[214]Judge denies Oregon AG’s motion to restrict federal police actions media link media link media link
[204]Study conclusion: Masks do not reduce flu virus transmission media link media link media link media link media link
[202]Chinese Americans In Business - 'The Committee of 100' dig media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[201]Article: Twitter’s ban of QAnon for vague ‘offline harm’ link only makes them stronger media link media link media link
[197]Trump Signs Executive Orders Lowering Drug Prices, Says Effect Will Be 'Massive' media link media link media link media link
[192]C.Herritage: New declas records illustrate how federal agents hijacked an August 2016 security briefing to gather information on Trump campaign officials. media link media link media link media link
[191]Australia rejecting China's territorial claims in the S. China Sea. media link media link media link
[188]“USCYBERCOM’s & NSA’s #1 objective: A safe, secure and legitimate 2020 elections” –Gen Paul Nakasone media link
[183]@EsperDoD The finest combination in the world is power and mercy. Worst is weakness and strife. media link media link
[182]Fox Suddenly Cuts Away From White House Press Briefing After Portland Violence Shown media link media link
[180]Leading pro-life professor, critic of North Carolina gov. found dead at home, Mike S. Adams media link media link media link media link
[177]Former Poroshenko Ally Admits Euromaidan In 2014 Was Entirely Funded By “Organized Criminal Group” media link
[176]New Evidence Linked Turkish Forces To Recent Drone Attack On Russian Troops In Northeastern Syria
[175]Soros Funds Campaign of St. Louis Prosecutor Charging Couple for Protecting Home from BLM Protestors media link media link
[172]Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Deploys Police to Guard Her Home on Night She Orders Removal of Columbus Statue
[167]CHICAGO: Senator Duckworth (D-Ill.) Tells The Real Reason Federal Troops Are Headed There — Human Trafficking
[166]Philly DA warns federal officers could be arrested if they storm Pennsylvania protests media link
[161]Air Force awards contracts to develop Skyborg combat drones that 'learn' how to fight media link media link
[160]President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Orders on Lowering Drug Prices Scheduled start: 15:00hrs EDT
[158]Chanos Made $100 Million Shorting Wirecard; Will He Repeat History With Tesla? media link media link media link media link
[155]In major victory over Pentagon, CIA is authorized to expand offensive cyber operations media link
[154]Starvation & desire for vaccine could trigger new migration wave in post-Covid world, Red Cross chief warns/heads up anons
[153]President Trump: If Schools Do not Reopen Their Funding Should Go to the Parents (VIDEO) media link media link media link
[152]Chinese Researcher 'Hiding Out' At San Francisco Consulate Arrested, DOJ Says media link media link media link media link
[151]Gold futures settle at their highest on record media link media link media link media link media link
[147]AZ Republican Rep. Andy Biggs told a Maricopa County Judge re: Google, that any trade secret or proprietary information should be made available to the public media link media link media link media link media link
[146]Military bases named after Confederate officers WILL NOT be rechristened, despite veto-proof vote – Trump media link
[144]Rasmussen Reports released their latest polling of likely black voters of President Trump’s job approval is now over 40%: media link
[142]Judge rules Seattle media companies must hand over unpublished protest images to police media link
[139]And there’s Dr. Anthony Fauci showing us all he knows exactly how well masks work! media link media link media link media link
[138]Man Arrested, Faces Arson Charges In Connection To Fire At Reach Church In Delaware media link media link
[136]Fauci is receiving threats, hate mail — so disease expert has security detail, he says/now walkin down the street, huh media link
[135]Batten down the hatches. (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) media link
[132]Ohio's Republican governor calls for repeal of nuclear subsidies law plagued by bribery scandal/DS continues agenda media link media link media link
[130]Giants’ Coonrod cites his faith, issues with Black Lives Matter for decision not to kneel media link
[127]Singaporean National Pleads Guilty to Acting in the United States as an Illegal Agent of Chinese Intelligence media link
[125]"There will be multiple releases I’m told and as I reported and it’s now been confirmed…they started gathering intel on Flynn in 2014."
[121]NEW: The FBI is warning US companies this week about backdoors in China's government-mandated VAT software
[120]Former C_A Agent is running for Chairman of Virginia Republican Party, Michael Schoelwer media link media link
[119]"The discovered video files show that ITG18 had access to the targets' email and social media credentials media link
[118]Ron Rivera talks placeholder name for Washington: 'This is a 16-to-18-month process to do it the right way'
[113]Mass Resignation of Chinese Nuclear Scientists leads to speculation of mass defection in the works
[112]WHO: "We will not be going back to the old normal". This may not mean what we think it means... changing of the guard? media link
[111]@US_CYBERCOM&@NSAgov are going to know our adversaries better than they know themselves…going to act when we see adversaries attempting to interfere in our elections. media link
[109]New DJT w/CAP: I spoke to highly respected (Chairman) Senator @JimInhofe, ...he WILL NOT be changing the names of our great Military Bases and Forts... media link
[104]Kremlin has no information on bill banning disclosure of Federal Security Service secrets media link media link
[102]Putin told Trump Moscow ‘is doing well’ to counter coronavirus. Dems heads exploding in 3, 2… media link
[100]WAUKESHA, Wis. — Authorities say a man who was shot by sheriff’s deputies in Waukesha County during a standoff has died.
[099]CDC updated quarantine guidelines for Covid to match SARS. Down from 14 days to 10 days media link
[098]MANITOWOC, WI – Some residents of Manitowoc County are referring to a county supervisor as a racist.
[097]US Navy w/CAP: FlashbackFriday: Learn more about #USNavy Submarines, their missions and cabailities... media link
[096]FBI recorded Trump questions on Russia during first counterintelligence briefing media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[094]New DJT w/CAP: The great Jim Ryun will be honored this morning at the White House with the presentation of The Presidential Medal of Freedom... media link
[087]Dan Scavino w/CAP: An interview you don’t want to miss! media link media link media link media link media link
[086]North Carolina professor found dead weeks after backlash over "slave state" tweets media link media link
[085]Eight murderers and rapists on San Quentin death row die of coronavirus as prison outbreak worsens media link
[084]If you are inclined: Petition Asking POTUS to Sign Executive Order Making Mandatory Mask Wearing Unlawful (Needs 15k moar)
[083]New PapaD w/CAP: Lots of rumors that Rome is heating up with info on Obamagate dropping this week media link
[081]DOJ Issues Business Review Letter To Expedite And Increase The Production Of Covid-19 monoclonal antibody (MAB) treatments
[079]Julian's Rum The Trump curse is utterly real. (Fauci's epic first pitch fail) media link media link media link media link
[077]Friday KEK: 780th Military Intelligence Brigade retwat: This is how it goes in my dreams when I read snarky comments on my twitter feed... media link
[074]Kremlin says Russia committed to demilitarization of space amid US claims about anti-sat arms media link
[070]who is Eagle.org American Bureau Of Shipping media link media link media link media link media link
[065]The List: 72 Republican Virgins Vote With Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capital media link
[064]2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate. media link
[063]FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm media link
[062]Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again media link
[061]Declassified Documents Show FBI Used Defensive Briefing in 2016 to Spy on Donald Trump media link
[057]US-Russia arms control cooperation makes the world safer, says Pompeo(Revisiting for anon) Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter media link media link
[055](OP-ED I disagree with) The Federal Coup to Overthrow the States and Nix the 10th Amendment Is Underway media link media link media link media link
[050]Harvard Center Hypes Chinese Communist Party Popularity While Receiving MILLIONS From Chinese Govt and CCP-Linked Companies media link media link media link media link media link
[045]Portland Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty apologized for claiming police are sending 'saboteurs' media link
[044]Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation media link media link media link
[037]U.S. District Judge Michael Simon issued a temporary restraining order on Thursday blocking federal agents in Portland
[035]China Admits Three Gorges Dam 'Deformed' by Flood media link media link media link media link media link
[033]US to discuss Russia's recent space test during Vienna talks next week, arms control envoy says media link
[029]Prince Andrew told ‘be very concerned’ after Ghislaine Maxwell loses legal bid to keep sex secret court docs sealed media link
[027]President Donald J. Trump Is Working to Give Students and Parents Flexibility and Schools the Support They Need to Reopen This Fall media link
[024]Bill Gates warns multiple coronavirus vaccine doses likely to be needed and schools should stay closed for another YEAR media link
[023]Greenblatt: U.S. wants Israel to earmark land for future Palestinian state media link media link
[022]Charlamagne says Biden should 'shut the eff up forever' after calling Trump 'first' racist POTUS
[020]Father, Son Inspire Neighbors to Display Hundreds of American Flags Throughout Community media link
[019]Georgia governor signs new law to strip human traffickers of commercial driver's licenses for life
[018]Washington Tech Executive Charged with COVID-Relief Fraud and Money Laundering media link media link
[015]Black Lives Matter Militants in Portland March Toddlers and Children Outside of Federal Courthouse Carrying Signs Saying “F*ck the Police” media link media link
[014]ACLU Sues to Force Catholic Hospital to Perform Transgender Surgery Citing Goruch Decision media link media link
[013]‘I don’t believe it’: Huntington Beach a symbol of mask resistance as doubters abound media link
[011]The Border Patrol Tactical Unit, part of US Customs and Border Protection has been deployed to #Seattle, Washington under orders from US President Donald #Trump's administration. media link
[010]No surprise, Victoria, Australia, to release 4000 prisoners for having to endure some lock-down conditions.
[004]US arrests 3 Chinese researchers, seeks fugitive at San Francisco consulate, Justice Department says media link
[003]Outdoor worship service in Redding defies California mask order, alarming health officials media link