[220]Arizona Governor Orders Bars, Gyms, Waterparks and Theaters to Close For at Least 30 Days to ‘Curb the Spread of COVID-19’-gatewaypundit
[219]Chinese National In U.S. Admits To Laundering MILLIONS For Mexican Drug Cartels-B911 media link media link
[215]Venezuela's Maduro Orders EU Envoy to Leave Within 72 Hours Over Newly Imposed Sanctions-sputnik
[214]‘White Women Are Lucky Black People Are Not Calling For Revenge’: WaPo Opinion Editor-saracarter.com media link media link
[213]'Enough is enough!' — Seattle police chief fed up after another fatal shooting of a black teen near CHOP-theblaze.com media link media link
[212]Russian National Pleads Guilty for Role in Transnational Cybercrime Organization Responsible for more than $568 Million in Losses-justice.gov from june 26 media link
[205]Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc sold by Warburg Pincus Private Equity: $773.05m-June 25 media link media link
[204]Ten Defendants Charged in $1.4 Billion Rural Hospital Pass-Through Billing Scheme media link media link media link
[201]I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent..... media link
[200]Flynn targeted for destruction because he wanted to investigate Brennan's 'off the books' billions of dollars at CIA?
[199]Andy Ngo EVISCERATES Nadler's Claim That Antifa's Role in Riots Is 'Imaginary' media link media link
[198]'The only thing that stopped the crowd was my rifle' | Interview with man who pulled out gun amid protest
[195]Ocean Voyages Institute Removed 103 Tons Of Plastic From The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Setting Record media link media link media link media link
[189]Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt Announces Departure from Civil Division-July 3rd departure-justice.gov media link
[185]Danny O’Brien,executive vp of government relations at Fox News’ parent company, is a former Joe Biden chief of staff who is reportedly actively helping the Biden campaign media link media link
[183]The House Oversight’Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy is investigating improper Opportunity Zone designations identified by the Niskanen Center in late 2019 media link
[178]The National Institutes of Health (NIH) own a financial stake in the Bill Gates-funded Moderna Coronavirus vaccine media link
[177]Adidas, Reebok, Ford, HP, Microsoft Pause Advertisements With Facebook As Boycott Builds media link media link media link
[174]St. Louis Circuit Attorney Threatens to Take Action Against Couple Who Protected Home Against Protest Mob on Private Street media link media link
[173]An attorney now says he has two clients prepared to sue if the Trump administration follows through with sanctions against the International Criminal Court. media link
[170]#TheSaraCarterShow that the #Dems "want to remove protections rather than make sure that every vote is counted and that elections in this country remain free and fair." media link media link media link media link
[169]The son of the vice president went on 29 international trips with Secret Service in tow, according to records released under FOIA to Judicial Watch. media link media link
[160]Supreme Court Ruling on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau media link media link media link
[159]Lewis Hamilton to race for Mercedes in new all-black car and overalls as F1 team give up their famous 'Silver Arrows' trim to get behind Black Lives Matter media link media link
[158]Supreme Court decides Soros Funded Open Society's foreign affiliates do not have First Amendment rights or any constitutional rights media link
[157]The time has come to create a federal agency for artificial intelligence. media link media link media link
[155]Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. media link media link
[154]CEO Jack Dorsey says free speech on Twitter was never a mission of the company and was a joke. media link
[152]Chief Federal Judge in Los Angeles Resigns After Using ‘Racist’ Term “Street Smart” media link media link
[151]Supreme Court on Monday declined a challenge by several death row inmates asking justices to clarify the law on how the government carries out federal executions. media link
[148]Airbus to make thousands of workers redundant as it cuts production by 40%, union says media link media link
[147]Pelosi, Schumer request US intelligence leaders brief Congress on reports of Russian bounties media link
[146]After Gantz says annexation can wait, Netanyahu snipes: ‘It’s not up to him’ media link media link media link media link
[141]A Portland State University grad student was recording the national anthem for their online graduation. vid media link
[134]VIDEO Activists set up guillotine outside Jeff Bezos' home, call for end to Amazon media link media link
[130]Interpol says it can't act on Iran's request to arrest Trump for ordering the killing of General Soleimani media link media link
[128]Massive Mail-In Voter Fraud Identified in New Jersey — Democrats Caught Harvesting Ballots in Bundles, Refuse to Step Down from Office media link
[127]Former French Prime Minister Defeated By Macron Handed 5-Year Jail Term In "Fake Jobs" Verdict media link
[125]@reddit Finally Bans Hate Speech, Removes 2,000 Racist and Violent Forums Including The_Donald media link media link
[122]83 Tons Of Fake Gold Bars: Gold Market Rocked By Massive China Counterfeiting Scandal media link media link media link media link
[116]ICYMI: "I have confirmed that neither the President nor the Vice President were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting
[115]de Blasio said he’s presented a plan to the City Council to shift about $1 billion from the police department to social programs. media link
[105]Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) Runs Through Everyone Cuomo Has Blamed for His Fatal Nursing Home Policy media link
[104]A data breach has impacted Maine State Police’s information sharing database for federal, state and local law enforcement officials... media link
[101]Covid-19 test samples were found dumped on the N2 roadside between King William's Town and East London on Monday morning. media link
[097]New DJT twat: Can anyone believe that Princeton just dropped the name of Woodrow Wilson from their highly respected policy center...
[093]East Tulsa: 2 officers in critical condition after being shot during a routine traffic stop. manhunt underway for suspect media link
[088]Iran issues arrest warrant for Trump for his role in the drone strike that killed General Qassem Soleimani. 4am talking point? media link media link
[087]Judge Refuses to Dismiss Terror Charges Against Young Conservative Who Posted Rifle Pic on Social Media media link media link
[085]New Yorkers will lose paid sick leave benefits if they travel to states with high COVID-19 infection rates says Governor Andrew Cuomo media link media link media link
[084]Not that it matters because the word isn’t in the 2A, but these savages are why we *need* high capacity semi auto long guns. media link
[082]TikTok: Beneath Its Fun Exterior Lies A Sinister Purpose. a “fundamentally parasitic app that is always listening”
[081]moar shooting at the CHAZ media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[080]China warned Monday that it would impose visa restrictions on US citizens who had “behaved egregiously” over Hong Kong
[077]Albany County chairman says altercation at state GOP convention left him unconscious, hospitalized media link
[075]BLM mob takes aim at praying Christians and Catholic statue as anarchy spreads to the heartland media link
[074]DOMINIC LAWSON: First they came for the statues, now stained glass windows. Yet one woman's vile history is overlooked media link media link
[073]How convenient! The China Daily propaganda rag of the Chinese Communist Party is distributed almost daily for free to congressional offices. media link media link media link media link
[072]GP: Kansas State Student Suspended From Twitter Over Joke About George Floyd, Accounts Threatening to Kill Him Remain Active media link
[071]Panic in Jerusalem: Activists turned a fountain blood red at @realDonaldTrump Square in Petah Tikva on Monday media link
[070]The Koreas' Unification Ministry on Monday held a hearing on two North Korean defector-led groups, as the final step before revoking their permits for floating anti-North Korea propaganda materials across the border, in defiance of the government.
[068]State-run tabloid Global Times has attracted ridicule after it shared a photo of “spy tools” it claimed were seized from Australian agents.
[067]A man who knew Tara Reade during law school says that she told him she was assaulted — marking at least the eighth person to corroborate aspects of her accusations against 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden. media link
[062]About those VC bras... RFID Technology: 5 Ways Fashion Brands Are Using It, and other info media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[060]Anons are digging on a knowing lie. media link media link media link media link media link media link
[057]“Only the @USNavy can integrate a carrier strike force on this scale and consistently project power to protect freedom of the seas.” - Rear Adm. James Kirk media link media link
[051]Joe Biden has offered a one-word job description for his vice presidential running mate. media link
[050]Today we honor the 11 @USNavy SEALs & 8 @USArmy #KnightStalkers lost during #OperationRedWings 15 yrs ago. media link
[048]It is “disingenuous” for Democrats such as Cuomo to claim they were following federal guidelines when they were not.
[046]'U.S. employers keep roughly 600,000 foreign H-1B visa workers in jobs throughout the United States, according to an unprecedented report released by the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency.
[043]Scott Baio: Truth bombs coming? Defends himself against anti-Trump protestor media link media link
[038]Wow, Fox News…really! Anti-American, Anti-White, Anti-Semetic, race baiting radical Muslim Islamist, Louis Farrakan, doing an Independence Day 'Special'!
[037]Divine Comedy: Leftist Thug Climbs St. Louis Statue – Takes Major Fall While Attempting to Vandalize Iconic Landmark media link
[033]Three New Jersey Democrat politicians are being charged with fraud relating to a mail-in voting scam
[032]Black Lives Matter mob entered through the gate to a private St Louis community media link media link media link media link
[031]Tulsa Arena Management Sabotaged Trump Rally Attendance - ANONS DIG media link media link media link media link
[021]Tweet on Cuomo's smug attitude towards other states media link media link media link media link media link media link
[018]U.S. University Requiring Both Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines for Students to Enter Campus media link media link
[016]Girl stands while others take a knee (details unclear but image is compelling) media link media link media link media link
[006]Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Joins Al Sharpton to Promote Boycott of ‘Hate’ media link
[002]Rasmussen Reports: Black approval of Pres. Trump doubled since the protests started media link media link