[240]Rudy G twat - This is a time for common sense and straight thinking! Today on @77WABCradio media link media link
[239]A #Mexican federal #judge and his wife were shot and killed in front of their two daughters in Mexico's western state of #Colima on Tuesday media link
[238]CIA cyber weapons stolen in historic breach due to 'lax security', internal report says media link
[237]hackeranon was able to set up an environment to safely look at that IP list posted on half/pol/ earlier today, for anyone interested media link media link media link media link media link
[236]some Camp Nose digs by anons for some ICYMI of past digs media link media link media link media link
[235]Anthony Fauci and his HIV patents and a bitchute on the COVID/HIV rumors - this one on Spike Glycoproteins media link
[233]THANK Q POTUS Guyana has finally declared a winner in the March 2020 election and the PPP/Civic is it.
[232]Emir Kusturica to attend Victory Parade in Moscow at the invitation of defense minister media link
[230]Founder and CEO of Iranian Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate U.S. Sanctions media link media link
[229]CIA Was So Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak? media link media link media link
[228]FDA Approves First-Ever Prescription Video Game/Can playing this game really reduce symptoms of ADHD?
[225]Tulsa attorney files lawsuit to stop Trump's rally, Unless you had any doubt about what COVID-19 was all about… media link media link
[224]Let's put our Tinfoil hats on and go down the rabbit hole on james alefantis media link media link media link media link
[223]Leftists in Britain Call for Removal of British Empire Murals in Whitehall Building – They’re Racist media link
[220]‘Turn Away Immediately’: Taiwan Says It Drove Away Chinese J-10 Fighter Nearing Island’s Airspace media link
[216]Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface media link
[215]BREAKING NOW: Supporters have began to form line 4 days ahead of TRUMP RALLY in Tulsa that saw almost 1-million ticket requests.. media link
[214]The 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment conducts aviation operations throughout the US Southern Command's (USSOUTHCOM) Area of Responsibility. Winged Warriors media link media link media link
[212]Judd: 17 arrested for child pornography include Disney employees, nurse, underwear ‘ingester’ media link media link
[211]Pics: Concrete Borders Around CHOP Autonomous Zone At Taxpayer Expense. media link media link media link media link media link
[210]House Democrats demand FBI briefing on foreign adversaries exploiting George Floyd protests media link
[208]New FBI Vault drop - Doris Duke media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[202]@TheNHSenate passed HB 1672-FN as amended, the Coronavirus Election Protection Act of 2020 media link
[201]University Hosp. in Cleveland staff go silent when they are asked if the lives of Black Babies matter.
[200]Somalia Agenda Changing The Africa Horn Region media link media link media link media link media link
[199]The Lincoln Project/RICK WILSON call to diggz media link media link media link media link media link
[198]The Bee: Oh No! The Supreme Court Building Just Started Sliding Down A Slippery Slope At An Incredible Rate! For the keks! media link
[196]City of Beverly Hills issues emergency order banning protests in residential areas media link media link
[195]Two Charged with Murder, Aiding, Abetting in Slaying of Fed Protective Service Officer at Oakland Courthouse Building media link media link media link
[192]Roger Goodell explains why he is allowing Liberal Democrats to destroy the NFL and piss on Veterans.
[190]Protesters Who Attend Black Lives Matter Rallies In Australia Face Imprisonment And $1000 Fine media link
[187]Reminder: The CDC is not a ‘public health’ agency, it’s a vehicle for corporate lobbying media link
[185]Disgraced ex-Labour MP Fiona Onasanya slams Kellogg's for using a monkey as the mascot for 'brown' Coco Pops media link media link
[182]Cartels Helped Pick Top Officials in Mexican Border State media link media link media link media link
[181]Elite French Police Deployed as Armed Chechens and North Africans Go to War in Dijon media link media link
[180]The AAPS has produced an "impossibly good" lawsuit against the FDA for banning Hydroxychloroquine
[178]Would be ‘very surprising’ if Britain evades coronavirus SECOND WAVE, UK govt medical adviser warns media link
[177]Zelinsky will testify as a whistleblower against Attorney General William Barr, Democrats announced. media link media link media link
[176]Progressive Mayor Who Supported Black Lives Matter Gets Home Vandalized During Riots, Calls It ‘Domestic Terrorism’ media link
[174]Valerie Jarrett talks protests, defunding police, and criminal justice reform/never forget their roots media link
[173]North Korea confirms ‘terrific explosion’ that destroyed inter-Korean liaison office, blaming Seoul for sheltering defectors media link
[172]German President Steinmeier has instructed his countrymen to weed out all of their subconscious bigotry, real or imagined media link media link
[170]Dim Boston Mayor Supports Removal of Abraham Lincoln Statue – The Man Who Ended Slavery in the United States media link media link
[165]A New Slavery - Sept 21, 1900 article in the Iowa State Bystander, a black newspaper. media link
[164]"MORRISTOWN, N.J. The Benedictine monks recently lost their legal battle to protect themselves financially media link media link
[161]"WESTMINSTER, England (ChurchMilitant.com) Nineteen prelates, including five women bishops, abstained from a pro-life vote media link media link
[155]Deep State Attorney Zelinsky Who Pushed for Roger Stone to Die in Prison Will Testify Next Week media link media link media link
[154]Seattle reaches deal with 'CHOP' to remove temporary roadblocks, replace with concrete barriers media link
[153]JUST IN: Newly unclassified report finds CIA security failures led to massive 2017 breach media link
[146]NYS Senate Minority Leader (Former Senate President) John Flanagan announces he is leaving the Senate June 28 media link media link media link
[145]Twitter Hires Ex-FBI Lawyer, James Baker, Who Played Key Role In Probe Of Trump Campaign media link
[144]Mitch McConnell: ...Speaker Pelosi mostly kept her chamber on the longest-running spring break in human history. in the Senate, we are attending to the needs of the nation. media link
[138]De Blasio: Effective immediately, the NYPD's 24,000 body cameras now have a mandatory 30 day release policy. media link
[136]DJT Jr: Guys, unlike CNN and Chris Cuomo when he interviews his brother, I'm not pretending to be a journalist here. This is just me having a fun conversation with my dad. media link
[134]Portland Police: A group continues to stay downtown in the streets. One officer was injured after being hit in the head with a large rock. media link
[131]Keith Ellison refusing to release Floyd body cam footage. all 4 officers had their cams on media link media link media link
[130]After Two Years the NSA Has Refused to Provide Any Documentation on Seth Rich per a Legitimate FOIA Request, Actually They Refuse to Provide Any Response At All
[129]New DJT JR twat w/CAP: It’s a toss up between Wokeadishu and the Soyviet Union media link media link media link
[126]John Solomon: Justice Department sets execution dates for federal death row inmates, ending informal moratorium media link
[125]New DJT twat w/CAP: Wow! May retail sales show biggest one-month increase of ALL TIME, up 17.7%. Far bigger than projected... media link media link
[122]Andrew Yang posts about Shake Shak and 2 hours later cops are poisoned there. ‘No criminality’ found media link media link
[119]anon calls for eyes on: Rick Wilson veiled threat 'I hope you saved your strength, because today is going to be much worse for you.' media link
[115]U.S. airlines threaten to BAN passengers who refuse to wear masks during their flights under new rules media link media link
[112]Three U.S. Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups Are Patrolling The Pacific, As China Voices Discontent media link
[111]With strange fireworks happening recently and often. Anons discussion about people becoming numb to it. media link media link
[109]plane fag reports! media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[100]Three Indian soldiers have died in a skirmish along the border with China media link media link media link
[099]Ptld OR: officer hit in head, fires set, store looted, arrests made: "leave the area, it is not safe" media link
[095]5 African students hold BLM protest in Ukraine; official asks for names to deport them media link media link
[090]Police accountability - the outrage only happens when it's white cop on black suspect. media link media link media link
[083]Cities call on cops to work overtime to quell unrest, despite ‘defund’ rallying cry media link media link
[080]VIDEO: Rioters Tearing Down Statue Chase Man Down And Attack Him, Man Shoots Assailant in Self-Defense media link media link media link
[079]Offer he can't refuse: Cartel boss El Chapo snitched on rivals to US DEA, journo claims media link
[078]Hickenlooper Fined for Breaking Ethics Rules: Senate Bid in Jeopardy? media link media link media link media link
[075]Common Source of Wireless “WiFi” Radiation Affects Human Cells – Especially Kids – Korean Gov’t Study media link media link
[073]COVID Madness – Chicago Ministry of COVID Compliance Introduces “Social Distancing Ambassadors”… media link
[072]REVEALED: Rayshard Brooks Struggled with Police, Stole Their Taser, Shot It At Police, Likely Because He Didn’t Want to Go to Prison Based on Prior Record media link media link media link media link
[069]Biden's using ActBlue for his donations. Surprise surprise, right in ya eyes. media link media link
[068]33 years of legal abortion in Spain has led to demographic death spiral media link media link media link media link
[067]Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Gravey Edition. media link media link media link media link media link media link
[064]Third Suspect Arrested in Connection to Murder of Retired Police Captain David Dorn at Lee’s Pawn and Jewelry media link media link media link
[063]On Tuesday, PG&E Corp. will plead guilty 84 separate times to involuntary manslaughter the deadliest corporate crime in U.S. history. AND GETS A SLAP ON THE WRIST media link media link media link
[062]WAR ON POLICE: Over 431 Police Officers Injured or Killed in Recent Far Left Black Lives Matter Protests and Riots
[058]Justice Department reports executions scheduled - first federal executions since 2003. For convicted child murderers. media link media link media link media link
[055]NORAD will conduct air defense exercise Falcon Virgo on Tuesday, June 16, between 12:30-2:30 a.m. Eastern Time in the National Capital Region media link
[054]Shake Shack diggs re MOS/Sworn NYPD bleach in shakes poisoning media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[052]54 Scientists have lost their jobs as a result of NIH probe into foreign ties media link media link
[051]A BLM Teen Who Said White Racists Are The F*cking Enemy Ends Up Raped And Murdered By Black Men Amidst BLM Protests In Florida media link
[050]Laura Logan names former Generals and Admirals waging coordinated information warfare against POTUS (no confirmed sauce - only reports of interview)
[049]Lara Logan names former Generals and Admirals waging coordinated information warfare against POTUS (no confirmed sauce - only reports of interview)
[047]twatterer - NYPD source text: Cops’ food possibly being poisoned. Bleach in milkshakes for MOS (Members of the Service/sworn NYPD) media link media link
[046]jewish community just cut the lock @NYCMayor put on their park, If Americans can protest, families should have access to their neighborhood parks - says Kevin McCarthy media link media link media link
[044]Boat and Planefag Reports (boatfag is watching a boat with RC connections he says) media link media link media link media link media link
[032]Gen. Nakasone joins twitter @CYBERCOM_DIRNSA media link media link media link media link media link media link