[213]Report that tests to detect Covid-19 in China are positive with samples of the common cold virus
[176]Family of Tom Petty issues Cease and Desist to Trump's campaign after Tulsa rally. "I Won't Back Down"
[175]Elizabeth Warren calls on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign, anon calls for Warren to seek asylum in China
[171]Skeletal remains nearby the Fort Hood military base was identified by a relative as one of the two missing soldiers.
[166]The Guardian’s sister paper forces YouTube to again terminate ‘far-right’ channel The Iconoclast, doxes man behind it
[164]German professor on the Next Generation EU proposal: It is an attempt to corrupt national democracies
[162]‘Cancel culture despises diversity of opinion’: Publisher says Amazon suspended paid ads for new book on ‘transgender craze’
[161]Kiev blast that devastated residential building may have been caused by gas leak or BOMB – minister
[150]You gave up all rights to outside intervention when you became 'autonomous'. This woman will educate you!!! media link
[149]HRC twat - reeeing - Nearly 120,000 Americans are dead and the president said last night that he asked his administration to slow down testing media link
[147]Interesting facts that are never discussed about Irish Slaves who were originally shipped in 1619, 100 children…
[146]Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-up” - Adam Lovinger - ICYMI
[141]Wanna see some disgusting Twatter fuckery? Vids showing black guys helping old white couple and hugging cop labeled "sensitive material"
[140]The Russian anti-aircraft missile systems Pantsir-S deployed in Syria and Libya may face a serious problem
[137]Results Show You Are Twice As Likely to Die from Coronavirus in Democrat State than Republican State (gatewaypundit)
[121]Court Rules President Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer Funding
[120]The data-mining company that was responsible for locating terrorist Osama bin Laden is reportedly working with the Trump administration
[118]Ex-NYT reporter Alex Berenson says New York-based, anti-Trump media are part of coronavirus problem
[113]In the French city of Dijon, Chechens and North Africans are fighting with assault rifles and weapons of war.The question of how the Chechen refugees get their arms at all is interesting.
[110]The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) has removed a social media post that defended the right of Antifa
[092]Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals = Patronizers (Akin to sociopathy)
[091]Sizing Up Twitter Users: U.S. adult Twitter users are younger and more likely to be Democrats than the general public
[068]Remember when, under President Clinton in 1993, AG Janet Reno ordered the resignations of all 93 US attorneys across the country?
[065]Daily Mail: One third of all slavery victims forced into illegal drug trade are children, charity finds
[059]Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant releases bullshit statement on shooting at the CHOP, contradicts Raz Simone's story
[058]Second Night of Shooting at Black Lives Matter Vigil in Atlanta, Man Attacked By Mob for Filming
[057]Police Fire Less Lethal Rounds Towards Violent ‘Protesters’ Harassing Trump Supporters As They Leave Rally
[033]'Improper Motives' Behind Berman's Firing, AG Barr 'Must Be Held Accountable', Speaker Pelosi Says-sputnik
[011]Twitter thread, update from Seattle cop: [CHOP] are creating a currency, ID system, supply system, ammo, and chemical weapons..
[007]The internet never forgets: BLM wiki page used to have a section called "Funding" that listed Soros's Open Society Foundation (archive link)
[005]DeAnna Lorraine: Screenshot this article because you can be sure it won't last! (WSJ: Early Data show no uptick in Covid-19 transmission from protests)
[004]This is how fake news works (2001 article on false memories) + article on Google's manipulation of reality