detached from a heavy bomber in mid-flight during a test, destroying the high-tech and secretive munition. (RT.com)
[095]Andy Ngô (Twatt) The DOJ has charged Branden Michael Wolfe, 23, of St. Paul, with aiding & abetting arson at the Minneapolis Police Department’s
[093]Kylie Jenner (Twatt) & Kendall Jenner (DailyMail.com) Cringe Pandering shows no bounds, & "Demands for Cop arrests and Independent Autopsy" & Injustice/White Privilege & ties to PizzaGate/Family degeneracy
[092]YahooNews (Twatt) Biden "Seeks running mate who's 'Ready to be president on day one' ".. how is he a Democrat Candidate?
[090]Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant advocated for a militant mass movement to publicly take over Amazon (mynorthwest.com)
[087]Trump to restart in-person fundraising in Dallas Thursday amid tight safety measures (AND ANONS CANNOT WAIT!!) (WashingtonExaminer)
[082]JonesTrading "At What Point Will Powell Realize He Has Broken The Market’s Pricing Mechanism?" (ZeroHedge)
[081]Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigators searched Jonathan Doig's home at Gymea Bay in Sydney's south yesterday and seized a mobile phone, two laptops and a hard drive (ABC.net)
[079]"Stop treating us like animals and thugs and start treating us with some respect … Our legislators abandoned us. The press is vilifying us. It's disgusting." NYPD boss Mike O'Meara (video) media link
[076]George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin “Bumped Heads” at Nightclub Where They Both Worked – “Killing Might Be Personal”
[075]Interdasting youtube channel that allegedly posted "Q clearance initiated" a few days before Q first posted
[070]Based Poland Minister: decision not to accept refugees is driven by "common sense" not xenophobia; gov't cannot "consent" to "social or cultural experiments [being] imposed on us"
[069]U.S. Coast Guard confiscated 30,000 pounds of illegal drugs at sea, a haul which included more than $408 million in cocaine and marijuana.
[065][They] jumped on this pretty quick: Snope 'fact-checks' the Obama Foundation/George Floyd tweet "rumor"
[063]HBO Max removed classic American film "Gone With The Wind" from its platform because of muh racism
[061]They prepped the story 2 days ago - 2nd wave narrative by pushing heavily that coronavirus was present for much longer in China.
[059]Anon Op-Ed: Should George Floyd Be Put on a Pedestal? (no) + discussion on the importance of Anons writing moar
[055]Sen. Feinstein panicking re: Afghanistan troop removal, says it would "endanger American lives, threaten allies & squander counterterrorism operations." + Anon's translation
[053]From Q's article, POTUS attorney Jay Sekulow said in early January 2017, Hussein loosened rules to "pave the way for a shadow government to leak classified information" more easily.