[202]Over the weekend social media posts claiming that US tech giants Google and Apple "removed" Palestine from their map applications went viral.
[201]Red Bull just reminded their ‘wokest’ employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of “social justice warrior” employees
[196]A federal judge in Maryland is allowing dozens of Muslim plaintiffs to move ahead with a lawsuit against Attorney General William Barr and other federal officials challenging the constitutionality of the government’s watchlist of people identified as “known or suspected terrorists.”
[195]St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has filed charges against a St. Louis couple who confronted protesters with guns in June, 5
[192]Your kids can't go to school, your family can't go to church, and you're banned from going to work ....Fauci can throw the first pitch for the Washington Nationals on Opening Day on Thursday.
[188]GOP Sen. Hawley Introduces Anti-Slave-Labor Bill Aimed at China and 'Woke' Brands Like Nike and the NBA
[178]Dead suspect of NJ judge's son identified as notorious men's rights, “Anti-feminist” attorney — possible connection to another murder this month
[176]Australia’s Victoria back in the spotlight for going it alone on belt and road agreement with China
[169]Planned Parenthood launches six-figure ad campaign blasting vulnerable GOP senators on coronavirus bill
[167]President Trump Says He May Send “More Federal Law Enforcement” to New York, Chicago and Other Cities to Quell the Riots
[162]Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chad Wolf promised not to withdraw federal officers from Portland
[160]Israeli soldiers demolished a Palestinian security checkpoint used to test for coronavirus in the occupied West Bank
[158]Military teams sent to 5 California hospitals, including 1 in Rancho Mirage, amid coronavirus staffing shortages
[152]Hmm… Looks like Liddle Schiff is trying to force a last minute narrative before their boy is removed.
[149]UK suspends extradition arrangement with Hong Kong ‘immediately and indefinitely’ over new national security law
[148]Republican Congressman Proposes Legislation Forcing Declaration Of War On China If Taiwan Is Invaded
[146]The Bee: Duggars Announce Support For Kanye After He Suggests Giving Americans $1 Million Per Baby
[145]@EsperDoD Anyone can set a goal: win the game, make a fortune, lose 10 lbs. To achieve goals requires disciplined strategy. Our National Defense Strategy, the first in a decade, is an action plan to restore America's competitive edge.
[142]The (HSI) agents are set to assist other federal law enforcement and Chicago police in crime-fighting efforts/150 agents/read libby mayor screwed
[141]Pelosi: ‘Whether He Knows It Yet or Not’ Trump Will Be Leaving the White House — Even If He ‘Has to Be Fumigated’
[138]NEW: Minnesota AG Keith Ellison says he “does not want police responding to rape calls”, as calls to defund police departments across the nation grow
[131]Pool was called unexpectedly to the Oval. President Trump is sitting at the Resolute Desk, with McCarthy, McConnell, Pence, Mnuchin, and Meadows
[130]NEW, per AP: Former Ohio Governor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate John Kasich is expected to speak on behalf of Joe Biden at the DNC next month.
[124]"We could not have a city without insurance," said Lois Preece, then and now Niota's mayor. "Anyone slipping on the street could wipe our budget out."
[121]Kentucky couple fit with ankle monitors for refusing to self-quarantine following positive COVID test
[120]Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro holds up his hydroxychloroquine pills to a cheering crowd and takes off his mask as supporters turn out to greet him despite his coronavirus infection
[119]BREAKING: Republican John Kasich is planning to endorse Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention.
[116], Fiona Hill, the star witness in the sham impeachment hoax trial against President Donald Trump, is a close associate of the Primary Sub-Source (PSS) for the Steele dossier
[114]An anon opines that the MSM news outlets are the last fallback position for some very bad actors
[111]Rep. Filemón Vela (D-Texas) on Monday proposed a bill that would create a compensation fund for people who've become ill or died of COVID-19.
[105]Democratic Senator Claims, Without Evidence, That The FBI Ran ‘Fake’ Kavanaugh Tip Line During Confirmation Battle
[089]Rwandan migrant has been taken into custody after a suspected arson attack that almost completely destroyed the 600-year-old Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul
[079]Safety standards and core rules for Washington State conveniently end the day after the election.
[057]Flynn's bro says "push this out and RT as much as possible": Vid: This man claims to have China sex tapes that involve corrupt politicians and corporate leaders. He also claims to have tapes on Doctor Fauci"
[019]‘Andi Mack’ Actor Stoney Westmoreland Fired By Disney Following Arrest For Planning Liaison With 13-Year-Old
[015]Pompeo: “But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.“ Micah 7:7
[003]@kayleighmcenany “YOU are Way Maker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper Light in the darkness! My GOD, that is who YOU are That is who YOU are!”
[002]DOD Awards $3.5mil Contract to Crosstex International, Inc. to Increase Domestic Production of Surgical Masks