[227]Ivory Coast PM Amadou Gon Coulibaly died after attending a cabinet meeting, just three months before presidential elections that he was due to contest. He was 61 media link
[226]DOJ arrest of Cesar Duarte, a member of Mexico's corrupt PRI political party, After years on the run media link media link media link media link
[215]West did not appear to have filed the necessary paperwork to officially run for president. media link
[213]President Trump's Joint Press Statement with the President of the United Mexican States - 18:45ish HRS EDT media link
[212]Revisionists at it again: Oprah Winfrey, Lionsgate Team to Bring New York Times’ ‘1619 Project’ to TV and Film media link
[211]The Bee: Liberals Worried That Without Cancel Culture They'd Actually Have To Defend Their Ideas media link
[209]Here we go again! This time Lithuania BANS RT, claiming it is led by journalist who heads TOTALLY DIFFERENT network media link
[208]UN Syria commission never went to Idlib, obsessed with blaming Damascus – Lavrov media link media link
[203]Romania Dismantles Third Human Trafficking Ring in Four Days media link media link media link media link
[199]In the First 'Dossier Lawsuit' Against Steele, Judge Awards Damages to Those He Falsley Accused media link
[197]great thread, pineal, what they have been hiding from us media link media link media link media link media link
[196]Shoppers in Australia's second-biggest city stripped supermarket shelves Wednesday as millions in Melbourne prepared for a return to virus lockdown media link
[194]U.S. Marshals raid church and arrest sons of Mark Grenon – Genesis 2 Church – in Florida over MMS supplement, violating First Amendment rights of religious expression-naturalnews
[192]Jackson, Mississippi city council votes to remove statue of namesake, Andrew Jackson-soc media media link
[191]Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation Sue for Joe Biden Senate Records at University of Delaware-judicialwatch media link
[188]'We ain't paying crap': Italian restaurant racks up $10K in fines for opening before governor allows — but owners are defiant-hideoutnow.com media link media link
[186]Findings of Misconduct by an FBI Senior Official for Retaliating Againstan FBI Employee for Suspected Reporting of Alleged Ethics Violations oig.justice.gov July 8
[185]US Navy Twat: Who’s tuning in to watch #Greyhound this Friday on Apple TV? You know we are! media link
[181]Ivory Coast's Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly dies, aged 61 and Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza dies of 'cardiac arrest' at 55 media link
[180]Supreme Court Decision Means 126,000 Women Stand To Lose Birth Control Coverage-ibtimes media link
[179]Officer of China’s People’s Liberation Army Arrested at Los Angeles International Airport: Xin Wang-FBI SF Twatter -arrested on June 11th media link media link
[178]Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI-naturalblaze.com media link media link media link media link
[177]UK suspends British-Pakistani doctor's licence for peddling misinformation about Covid-19-timesnownews
[176]American Contractor Pleads Guilty to Stealing Government Equipment on U.S. Military Base in Afghanistan-justice.gov
[173]President Trump Announces He Disagrees with CDC’s Unrealistic, Expensive and Overly Intrusive Guidelines for Opening Schools media link
[170]The Merging of US and Israeli National Security States is Accelerating Amid COVID-19 media link media link media link
[169]Joining the dots on Ghislaine Maxwell, Covid19 and Sir Mark Sedwill media link media link media link media link media link
[168]Gold futures up a fourth straight session to mark another finish at the highest since 2011 media link media link media link media link
[167]Hong Kong draws the curtains on its freedom: China opens its new office for intelligence agents to operate freely in the city under new security law media link media link media link
[166]Woman pleads guilty to embezzling more than $500,000 as former director of East Texas advocacy group for the disabled
[165]Thousands of protesters fight with police and storm parliament building in Belgrade after Serbian president announced reintroduction of lockdown measures amid rise in Covid-19 death toll media link media link media link media link media link
[164]Over 100,000 Legal Crossings Per Day Fueling Spike in COVID Cases at US-Mexican Border media link media link media link media link media link
[163]The Supreme Court Just Pointed Out the Absurdity of the Electoral College. It's Up to Us to End It/LIBTARD NEWS TAKE!
[161]TEXAS: Smith County asking for public’s help to identify those responsible for laying out deflation devices on I-20 media link media link
[160]Billion-Dollar Planned Parenthood Takes $150 Million in Government Relief Loans media link media link
[157]Wearing a face mask outdoors in New Jersey will now be required by law, Gov. Phil Murphy said. media link media link
[154]Portland Demonstrators Engage in ‘Night of Rage’ to Protest Death of BLM Protester media link media link media link media link
[153]Lynn Forester de Rothschild sends a letter to Bill Clinton in 1995 discussing Jeffrey Epstein. Maxwell indictment: 1994 through 1997, Clinton President 1993-2000 media link media link media link media link media link
[149]Report finds UK enabled ‘unlawful’ Saudi-led naval blockade of Yemen, as London resumes arms sales to Riyadh media link
[147]Seattle city councilmember Kshama Sawant had a personal message for billionaire Jeff Bezos after the passage of the so-called Amazon tax, warning him that “we are coming for you.”
[144]The Press Secretary will hold a press briefing at 1:30PM./cancelled? media link media link media link media link
[142]Camp X, THE U.S. SPY TRAINING SCHOOL YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF media link media link media link media link media link
[141]China defends World Health Organization, criticizes Trump's decision to withdraw over coronavirus media link
[139]Refresher: Duckworth to halt military confirmations until she receives assurance Vindman promotion won't be blocked
[138]A flood of federal lawsuits against Giant Eagle over its coronavirus mask policy has reached more than 30 in western Pennsylvania, all claiming that the supermarket chain is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.
[137]furlough warnings to 36,000 workers as United Airlines effective date would be Oct. 1, when a government-imposed ban on forced job cuts by airlines that accepted billions of dollars in federal payroll aid expires. media link
[133]2015: New South Wales The widespread use of cloth masks by healthcare workers may actually put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral infections media link
[121]Kanye West: ‘Planned Parenthoods Have Been Placed Inside Cities by White Supremacists to Do the Devil’s Work
[117]Defense Logistics: Harker takes over as acting Pentagon comptroller. TRUE audit with REAL accountability?
[109]Update on 12 yr old sucker puncher: Police know his name (Cedric C. Moore Jr.) and have charged him, but haven't found him yet. media link
[107]IT BEGINS: Psychologists Push to Classify Individuals Resisting Coronavirus Edicts as Mentally Ill
[097]Campaign data show Omar has paid Tim Mynett’s consulting firm a total of more than $878,000 since 2018... media link media link
[095]FBI Milwaukee Field-Office: International Operation Targeting Individuals Sexually Abusing Children and Distributing Child Sexual Abuse Materials media link
[093]Mystery brunette who Prince Andrew waved goodbye to from Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile lair is the philanthropist daughter of former Australian prime minister Paul Keating media link media link
[092]Maxwell (et. al.) argues for leagalizing child porn. related diggz. media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[088]New cleaners at PM's residence don't have security clearance, will need guards media link media link
[086]DNSPCC distances itself from Prince Andrew after facing backlash over its historic links to the scandal-hit royal (24 Aug 2019) media link
[084]NEW DOCS: "JW Obtains Records Showing FDA Paid for Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized Mice’ Creation." media link
[075]Gen Flynn's Book twatter: It’s a good thing we care what Communist Network News @CNN and MSLSD @MSNBC think…And @MalcolmNance calling @GenFlynn nutty is laughable. media link
[074]July 8th, 1776 Colonel John Nixon gives the 1st public reading of the Declaration of Independence to an assemblage of citizens in Philadelphia media link
[073]Ilhan Omar Calls for ‘Dismantling’ of America’s ‘Economy and Political Systems? Is she seriously insane?
[072]President Bolsonaro is taking Dr. Zelenko protocol (HCQ) and is already feeling better media link
[071]George Soros-backed DA Charges Couple with ‘Hate Crime’ for Painting Over ‘Black Lives Matter’ media link media link media link media link
[069]Anon nom: Court docs indicate all parties are accessing Maxwell's court proceedings via video conferencing... media link
[064]Informative Summit @WhiteHouse today on Safely Reopening America’s Schools with @POTUS, @VP, @SecondLady, State & local leaders, health professionals, parents & teachers. media link
[063]President Donald Trump argued for over a year that there was mass corruption taking place in Puerto Rico with government funds following Hurricane Maria in 2017 — he was correct the entire time.
[060]COVID-19 Drug Could Be More Effective than Rushed Vaccine - Expert on India Setting ‘Wrong’ Deadline media link media link
[059]Lots of stories popping off about a coin shortage: media link media link media link media link media link
[058]The New CMBS: Italian Mafia Issues 'Crime & Murder Backed Securities' media link media link media link
[057]Anon nom: Photo taken with Wild Bill Clinton wearing a red shirt and black singer could possibly be an event prior to the September 2002 Africa trip which was part of a project for Clinton’s foundation media link media link media link
[052]What graphs is FAUCI actually using?Is the public allowed to see his special graph of horror? Is it not the CDC? Let's see! media link
[051]Beijing to join US-Russia talks if US cuts nukes to Chinese level, China's Foreign Ministry says media link
[050]A soldier based at U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leavenworth thwarted a potential mass shooting Wednesday by striking and injuring a suspect with his vehicle, authorities said. media link
[049]Justice Department unearths more notes from Peter Strzok and others in Flynn case digs media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[046]Dutch police find torture chambers & cells in shipping containers media link media link media link media link media link media link
[037]China Inks Military Deal With Iran Under Secretive 25-Year Plan media link media link media link
[033]New Catherine Herridge pen tweets media link media link media link media link media link media link
[018]DOJ Gives Flynn More Documents ‘Exonerating’ Him of ‘Knowing False Statement,’ His Lawyer Says media link
[017]"The New York Post reported that the 58-year-old former socialite is being represented by Christian Everdell, who spent more than a decade serving as assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York." media link
[015]Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay $150 million to settle claims that it broke compliance rules in its dealings with the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, New York state announced Tuesday.
[012]Bridgeport Resident Charged with Possessing and Trading Images Depicting Sexual Abuse of Children
[009]Couple Who Painted Over Black Lives Matter Lettering on California Street Charged With HATE CRIME media link media link
[008]U.S. Military Technology Sold by Israel To China Upsets Asian Power Balance media link media link media link media link
[006]Huawei reportedly acquires Israeli IT networking company Toga Networks for $150 million Plus many more examples of China's move against us. media link
[004]Virginia Defense Contractor Facing Federal Indictment in Maryland for Selling Chinese-Made Body Armor and Related Goods to Federal Agencies