[262]JUDGE: Pritzker doesn’t have authority to restrict freedoms UPDATED media link media link media link
[252]What Are They Hiding? Ohio Health Dept. Says FOIA Requests Can Be Delayed Until 90 Days After COVID-19 Emergency Ends
[247]In a historic move, Israel's @RAFAELdefense and @ILAerospaceIAI will be working alongside UAE's @Group42Inc to find effective solutions amid the #coronavirus pandemic.
[246]Louisiana Company Charged With Conspiracy To Defraud The Government And Violate The Procurement Integrity Act
[241]2012: Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons, two of the most notorious figures in British corporate history, helped Mitt Romney build his $250 million (£160 million) fortune, it can be disclosed./1999
[239]Exposes everything from before WW1 up to current plans of the Satanic New World Order plans. vids
[238]The Bee: For the keks! FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislaine Maxwell
[232]Victim’s attorney Lisa Bloom says that Ghislaine Maxwell could reveal a “bigger name” involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile network in order to secure a plea deal.
[231]Mongolia has put one of its regions under quarantine after discovering two suspected cases of Black Plague
[226]Norman Traversy delivers the link document to the American embassy In Ottawa yesterday. The first day of the new USMCA, and Canada’s birthday. June 1, 2020.
[225]Maxwell's detention memo states that authorities linked at least 15 bank accounts to her, with varying amounts stashed up to +$20 million.
[218]New director at National Science Foundation headed Trump's Office of Science and Technology Policy
[217]House Democrats, Working With Liz Cheney, Restrict Trump’s Planned Withdrawal of Troops From Afghanistan and Germany
[213]The Superior GENERAL of the Society of Jesus [Jesuits], also known as the Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas [P]achon died May 20, 2020.
[212]Seattle Mayor Orders Closure of CHOP Due to ‘Ongoing Violence and Public Safety Issues’ after 23 days - NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
[210]Ghislaine Maxwell will be held in the same facility where Epstein didn't kill himself. Go figure.
[209]In an era of fake news, can we trust the MSM polls that show Trump badly trailing Biden in the race for the US presidency?
[208]At Least 23 Arrests as Seattle Police Clear Out CHOP: ‘Failure to Disperse, Obstruction, Resisting Arrest, and Assault’
[202]Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Requests of Former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power to Unmask Identities of U.S. Citizens
[188]Did anyone else pick up on this? POTUS said 'foundation' 6 times in his speech today, including repeating it 3 times in one sentence.
[185]South Africans accuse researchers of testing Oxford coronavirus vaccine on poor and vulnerable Africans
[182]Convicted sex offender sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for attempting to entice a minor to engage in sexual activity
[176]Warrant and Complaint Seek Seizure of All Iranian Gasoil Aboard Four Tankers Headed to Venezuela Based on Connection to IRGC
[174]BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder: ‘We Live in A City that Is Largely Liberal White Supremacists’/gettin closer to the truth
[155]Tech giant CEO's whose firms are worth a combined $5.5trillion agree to appear TOGETHER before House antitrust panel
[151]Officials in San Francisco are working to figure out a way to quiet a low hum coming from the famed Golden Gate Bridge
[150]Police have arrested 746 suspects and seized more than £54million in the UK’s biggest ever crime operation
[138]Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs: Assistant Attorney General Jody Hunt Announces Departure from Civil Division
[132]press conference today at noon to announce charges against Ghislaine Maxwell for her role in the sexual exploitation and abuse of multiple minor girls by Jeffrey Epstein.
[123]Novartis Pays Over $642 Million to Settle Allegations of Improper Payments to Patients and Physicians
[117]worth renoting: China Threatens In Paracels; Three US Carrier Groups Sail The Philippine Sea. China shuts down sea traffic in the South China Sea
[116]Republican Senators (Ron Johnson and James Lankford) Introduce Legislation To Cancel Columbus Day
[114]Lisa Page w/CAP: Putting aside all the ridiculous nonsense about when POTUS was briefed... when is this admin going to take action against Russia?
[111]London: Criminal kingpins behind murder and drugs plots have been arrested. Met Police smashed a secret phone network used by their gangs...
[109]China vows RETALIATION against Britain over plan to let three million Hong Kongers settle in UK after hundreds are arrested in crackdown
[106]Arizona man has been sentenced to 13 months in prison after selling illegally manufactured ammunition to Stephen Paddock
[104]A federal appellate court has halted a lower court ruling that gave Florida felons the right to vote.
[103]House committee votes to put roadblocks on President Trump’s ability to withdraw forces from Afghanistan
[100]Overwhelming support for Putin's constitution changes a wake-up call for Westerners who claim Russian system is bound to collapse
[094]Protesters gather in front of Vancouver city attorneys’ homes to protest targeting of local bus owner
[087]US Media Date 'Russian Bounties' 5 Years Back, Name 'Key Middleman' in 'Money Transfers' (Sputnik)
[077]Verma: Democrats issued guidance that contradicted federal guidelines, causing the deaths of Elders
[073]The presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey issued a joint stmt Wed condemning "Israeli military attacks in Syria"
[069]Federal Agents Charge Four Democrat Toledo City Council Members in Bribery Investigation-gatewaypundit
[068]Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing FDA Paid for ‘Fresh and Never Frozen’ Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized Mice’ Creation
[066]Florida Gov. DeSantis refuses to cave to pressure over COVID-19 spike, won't shut down Florida-theblaze
[065]Russian constitutional changes approved by 77,93% as 99,9 % of ballots counted - Election Commission
[061]Colorado Supreme Court rejects governor’s attempt to allow signature gathering for ballot initiatives by email, mail
[060]Biden pulls together hundreds of lawyers as a bulwark against election trickery/from his basement abode in a lockdown unit
[059]Chaos Erupts as Democrats Adopt GOP Motion to Restrict Chinese Access to American Infrastructure Projects
[050]New HUD Rule Would Allow Single-Sex or Sex-Segregated Homeless Shelters To Turn Away Transgender People
[049]Twitter removes meme from Trump tweet after The New York Times, which owns the rights to the photo, filed a complaint
[048]Israel #Aerospace Industries prepares to lay off about 900 of its #employees, the company's CEO, Maj.-Gen. (Ret.) Nimrod Sheffer, announces his #resignation
[044]NSANE: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says he's no longer using his desk that once belonged to Woodrow Wilson
[043]INSANE: New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy says he's no longer using his desk that once belonged to Woodrow Wilson
[031]Vid: Riots set to music. "Things will be great when you're Down-town". Graphic, but would make a great 2020 campaign ad! media link
[028]DOJ: Novartis Pays Over $642 Million to Settle Allegations of Improper Payments to Patients and Physicians
[019]Live Stream – Louisville, Ky, cops just arrested some woman causing trouble and all hell broke loose for a bit
[018]Reddit quickly revises policy that would have permitted 'hateful activities' against non-minorities