[229]Chan-Zuckerberg fund research into genetic disease affecting Ashkenazi Jews media link media link media link media link media link
[226]Major cell phone service down across the US — AT&T & Verizon running media link media link media link media link media link
[216]Senior White House officials say President Trump’s Police Reform EO to be incentives based - creating an eco-system encouraging police departments to credential themselves via de-escalation training among other action items. media link
[214]Tanzania PM says fake covid postives are to blame for coronavirus increases (just like POTUS says) media link media link
[212]Mark Cuban compares QAnon supporters to 'people who don't think white privilege exists'-washexaminer media link media link
[209]Major cellular outage in the US currently involving almost every major US cellular company being reported on many outlets media link media link media link
[207]Trump calls Bolton's memoir 'highly inappropriate' as WH readies legal action to stop publication-foxnews media link media link
[206]Black woman in the CHOP red-pills a white woman on the Demokkkratic party. media link media link
[205]They Pulled Out Guns and Put Them to My F*cking Head’ – CHAZ Militants Threaten Uber Driver Waiting For Pickup Outside Autonomous Zone media link
[202]The Strong Cities Network (SCN) – which launches September 29th at the United Nations – will empower municipal bodies to fill this gap while working with civil society and safeguarding the rights of local citizens and communities media link media link media link
[201]US Will Reduce Troop Presence in Germany by Half Until Berlin Covers NATO Bill-sputnik media link
[200]Boston’s mayor is in favor of taking down a local statue of President Abraham Lincoln standing before a freed black man, after a petition was launched for its removal? media link
[198]TROLL KING - exposes hoax and Netizens Mock Trump Over Remarks That Less COVID-19 Tests Mean Fewer US Cases
[197]Grassley: One of the necessary steps for a bountiful corn crop is application of liquid nitrogen bc corn is a gr8 consumer of nitrogen media link
[196]A Paris court on Monday found three former French government officials and three others guilty on charges involving millions of euros in kickbacks from arms sales to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia signed in 1994 media link
[193]LawAndOrder Memes media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[190]HCQ and Chloroquine can be definitely be legally prescribed for Covid use by US physicians media link media link
[186]FORSCOM Retweeted Reward for information leading to missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen increased to $25,000 media link
[184]Top Pharma-Brand of Children’s Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs, & Other Hazardous Chemicals media link media link media link
[180]Vice President Mike Pence to visit Michigan Thursday, tour manufacturing businesses media link media link
[178]Northeast Texas family sentenced for their roles in massive illegal gambling, money laundering enterprise media link
[175]Pennsylvania Man Pleads Guilty to Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct with Minors in the Republic of Kenya media link media link
[174]Heavily armed gang members, and rioters out in the streets of #Dijon in #France today media link
[172]Hawkish, Gov’t Funded Think Tank Behind Twitter Decision to Delete Thousands of Chinese Accounts media link media link media link media link
[170]PM says US wants Gantz on board for annexation, vows not to back down media link media link media link media link media link
[164]NATO’s colonization of Ukraine under guise of partnership media link media link media link media link
[163]Woke Mob Targets Beatles Inspiration Penny Lane After Rumors Street Was Named for Slave Trader media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[160]English Police Force Advises Officers to ‘Take The Knee’ in Front of BLM Protests media link media link
[159]@NCSCgov Fifty-four scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties media link media link
[156]Call to diggz! China Billionaire Tianqiao Chen owns 22.2% of one of the largest hospital systems in the United States: Community Health Systems
[154]Massive bribe to stop Ukraine probe of Burisma founder intercepted media link media link media link media link media link
[152]Oil giant BP takes $17.5 billion writedown in response to coronavirus/other reasons as well media link
[149]PP has endorsed Joe Biden for president, calling the 2020 presidential race "a life and death election." media link media link
[147]The Global Banking ‘Super-Entity’ Drug Cartel: The “Free Market” of Finance Capital/old but illuminating media link media link media link
[146]Justice Alito: ruling could destroy women’s sports, weaken religious freedom, weaken freedom of speech and personal privacy. media link media link media link media link
[145]@TRADOC The #Army wants to hire 10,000 Soldiers for full- or part-time opportunities in more than 150 career fields media link
[144]It’s Spreading: Antifa-Black Lives Matter Protesters Set Up Illegal Autonomous Zone on Plaza at Tennessee State Capitol media link media link
[141]The letter Vigano wrote to Trump had the Latin phrase "solve et coagula", These words are tattooed on Baphomet's forearms. media link
[136]Another week, another #GCHQPuzzle to solve. Can you figure out how these words pair up? media link
[135]Warlord “Raz from CHAZ” Caught on Video Handing Out AR15s to Random Young Activists vid media link
[133]Blacks publicly lynching Whites in Ocean City, Maryland. This is race reality in America. vid media link
[131]NEW: Six former members of E-Bay's global security team have been charged by the FBI and federal prosecutors in Boston with cyberstalking to "stifle" the publishers of an online newsletter. media link media link
[130]Court to unseal records of murdered state sen who was investigation child trafficking in AK. media link media link
[127]Jeff Sessions on Twat: The people of Alabama will not be told who to vote for by anyone in Washington media link
[124]Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich by Chrystia Freeland – book review media link media link media link
[123]Reminder: It's Going Down, Antifa. Uncle Sam Just Started Delivering Payback for Terror Riots media link
[121]President Donald Trump over the last week did the following, but you probably won’t hear about it from the News/u verify
[117]With Nearly a Million Americans Signed Up for President Trump’s Rally Next Saturday, Tulsa Health Director Sounds the Alarm media link
[116]Paul Whelan: Russian court sentences former US marine to 16 years hard labour on disputed spy charges media link
[113]General Paul M. Nakasone @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA: excited to announce starting today, I'm joining social media. media link
[112]Caught on Video: White Girl Seen Lighting Fire at Wendy’s Restaurant in Atlanta During BLM Protest media link
[110]US Embassy Seoul has received a request from the State Dept. – that the embassy take down the Black Lives Matter hung from the building’s facade media link media link
[109]June 15th, 2020. There are 140 days until election day. @realDonaldTrump has 82 million followers. @JoeBiden has 6.2 million followers. DJT raised $14 million in 1 day media link
[107]Fauci says normalcy may not return until next year following Covid-19 case spikes. Bonus De Blasio chatter media link
[106]New DJT twat w/CAP: Almost One Million people request tickets for the Saturday Night Rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma! media link
[105]New documentary highlights the forced sterilization of women in California prison media link media link media link
[104]New DJT twat w/CAP: I’ve done more in less than 4 years than Biden’s done in more than 40 years, including for Black America... anon ties to QPost 40 media link media link media link
[099]Russian court found former U.S. marine Paul Whelan guilty of spying for the United States and sentenced him to 16 years in jail media link
[097]DeAnna Lorraine (running against Pelosi) twats out: 'Symbolism will be their downfall.' media link
[095]Indonesian AF jet crashed in a residential area shortly after taking off. The pilot ejected and parachuted to safety. no reports of casualties on the ground. media link
[094]US F15 military aircraft crashed in North Sea. coastguard confirmed operation is underway. Discussion media link media link media link media link media link
[090]A $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for starting the fire that destroyed the Wendy’s media link
[089]Arsonists targeting homes with American flags in cali media link media link media link media link
[082]Co-Founder of Illinois Black Panther Party Outraged That Cops Didn’t Stop Looters media link media link media link media link
[079]Marine veteran who disarmed rioters in Seattle: ‘There was only one thing I could do’ media link media link media link media link
[078]70% of violent crime against black American is by other blacks; why is the MSM lying? media link media link media link media link media link media link
[075]Cellphone location data shows where people are leaving home and coming near other people media link
[070]Adem Somyurek quits Victorian Labor Party after 60 Minutes airs allegations of branch stacking, offensive language media link
[069]President Trump on Flag Day: Cherish and revere Old Glory 'no matter what may divide us' media link
[065]Beware the Hijacking of U.S. Protests Into a ‘Color Revolution’ media link media link media link media link media link
[062]Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Sues FDA for “Irrational” Interference of Access to Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine media link media link media link
[043]Ilhan Omar supports calls to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department media link media link media link media link media link
[039]PF Dig: Bearthday Aviation Inc, James and Ashley Boyd media link media link media link media link media link media link
[036]New Catherine Herridge tweet: Eyes on media link media link media link media link media link media link
[034]Economic Release/Activity/for week of June 14th, 2020 media link media link media link media link
[022]Leaked 2015 DNC memo re BLM: "Don't mention black on black crime" media link media link media link
[020]Ethics controversy rattles Hickenlooper's Senate bid media link media link media link media link
[017]Slovenia: Foreign Antifa agents provoke violence at anti-government protest media link media link media link media link media link
[016]Association of American Physicians & Surgeons sues the FDA to end restrictions on HCQ media link