[259]NEW: Democrats will hold an almost entirely virtual presidential nominating convention Aug. 17-20 in Milwaukee
[254]Refresher: Google Has Ended Its Plans For A Censored Chinese Search Engine - And May Never Build One Again
[250]"Montgomery County’s Chinese Sister City, Xi’an, has donated 20,000 masks for Montgomery County employees
[244]The Marxists of BLM are gonna succeed in securing the biggest thing they despise – a second term for Trump
[243]deep dream is googles predictive AI. i think dragonfly was the "search engine" google was making for china
[241]Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp Has Apparently Been Integral In Spurring The DOJ's Antitrust Probe Into Google
[237]“It Seems to Me You’ve Got One Problem – The Judge Disagreed with You” – Rep. Jim Jordan DESTROYS Mueller Gang Member Aaron Zelinsky in Hearing
[226]British Man Sentenced To 70 Months In Prison For Fraud Scheme That Victimized Hundreds of Thousands of U.S. Consumers
[222]US Slaps Sanctions on Five Iranian Ship Captains Who Delivered 1.5 Mln Barrels of Oil to Venezuela
[219]AG Bill Barr Agrees to Testify Before the Blithering Idiots Running the House Judiciary Committee
[218]Gen Flynn on Rush today. Hannity announced will be joining his radio show today as well. it's on like donkey kong
[209]Zoom digg: Positioned perfectly to profit from a "surprise sudden need" for teleconferencing software?
[200]Michigan mayor resigns for saying 'I will be crucified if I vote against a black person' during city council meeting'
[199]Andy Ngo: Newspapers of record are writing antifa out of the riots & declaring those who bring attention to them as alt-right.
[198]Not Just Biden – Obama DAG Sally Yates Likely Lied As Well About Her Knowledge of General Flynn Set Up
[193]GOP Shreds Rioters, Democrats In New Video: ‘This Isn’t About Justice, It’s About Destroying America.’ vid
[192]@USNavy Shipmates, we abide by a different set of rules when voicing our opinion in the political landscape vid media link
[191]Twitter says security lapse exposed some advertising partners' billing information including partial credit card numbers
[182]The city of Phoenix could fine the president and attendees $250 for refusing to wear masks at his rally
[180]#FLYNN Get focused key section agent Peter Strzok declassified notes believed to be January 4, 2017 - 2 1/2 weeks before inauguration. NOTE: ‘D’ is FBI shorthand for Director (in this case Comey) and why so many reactions when the notes were declassified 6/23….
[178]Media Executive Warns Big Tech Is Secretively Seizing "All The Power" Over Information/in case you didn't already know
[166]So Gillian Turner is all in on "Flynn acted dishonorably because he lied to Pence."/ginger status revoked For the keks!
[165]Refresher: Seven big hints Barr has dropped about Durham’s investigation of the Russia investigators
[161]DOJ Files Statement of Interest Challenging Constitutionality of HI Gov's COVID-19 Order that Effectively Discriminates Against Out of-State Residents in a Manner that Harms Hawaii's Economy
[160]DOJ Files Statement of Interest Challenging the Constitutionality of Hawaii Governor's COVID-19 Order that Effectively Discriminates
[147]Democrats continue to refuse to do their Jobs, and hold America hostage to their political ideologies.
[137]Cuomo: Nursing Home Order ‘Wasn’t a Mistake’ – Staffers Brought Infection into Nursing Homes *Wow....
[135]Biden going Bonkers? Reporter Says Democrats Have Admitted Quietly That Joe Biden Lacks Mental Acuity
[134]Jack Del Rio of the NFL Redskins' Tells haters to Kiss his Ass if they dislike his political perspective
[132]Nursing Homes Shocked at 'Insanely Wrong' CMS Data on COVID-19 Evidence of Someone Distorting Statistics
[129]Madison protesters tear down Capitol statues, attack state Senator from Milwaukee as fury erupts again
[128]Hundreds ‘ambush’ Tampa police responding to report of shots fired, 2 officers injured, chief says
[126]the hoax continues: Bubba Wallace defiant, calls rope 'straight-up noose' after FBI says no crime occurred
[120]Wisconsin teenager accused of killing her alleged sex trafficker was released from jail Monday on $400,000 bond...
[113]STILL LAWLESS IN SEATTLE Cops probe THIRD shooting near Seattle ‘CHOP’ zone after Mayor finally pledges to dismantle protester’s ‘no cop’ area
[112]Planes, Casinos, Sexual Harassment and a Chinese Billionaire: LA Councilman Charged In Massive Bribery Case
[110]The Look on Obama’s Face Says it All – Biden Makes Absolutely No Sense During Virtual Fundraiser, “We’re Talking About a Peaceful Cold War” (VIDEO)
[109]Engel falls behind insurgent left-wing challenger in preliminary results, as Ocasio-Cortez wins primary
[108]Jimmy Kimmel FLEES Los Angeles to secret location after blackface skits and audio of him saying 'nigger' to impersonate Snoop Dogg resurfaced
[104]Madison protests: Tim Carpenter was attacked after taking a photo of protesters while on his way to work at the Capitol.
[095]Hunter’s millions: Ukrainian MP reveals new ‘Biden-Poroshenko’ tapes, claims VP’s son was paid ‘protection money’ by Burisma
[094]Group of Republicans, Who Claim Trump is a 'National Security Risk'... Set to Out Themselves as RINOs?
[093]Pompeo: If the @UN Arms Embargo on Iran expires in October, Iran will be able to buy new fighter aircraft like Russia’s SU-30 and China’s J-10.
[089]Soooo Funny! Hoaxer Bubba Wallace LASHES OUT After He Claimed a Door Rope was a Noose and FBI Busted His A$$
[084]So Jay Inslee (Wash state) issued another proclamation that face masks have to be worn at all time indoors and out. HTF is this still legal?
[082]Federal law enforcement officials arrested Natalie White, alleged former girlfriend of Rayshard Brooks, for allegedly burning down the Wendy’s earlier this month.
[070]British soldiers ‘got away with murder’ in Iraq, as government sent unqualified officers to investigate war crimes – report
[029]Court Transcripts Demonstrate Bankrupt McClatchy Mischaracterized Devin Nunes Twitter Lawsuit Proceedings
[023]Senator Accuses Google Of Posing "Tremendous Threat To Free And Fair Press" As Antitrust Probe Gets Going