[191]Hispanics to Republicans Demorats (fixed): If You Want Our Vote, Don’t Erase Our History media link
[188]BREAKING: Unsealed memo reveals Obama KNEW Flynn wasn’t an “Agent of Russia” media link media link
[182]NYSPCC 2020 spring luncheon was cancelled - livestream of Epstein book instead media link media link
[181]FBI Man at the Heart of Surveillance Abuses Is a Professor of Spying Ethics media link media link media link media link media link media link
[174]BREAKING: Judge halts 1st federal execution in 17 years because the victims' family members want to attend but fear traveling during the pandemic media link
[166]Barr announces appt of Richard P. Donoghue as Prinicpal Associate Deputy AG; Designation of Seth D. Ducharme as Acting US Attorney for the EDNY media link media link media link media link
[165]DEVELOPING: President Trump Could Announce Commutation of Roger Stone’s Sentence as Early as Friday Evening
[164]Although Mayor Kate Gallego has said they were running out of morgue space, hospital officials say they have adequate room. media link media link
[160]Universal Health Services, Inc. And Related Entities To Pay $122 Million To Settle False Claims Act Allegations Relating To Medically Unnecessary Inpatient Behavioral Health Services And Illegal Kickbacks-justice.gov media link media link media link
[157]Dance Protest at MDC, Headed By Nicki Clyne and Other Nxivm Leaders, Gains Outside Support, as They Hide Ties to Cult-frankreport that is just ghey media link media link media link
[155]DC Court of Appeals Orders Flynn Attorneys to Respond to Judge Sullivan’s Petition within 10 Days-gatewaypundit
[153]California To Release 8,000 More Inmates Early Due To COVID-19, In Addition To The State’s Reduction Of 10,000 Inmates Since The Start Of The Pandemic-B911- great! media link
[150]Kids Shipped in Armoires? The Person Who Started the Wayfair Conspiracy Speaks-newsweek Wayfair Reponse media link
[149]After Ford employees demanded the company stop making police vehicles, the CEO clapped black with logic, common sense-theblaze
[148]NBC Contributor Reveals He Never Tested Positive For COVID After Network Followed His Alleged Recovery-thefederalist media link media link media link media link
[147]anon dig on Partners In Health (PIH) and on muh film "bending the arc" on haiti media link media link media link media link media link media link
[146]NDN Collective Founder, Nick Tilsen Facing Charges After Protests In Keystone- facing 12 years in prison-listensdpb via soc media media link
[145]ESPN Reporter Says “F*ck You” to GOP Senator Josh Hawley For Criticizing NBA, China – ESPN Responds-gatewaypundit and soc media media link media link media link media link media link
[144]Florida Attorney General calls for investigation of abortion center linked to Pornhub trafficking case of minor-lifesitenews media link media link media link media link
[142]Florida, California, Texas See Record Daily COVID-19 Deaths Amid Push to Reopen US States-sputnik
[141]Japan cleared to buy 105 Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighters for $23bn-flightglobal July 9 media link
[137]Bank settlement could provide prosecutors roadmap to punishing Epstein's collaborators media link media link media link
[136]Leaked Recordings Confirm The West’s Concealment Of Ukrain’s Terrorist Policy In Crimea media link media link media link media link media link
[134]Gun-Control Group Behind $4 Million Election Push Takes Coronavirus Relief media link media link
[131]China's Quantum Radar media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[130]Army Investigating Training Materials That Declare 'MAGA' Is 'Covert White Supremacy' media link media link media link
[129]Driver in failed human smuggling attempt that left 7 dead in Southeast Texas sentenced to federal prison
[127]Florida Governor Says “If You Can Do Home Depot, If You Can Do Walmart, You Can Definitely Do the Schools.
[124]Compounding Pharmacy Mogul Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Health Care Fraud and Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering media link media link
[118]Unsealed Govt Memo Dated January 30, 2017 media link media link media link media link media link
[110]UK government to invest £170,000 in elite sex-parties firm, with taxpayer holding equity stake media link
[105]NO research that supports masks, social distancing or lock downs. media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[104]Left-wing ‘Breathe Act’ Would Close All Federal Prisons, Immigration Detention Centers media link
[103]Nearly 80 Texas counties have opted out of Gov. Greg Abbott's mask order. Others refuse to enforce it.
[102]Maxine Waters: ‘Absolutely’ We Will Pursue Trump’s Financial Records — Even If He Loses in November
[099]Pease Air National Guard Base Czech it, not misspelling in Potus twat media link media link media link
[096]#FLYNN Breaking: Draft internal GOV memo 1/30/2017 unsealed by court. Timing: Written 6 days after Flynn interview Kislyak calls media link media link media link media link media link
[095]UK Court Proves Hillary Was Behind Trump-Russia Sham in May 2016 media link media link media link
[094]With Tropical Storm Fay heading towards the Great State of New Hampshire this weekend, we are forced to reschedule our Portsmouth, New Hampshire Rally media link
[093]The U.S. Navy has its first Black female tactical jet pilot./ Lt. j.g. Madeline Swegle media link media link
[090]Goya CEO supports Trump media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[085]Potus: Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education. media link
[080]There have been 424 shootings in June and over 300 homicides in the roughly half-year alone, according to NBC Chicago.
[078]Laura Ingraham: John Roberts gets his reward: glowing reviews from the Left. He worked for them, and he deserves them. media link
[076]Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, flees Hong Kong: 'I know how they treat whistleblowers' media link
[074]‘Just the tip of the iceberg’: More than 160 cases of British coaches having sex with teen athletes revealed media link
[072]US Navy w/CAP: Sorry @USArmy, @tomhanks is finally one of ours now. Out now, head to sea #GreyhoundMovie on @AppleTV. media link
[067]Former Walt Disney VP Sentenced to Prison in Child Sex Abuse Investigation. Michael Laney has been sentenced to six years media link
[066](contiued from lb) wayfair chatter continues media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[064]Professor charged in scheme to use $4M in US grant money to conduct research for China - rheumatology and immunology media link
[059]North Korean leader's sister says another summit unlikely but "a surprise thing may still happen"-reuters media link
[052]Twitter data-mining tool Dataminr fed police real-time info on Black Lives Matter protesters, despite promises not to spy media link
[051]Canadian charity in Justin Trudeau ethics probe paid over US$200,000 to PM’s mother and brother media link
[050]After ‘horrifying’ defund police efforts, investors will pay moving costs for California companies to relocate to Texas media link
[049]Why The Sacramento Bee will no longer publish police ‘mugshots,’ with limited exception media link media link media link
[047]The chief judge for military commissions just canceled August's pretrial hearings in the 9/11 trial. media link media link
[045]#BREAKING: A Baltimore City Police Sergeant assigned to the homicide unit arrested on extortion and kidnapping charges, according to police, via media link
[044]President Trump Admits the Only Reason Seattle Mayor Cleaned Out CHOP Zone Was Because He Threatened to Send in National Guard
[040]Hateful Liberals Boycott Goya Foods After CEO Praises President Trump at White House Hispanic Event media link media link media link media link media link
[039]QAnon fanatic who posted defiant photo of crowded Fire Island party revelers who weren't wearing masks 'is kicked out of his parent's NY house by his brother'
[037]For years the left and the media held falsehoods over @realDonaldTrump- No, Mr. Durham. We Need Your Report Before Election Day media link media link
[034]Remdesivir toxicity: 4 of the first 5 patients treated with it in France, had to stop due to serious side effects, 2 reaching KIDNEY FAILURE, REQUIRING KIDNEY REPLACEMENT! media link
[031]Wells Fargo tells new clients they need $1 million in balances for certain mortgage refinancing media link
[029]ICYMI - Michigan Passes Controversial Bill To Microchip Humans Voluntarily “To Protect Their Privacy” media link
[025]Los Angeles Democratic Councilman Jose Huizar Arrested On Pay-For-Play Corruption Charges media link media link
[020]Rep. Steve Scalise 6-page Letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo - July 9, 2020 media link media link media link media link media link
[018]Judge Nukes Ill. Lockdown: Pritzker 'Had No Authority' to Restrict Movement and Close Businesses
[017]How the House Armed Services Committee, in the Middle of a Pandemic, Approved a Huge Military Budget and More War in Afghanistan media link media link
[015]French 'paedophile' faces death by firing squad in Indonesia 'for molesting 300 children and beating those who refused to have sex with him' media link
[014]NYC Mayor de Blasio Trolls Trump Tower But Asks For $7.4 Billion To Bailout His Failing Policies media link media link media link
[013]Security guard charged with murder after shooting customer who entered store without wearing a mask media link
[012]Mayor De Blasio Tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer That He Is Banning All Large Gatherings in NYC Except For Black Lives Matter Riots media link