[240]Rudy G twat - This is a time for common sense and straight thinking! Today on @77WABCradio media link
[239]A #Mexican federal #judge and his wife were shot and killed in front of their two daughters in Mexico's western state of #Colima on Tuesday
[237]hackeranon was able to set up an environment to safely look at that IP list posted on half/pol/ earlier today, for anyone interested media link
[235]Anthony Fauci and his HIV patents and a bitchute on the COVID/HIV rumors - this one on Spike Glycoproteins
[233]THANK Q POTUS Guyana has finally declared a winner in the March 2020 election and the PPP/Civic is it.
[230]Founder and CEO of Iranian Financial Services Firm Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate U.S. Sanctions
[229]CIA Was So Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak?
[228]FDA Approves First-Ever Prescription Video Game/Can playing this game really reduce symptoms of ADHD?
[225]Tulsa attorney files lawsuit to stop Trump's rally, Unless you had any doubt about what COVID-19 was all about…
[223]Leftists in Britain Call for Removal of British Empire Murals in Whitehall Building – They’re Racist
[220]‘Turn Away Immediately’: Taiwan Says It Drove Away Chinese J-10 Fighter Nearing Island’s Airspace
[216]Democrat Leaders Demand Senate Nominee Step Down After ‘Sexually Inappropriate’ Text Messages Surface
[215]BREAKING NOW: Supporters have began to form line 4 days ahead of TRUMP RALLY in Tulsa that saw almost 1-million ticket requests..
[214]The 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment conducts aviation operations throughout the US Southern Command's (USSOUTHCOM) Area of Responsibility. Winged Warriors
[201]University Hosp. in Cleveland staff go silent when they are asked if the lives of Black Babies matter.
[198]The Bee: Oh No! The Supreme Court Building Just Started Sliding Down A Slippery Slope At An Incredible Rate! For the keks!
[195]Two Charged with Murder, Aiding, Abetting in Slaying of Fed Protective Service Officer at Oakland Courthouse Building
[192]Roger Goodell explains why he is allowing Liberal Democrats to destroy the NFL and piss on Veterans.
[185]Disgraced ex-Labour MP Fiona Onasanya slams Kellogg's for using a monkey as the mascot for 'brown' Coco Pops
[180]The AAPS has produced an "impossibly good" lawsuit against the FDA for banning Hydroxychloroquine
[178]Would be ‘very surprising’ if Britain evades coronavirus SECOND WAVE, UK govt medical adviser warns
[177]Zelinsky will testify as a whistleblower against Attorney General William Barr, Democrats announced.
[176]Progressive Mayor Who Supported Black Lives Matter Gets Home Vandalized During Riots, Calls It ‘Domestic Terrorism’
[174]Valerie Jarrett talks protests, defunding police, and criminal justice reform/never forget their roots
[173]North Korea confirms ‘terrific explosion’ that destroyed inter-Korean liaison office, blaming Seoul for sheltering defectors
[172]German President Steinmeier has instructed his countrymen to weed out all of their subconscious bigotry, real or imagined
[170]Dim Boston Mayor Supports Removal of Abraham Lincoln Statue – The Man Who Ended Slavery in the United States
[164]"MORRISTOWN, N.J. The Benedictine monks recently lost their legal battle to protect themselves financially
[161]"WESTMINSTER, England (ChurchMilitant.com) Nineteen prelates, including five women bishops, abstained from a pro-life vote
[146]NYS Senate Minority Leader (Former Senate President) John Flanagan announces he is leaving the Senate June 28
[144]Mitch McConnell: ...Speaker Pelosi mostly kept her chamber on the longest-running spring break in human history. in the Senate, we are attending to the needs of the nation.
[138]De Blasio: Effective immediately, the NYPD's 24,000 body cameras now have a mandatory 30 day release policy.
[136]DJT Jr: Guys, unlike CNN and Chris Cuomo when he interviews his brother, I'm not pretending to be a journalist here. This is just me having a fun conversation with my dad.
[134]Portland Police: A group continues to stay downtown in the streets. One officer was injured after being hit in the head with a large rock.
[130]After Two Years the NSA Has Refused to Provide Any Documentation on Seth Rich per a Legitimate FOIA Request, Actually They Refuse to Provide Any Response At All
[126]John Solomon: Justice Department sets execution dates for federal death row inmates, ending informal moratorium
[125]New DJT twat w/CAP: Wow! May retail sales show biggest one-month increase of ALL TIME, up 17.7%. Far bigger than projected...
[122]Andrew Yang posts about Shake Shak and 2 hours later cops are poisoned there. ‘No criminality’ found
[119]anon calls for eyes on: Rick Wilson veiled threat 'I hope you saved your strength, because today is going to be much worse for you.'
[115]U.S. airlines threaten to BAN passengers who refuse to wear masks during their flights under new rules
[112]Three U.S. Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups Are Patrolling The Pacific, As China Voices Discontent
[111]With strange fireworks happening recently and often. Anons discussion about people becoming numb to it.
[099]Ptld OR: officer hit in head, fires set, store looted, arrests made: "leave the area, it is not safe"
[080]VIDEO: Rioters Tearing Down Statue Chase Man Down And Attack Him, Man Shoots Assailant in Self-Defense
[075]Common Source of Wireless “WiFi” Radiation Affects Human Cells – Especially Kids – Korean Gov’t Study
[073]COVID Madness – Chicago Ministry of COVID Compliance Introduces “Social Distancing Ambassadors”…
[072]REVEALED: Rayshard Brooks Struggled with Police, Stole Their Taser, Shot It At Police, Likely Because He Didn’t Want to Go to Prison Based on Prior Record
[064]Third Suspect Arrested in Connection to Murder of Retired Police Captain David Dorn at Lee’s Pawn and Jewelry
[063]On Tuesday, PG&E Corp. will plead guilty 84 separate times to involuntary manslaughter the deadliest corporate crime in U.S. history. AND GETS A SLAP ON THE WRIST
[062]WAR ON POLICE: Over 431 Police Officers Injured or Killed in Recent Far Left Black Lives Matter Protests and Riots
[058]Justice Department reports executions scheduled - first federal executions since 2003. For convicted child murderers.
[055]NORAD will conduct air defense exercise Falcon Virgo on Tuesday, June 16, between 12:30-2:30 a.m. Eastern Time in the National Capital Region
[051]A BLM Teen Who Said White Racists Are The F*cking Enemy Ends Up Raped And Murdered By Black Men Amidst BLM Protests In Florida
[050]Laura Logan names former Generals and Admirals waging coordinated information warfare against POTUS (no confirmed sauce - only reports of interview)
[049]Lara Logan names former Generals and Admirals waging coordinated information warfare against POTUS (no confirmed sauce - only reports of interview)
[047]twatterer - NYPD source text: Cops’ food possibly being poisoned. Bleach in milkshakes for MOS (Members of the Service/sworn NYPD)
[046]jewish community just cut the lock @NYCMayor put on their park, If Americans can protest, families should have access to their neighborhood parks - says Kevin McCarthy media link