[220]Tik-Tok Pizzagate Exposure Update media link media link media link media link media link media link
[219]US House of Representatives Committee Proposes $3.8 Billion to Fund Anti-Russia Measures in 2021
[218]UK university test COVID-19 vaccine derived from aborted fetal cell line in Africa, Brazil media link media link
[216]Rep. Ayanna Presley: 'It's Time to Pay Us What You Owe Us' Even though you may have been slaves too media link media link
[215]VILE GANG: Police Scotland took down large-scale asylum seeker grooming gang in Glasgow – but kept it secret media link
[214]Biden cancer nonprofit paid millions to top executives before shuttering (Bursima Much) media link
[213]Radical Feminist Who Argued for the Extermination of Men Glorified in the 'NY Times' media link media link
[211]Police announce charges against suspect who viciously beat Macy's employee in 'unprovoked attack' media link media link
[210]Portland Police Rush in and Manhandle Antifa Militants Trying to Barricade Central Precinct – Police Knock Rioters to the Ground media link
[209]DJT: The quote should say "from" in place of "of" and it wasn't yesterday, it was actually Thursday. media link
[208]Kurdish Forces And Turkish-Backed Militants Suffer Casualties In Northern Aleppo Clashes; Militants Shell Towns
[204]Twilight Zone Stuff: House Dems Unanimously Block Resolution Condemning Violence and Rioting media link
[203]Kek Twitter permanently suspends ‘Father Ted’ writer after he replies ‘men aren’t women’ to pro-trans tweet media link
[202]Fb Stocks Plummet: Mark Zuckerberg loses $7 billion in personal wealth as companies drop ads and 56 billion company market value media link media link
[199]Ex-Mossad head to 'Post': No one will stop Iran from going nuclear media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[198]In a User Submitted Clip from 1985 Joe Biden twice users the N word media link media link media link
[197]Judicial Watch Just Blew The Roof Off The Benghazi Cover Up media link media link media link media link
[196]Aiding and abetting: 'It'll go faster': New York professor shares tip on how to tear down statues media link media link
[195]NSW buys outback station in state's largest single property purchase for a national park media link media link
[193]'Criminal enterprise': Feds arrest L.A. city council Dem for alleged Chinese-linked bribery (LA, Another One) media link
[190]Monument destroyers back off after Trump posts FBI wanted poster of vandals’ photos, signs strong Executive Order media link media link
[189]LA Official: 'Those Not Wearing Masks Committing ‘Reckless Endangerment’ Commits Virtue Signaling media link media link
[185]These are the companies boycotting Facebook over its hate policies; FB Responds media link media link
[183]Bill Gates Talks About Coronavirus, How US Is Handling Social Distancing And Wearing Masks media link
[182]Honey Badger Digging: Barr Creates Task Force to Stop Violent Anti-Government Extremists media link
[179]The Killing of Ahmad Erekat by Israeli Police Puts Western Media Bias on Full Display media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[176]Have we been here before? Trump bruised as polls favour Biden – but experts warn of risk of dirty tricks media link
[174]Mia Khalifa? - No = Who is Khalifa Haftar? media link media link media link media link media link
[173]Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries (Remember that silent update in your phone?)>Barr Creates Task Force to Stop Violent Anti-Government Extremists media link media link media link media link
[171]Virginia’s Department of Health website encourages residents to snitch on people who violate coronavirus restrictions on public gatherings media link media link
[170]Third Night of London ‘Street Party’ Riots: Police Seize Firearm, Attacked with Glass Bottles media link media link media link media link media link
[166]Acting DHS Deputy Sec’y Cuccinelli: Trump EO Puts Defunding Localities That Won’t Enforce Law ‘Firmly on the Table’
[164]Seattle mayor fails to clear CHOP zone barricades & gives occupiers more time, as city slapped with ANOTHER lawsuit media link media link media link
[163]Central Banker Musical Chairs: Fed Exits LBMA Board, Banque de France Joins media link media link media link media link media link
[161]US fighter jets intercept 4 Russian military aircraft entering the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone media link
[159]QRD - woman w pacer account records herself looking at persons identified as under investigation.Specifically California. media link media link media link media link
[158]Because Villifying living white people isnt enough TMZ goes back in time to shame John Wayne media link
[157]Kek: Europe should brace for a reality in which US is no longer a world power – Merkel media link media link
[156], Newly Released Email Shows Dirty Cop Peter Strzok Bragging About Pinning Bogus Logan Act Crimes on General Michael Flynn media link media link media link
[153]Marines Twat; CH-53K King Stallion Testing and Implementation abord USSWasp media link media link media link media link
[149]California Truck Driver Will Not Be Charged After Hitting Leftist Rioters Occupying a Busy Street
[148]St. Louis City Treasurer Smears Local Christians for Prayer Protest at St. Louis Statue — Labels Christian St. Louisans ‘KKK’ for Wanting to Save Statue of Catholic Saint media link
[146]Credit card industry reins in balance-transfer offers as banks from JPMorgan to Amex fear defaults
[145]Trump’s Monument Executive Order Puts Federal Grants On The Chopping Block For Local Governments That Don’t Comply media link
[139]US GC Crude Oil: S&P Global Platts and Argus Media will launch new benchmarks for pricing US crude oil that is being exported to replace the West Texas Intermediate benchmark. media link
[138]Ivanka Trump: US Gov Will Emphasise Skills Over ‘Outdated Degree Requirements’ in Federal Hiring media link media link
[135]Entertainment @ it again working to influence public opinion: Comey miniseries gets pre-election airdate, after director pleads for chance to sway voters media link
[131]Private Security Given To Minneapolis City Council Members Who Support Defunding The Police: REPORT
[127]Video: Brutal Beatdown Near Portland Protest, Police Searching For Suspects-gatewaypundit media link
[126]Newly Released Email Shows Dirty Cop Peter Strzok Bragging About Pinning Bogus Logan Act Crimes on General Michael Flynn-gateway pundit media link
[120]PP's new official "social and racial activist" CEO is married to Soros funded think-tank president. media link media link
[116]‘PizzaGate’ Conspiracy Theory Thrives Anew in the TikTok Era-nytimes tries to debunk again media link media link media link media link media link media link
[112]"I will not be muzzled like a mad dog;" face mask debate turns fierce in St. Lucie County.Citizen voices their concerns media link
[107]NJ City Officials Charged After 1 In 5 Mail-In Ballots Found To Be Fraudulent In Election-dailycaller
[105]Q: All assets deployed/Washington examiner: Bannon sounds alarm over faltering Trump campaign media link media link media link
[100]Breitbart-Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Left Will ‘Steal Every Election Until the End of Time’ via Vote-by-Mail media link
[097]Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Left Will ‘Steal Every Election Until the End of Time’ via Vote-by-Mail
[096]Stefanik cosponsors bill extending student loan deferments, etc. media link media link media link
[094]Over 60% in Chicago seeking early prison release under Trump’s First Step Act go free media link
[093]Russia secretly offered Afghan militants bounties to kill U.S. troops, intelligence says media link
[092]BuzzFeed News fired senior reporter Ryan Broderick due to plagiarism (he also writes HIT PCS on Q) media link media link
[091]BuzzFeed fired senior reporter Ryan Broderick due to plagiarism (he also writes HIT PCS on Q) media link media link
[088]Podesta email with names involved with companies which are involved with medical vaccines and BG and CF non-profits, and how they are associated. "hope someone is keeping tabs on Doug Band" media link media link media link media link media link
[087]Podesta email w/names involved with companies which are involved with medical vaccines and BG and CF non-profits, and how they are associated media link media link media link media link media link
[083]Andy Ngo: Antifa rioters in Ptld are trying to barricade police inside the Central Precinct. They’re calling for comrade reinforcements. media link
[082]Sara Carter: Americans, don't be afraid to show your gratitude for this great country media link
[081]Matt Latimer on how Joe Biden's comments are proof of a double standard in American politics. media link
[078]MediaMatters Qanon Hit-piece against CA GOP backed candidates that support Q media link media link
[072]The FCC said Tuesday it will vote next month to designate 988 as the new three-digit U.S. nationwide number to reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (techcrunch.com) media link
[071]The FCC said Tuesday it will vote next month to designate 988 as the new three-digit U.S. nationwide number to reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (techcrunch.com) media link
[070]The FCC said Tuesday it will vote next month to designate 988 as the new three-digit U.S. nationwide number to reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (techcrunch.com) media link
[069]CRISPR gene editing in human embryos wreaks chromosomal mayhem (like we didn't know editing genes would be bad?) (Nature.com) media link media link media link media link
[068]Canadian bioscience firm says it's approved for production of rapid COVID-19 testing device media link
[066]Death Rate from COVID-19 Declining in Ventura County, CA (vcememergency.com) media link media link
[065]The California legislature has now voted to strike these words from our state media link media link
[063]Tim Scott blasts Pelosi over 'outrageous, sinful' claim GOP wants to 'get away with murder' of George Floyd (Foxnews.com) media link
[061]Complaint filed against DOJ whistleblower Zelinsky alleging misconduct in Stone prosecution (nlpc.org) media link media link media link media link media link
[060]Max Kapustin, the senior research director at the University of Chicago Crime Lab RE: Chiraq Homicide Rate (Twatter/Multiple sources) media link media link media link
[054], As The Darkness Falls: Things Are Not What They Seem Dig By Daniel Holdings media link media link media link
[053], WhiteHouse Letter to Gov of Illinois & Mayor of Chiraq (Twatter/multiple sources) media link media link media link media link
[050], Susan Rice (Twatt) Gives out Suicide Line #.. whatchewtalkinboutwillis? media link media link media link media link media link media link
[048]Cathrine Herridge (Twatt) In FBI interview, sr DOJ Mary McCord said McCabe told her about Flynn-Kislyak calls media link media link media link
[046]Citigroup sold preferred shares of Blackrock-Nuveen Muni. Income Fund: $336m-June 24 media link media link media link
[044]@GenFLynn #TAKETHEOATH media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[035]When did FLynn's background change? Anons know? media link media link media link media link media link media link
[033]OANN Reporter Jack Posobiec ATTACKED by BLM Mob at DC Rally – Shoved, Thrown Water At, Pushed Out of Park-gatewaypundit muh chatlogs! media link media link media link
[032]POTUS is Combating Violence and Protecting America’s Monuments, Memorials, and Statues-wh.gov media link
[031]1,700 Troops Will Support July 4 'Salute to America' Demonstrations, Pentagon Says-military.com media link
[030]NEW: 106 pages of emails between the Office of the Attorney General Bill Barr, deputy AG and US Attorney John Durham #FOIA media link media link media link
[025]Eric Schmidt, Reid Hoffman donate millions to Dems while serving on Pentagon board nypost june 24 media link
[024]Hawaii Senate passes Bill in response to Covid-19: bypassing need for Gov. to declare state of emergency
[023]President Donald J. Trump Is Combating Violence and Protecting America’s Monuments, Memorials, and Statues media link
[020]Major COVID-19 outbreak at rural California prison. Officials blame state for inmate transfer Anons CALL for DIGS County health officer Dr. Sundari Mase media link
[017]Petition to recall Judge in Harris County dictator Lina Hidalgo–who has mad wearing masks mandatory and is sowing FUD in the Houston area. media link
[015]Texas Hospital CEO: Covid inpatient count 'misinterpreted' level of alarm 'unwarranted' media link
[009]US intelligence has concluded that the #Russian military offered bounties to #Taliban-linked militants in Afghanistan to kill American troops and other coalition forces. media link
[008]California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin media link media link media link
[007]Hamas Says Planned Israeli Annexation A "Declaration Of War" While IDF Vows 'We're Ready' media link media link
[003]Leading UK newspapers hold secretive “War Games” with “senior US political operatives, constitutional lawyers, and scholars” (aka deep state) over 2020 election media link
[002]Anon genius idea of furnishing oxygen monitors everywhere if masks required also. Must maintain health standards and all & Digz media link media link
[001]BLM funraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board & Digz Last one (O9A Comes to mind fsr #9759579) media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link