[244]@realDonaldTrump As I watch the Pandemic spread its ugly face all across the world, including the tremendous damage it has done to the USA, I become more and more angry at China
[242]Delingpole: Forbes Cancels Environmentalist Who Wrote ‘I Apologize for the Climate Scare/Forbes sold the majority of their company China
[238]HAPPENING NOW: participating in a Zoom meeting with the First Lady of the United States regarding foster care.
[233]Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support- GEN. MICHAEL T. FLYNN (R), CONTRIBUTOR - 11/08/16
[228]Senate Bill 4051, the “Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act”, an encryption killer, aims to require technology companies to build ‘back doors’ into their products
[223]BREAKING: LA City Council approves first step to replace Police Department officers with "community-based, unarmed emergency responders" for non-violent calls
[220]The Flynn family is on fire today. Gen Flynn‘s brother Joseph took the Oath. Before him Mary and Barbara took the Oath.
[218]Deep‐seated abiogenic origin of petroleum: From geological assessment to physical theory media link
[215]Just As Trump Resumes Cooperation with Russia His Rogue Spy Agencies Strike Again With Afghan Lies-russiainsider
[214]The Justice Department, Department of Health and Human Services, and the Federal Trade Commission Partner to Alert Public of Contact Tracing COVID-19 Fraud Schemes-justice.gov
[211]FCC declares Chinese telecommunication companies Huawei and ZTE Corporation as national security threats to the United States-soc media (saw it earlier posted)
[205]Utah Driver Shot by Antifa Terrorist as He Tries to Flee Swarming Black Lives Matter Mob (Video)-gatewaypundit
[201]Anthony Fauci Warns: Pig-Bound Virus in China Could Cause Another Pandemic/We got the proof this is bullshit!
[200]60+ Groups Demand Senate Pass Sanders Amendment to Slash 'Out of Control' Pentagon Budget by $74 Billion led by Sen. Bernie Sanders
[196]Biden Faces No Questions About Michael Flynn Probe During His First Press Conference In Three Months
[194]Russia Withdraws From UN Deconfliction System On Syria Because Some Of Its Facilities Are Used By Terrorists
[192]The Pentagon has announced that roughly 1,700 service members will help to support President Trump's July 4 celebrations.
[188]Biden: "We're giving a portion of the population who has responded to the race-baiting the President has engaged in a sort of free pass."
[185]Panic in London ?Theresa May worried by -On Tuesday, the former prime minister condemned the decision to appoint David Frost as national security adviser?
[179]The Department of Justice Warns of Inaccurate Flyers and Postings Regarding the Use of Face Masks and the Americans with Disabilities Act
[178]‘We may all be moving to Canada soon,’ Schiff says at disinformation and election interference talk
[172]BREAKING: Judge temporarily blocks Trump’s niece Mary Trump from publishing her tell-all book - @TheHill
[167]Netanyahu Warns Assad Not to Ally With Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hints Israeli Ops in Syria Will Continue
[161]Fox cancels livestream of Louis Farrakhan's 'message' from 'God' after massive outrage/ copy: massive outrage: over
[160]Facebook Nerfs News Feed; Will Prioritize Original Reporting, Demote Stories By Anonymous Authors
[158]Warren would revoke Medals of Honors awarded to troops of the U.S Army's 7th Cavalry Regiment in what has come to be known as the "Wounded Knee Massacre."
[156]“God Will Not Give Way to the Care of the Devil” – General Michael Flynn Offers a Prayer of Hope for America
[154]Here we go again: AP doubles down on unverified ‘Russian bounties’ story, cites ‘sources’ claiming WH aware of intel in 2019
[153]@GovRonDeSantis governor’s mansion is currently barricaded and “no trespassing” signs are posted
[149]Black Lives Matter chapter co-founder once referred to white people as “recessive genetic defects”
[147]China passes controversial national security law for Hong Kong, prohibiting secession and foreign interference
[137]financefag reporting: Wells Fargo said it expects to cut its dividend for the first time in more than a decade...
[133]It appears that roughly 80% of the population has immunity to Covid-19, and the nature of the test gives false positives to people who previously had the virus
[131]Dateline July/2019: (video) Mass Arrest of Marines Accused of Human Smuggling at Camp Pendleton media link
[127]New DJT w/CAP: We are tracking down the two Anarchists who threw paint on the magnificent George Washington Statue in Manhattan. We have them on tape.
[126]Pain Clinic Owner Extradicted From Italy. numerous charges related to "pill mill" operations in Florida and Tennessee
[125]Failing fake news NYT retreats from phony Russia Bounty story. Wonder what press corps has to say to Kayleigh today? Our bad? fuggers.
[124]Inspired by Seattle, militant left-wing protesters have created another “autonomous” no-cop zone around NYC’s City Hall. media link
[122]Hunter Biden travel June 2020 FOIA. We are granting your request under the FOIA, Title 5 U.S.C. § 552 (as amended) and 6 C.F.R.
[121]Appeals court limits Wisconsin early voting. The three judges also banned most voters from having absentee ballots emailed or faxed to them
[120]City of St. Louis Positioning to Charge Home Defenders. circuit attorney Kimberly M. Gardner issued a statement
[117]anon is begging for eyez on for Q proof: updated graphic for Q proof "Children of Light". responses were a wash lb
[116]According to reporting from @TheAtlantic, the CDC is counting positive antibody tests in with the rest of the positive coronavirus tests.
[107]Princeton Alum Michelle Obama Praises University for Name Change as Donald Trump Slams It as 'Stupidity!'
[096]Chapter 35 The Cold War Begins, 1945-1952 cast Cold War as a battle between good and evil Divided world into two camps:“children of light” vs. “children of darkness”
[089]FOR KEKS: The Ultimate TYT Election 2016 Meltdown - From Smug To Insane in Under 8 Quality Minutes
[083]Kenya: former Agriculture Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri in trouble over money laundering allegations
[080]A US #SupremeCourt decision released Monday in a case about NGOs, HIV-AIDS funding and prostitution could force US aid recipients to comply with #American policy on #Israel.
[075]USMC: During the training for potential natural disaster relief, Marines learned essential skills to cut down individual trees.
[072]Two Terrorists Killed as India and Pakistan Exchange Gunfire in Major Skirmish on Border in Kashmir
[070]Anon nom: Twitter Patriot’s: Please help spread some last minute news/inquiries regarding Utah Governor candidate Jon Huntsman, Jr.!
[067]Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly announced Monday that she will issue a statewide order requiring Kansans to wear face masks in indoor spaces.
[056]Goal posts shifting – the NYT reported Friday that Trump had been briefed, not that it had only been included in the PDB.
[055]Democrats Delete Tweet Calling Trump 4th of July Celebration a “Rally Glorifying White Supremacy at Mount Rushmore”
[054]BREAKING: L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva tells me he will NOT enforce the beach closure order for 4th of July weekend.
[041]Lebanon’s Financial Meltdown: Currency Plunges 80%, Huge Losses at Central Bank, IMF Bailout Stalled
[038]Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques
[036]RT: Previously boasting nearly 1 million YouTube subscribers, Stefan Molyneux has seen his channel of 14 years deleted as part of the platform's crackdown on 'hate speech'