[192]C.Herritage: New declas records illustrate how federal agents hijacked an August 2016 security briefing to gather information on Trump campaign officials.
[188]“USCYBERCOM’s & NSA’s #1 objective: A safe, secure and legitimate 2020 elections” –Gen Paul Nakasone
[177]Former Poroshenko Ally Admits Euromaidan In 2014 Was Entirely Funded By “Organized Criminal Group”
[176]New Evidence Linked Turkish Forces To Recent Drone Attack On Russian Troops In Northeastern Syria
[175]Soros Funds Campaign of St. Louis Prosecutor Charging Couple for Protecting Home from BLM Protestors
[172]Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Deploys Police to Guard Her Home on Night She Orders Removal of Columbus Statue
[167]CHICAGO: Senator Duckworth (D-Ill.) Tells The Real Reason Federal Troops Are Headed There — Human Trafficking
[160]President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Orders on Lowering Drug Prices Scheduled start: 15:00hrs EDT
[154]Starvation & desire for vaccine could trigger new migration wave in post-Covid world, Red Cross chief warns/heads up anons
[147]AZ Republican Rep. Andy Biggs told a Maricopa County Judge re: Google, that any trade secret or proprietary information should be made available to the public
[146]Military bases named after Confederate officers WILL NOT be rechristened, despite veto-proof vote – Trump
[144]Rasmussen Reports released their latest polling of likely black voters of President Trump’s job approval is now over 40%:
[136]Fauci is receiving threats, hate mail — so disease expert has security detail, he says/now walkin down the street, huh
[132]Ohio's Republican governor calls for repeal of nuclear subsidies law plagued by bribery scandal/DS continues agenda
[127]Singaporean National Pleads Guilty to Acting in the United States as an Illegal Agent of Chinese Intelligence
[125]"There will be multiple releases I’m told and as I reported and it’s now been confirmed…they started gathering intel on Flynn in 2014."
[121]NEW: The FBI is warning US companies this week about backdoors in China's government-mandated VAT software
[119]"The discovered video files show that ITG18 had access to the targets' email and social media credentials
[118]Ron Rivera talks placeholder name for Washington: 'This is a 16-to-18-month process to do it the right way'
[113]Mass Resignation of Chinese Nuclear Scientists leads to speculation of mass defection in the works
[112]WHO: "We will not be going back to the old normal". This may not mean what we think it means... changing of the guard?
[111]@US_CYBERCOM&@NSAgov are going to know our adversaries better than they know themselves…going to act when we see adversaries attempting to interfere in our elections.
[109]New DJT w/CAP: I spoke to highly respected (Chairman) Senator @JimInhofe, ...he WILL NOT be changing the names of our great Military Bases and Forts...
[100]WAUKESHA, Wis. — Authorities say a man who was shot by sheriff’s deputies in Waukesha County during a standoff has died.
[098]MANITOWOC, WI – Some residents of Manitowoc County are referring to a county supervisor as a racist.
[097]US Navy w/CAP: FlashbackFriday: Learn more about #USNavy Submarines, their missions and cabailities...
[096]FBI recorded Trump questions on Russia during first counterintelligence briefing media link media link media link media link
[094]New DJT w/CAP: The great Jim Ryun will be honored this morning at the White House with the presentation of The Presidential Medal of Freedom...
[085]Eight murderers and rapists on San Quentin death row die of coronavirus as prison outbreak worsens
[084]If you are inclined: Petition Asking POTUS to Sign Executive Order Making Mandatory Mask Wearing Unlawful (Needs 15k moar)
[083]New PapaD w/CAP: Lots of rumors that Rome is heating up with info on Obamagate dropping this week
[081]DOJ Issues Business Review Letter To Expedite And Increase The Production Of Covid-19 monoclonal antibody (MAB) treatments
[077]Friday KEK: 780th Military Intelligence Brigade retwat: This is how it goes in my dreams when I read snarky comments on my twitter feed...
[065]The List: 72 Republican Virgins Vote With Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capital
[064]2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate.
[063]FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm
[057]US-Russia arms control cooperation makes the world safer, says Pompeo(Revisiting for anon) Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter
[055](OP-ED I disagree with) The Federal Coup to Overthrow the States and Nix the 10th Amendment Is Underway
[050]Harvard Center Hypes Chinese Communist Party Popularity While Receiving MILLIONS From Chinese Govt and CCP-Linked Companies media link
[044]Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation
[037]U.S. District Judge Michael Simon issued a temporary restraining order on Thursday blocking federal agents in Portland
[029]Prince Andrew told ‘be very concerned’ after Ghislaine Maxwell loses legal bid to keep sex secret court docs sealed
[027]President Donald J. Trump Is Working to Give Students and Parents Flexibility and Schools the Support They Need to Reopen This Fall
[024]Bill Gates warns multiple coronavirus vaccine doses likely to be needed and schools should stay closed for another YEAR
[022]Charlamagne says Biden should 'shut the eff up forever' after calling Trump 'first' racist POTUS
[019]Georgia governor signs new law to strip human traffickers of commercial driver's licenses for life
[015]Black Lives Matter Militants in Portland March Toddlers and Children Outside of Federal Courthouse Carrying Signs Saying “F*ck the Police”
[011]The Border Patrol Tactical Unit, part of US Customs and Border Protection has been deployed to #Seattle, Washington under orders from US President Donald #Trump's administration.
[010]No surprise, Victoria, Australia, to release 4000 prisoners for having to endure some lock-down conditions.
[004]US arrests 3 Chinese researchers, seeks fugitive at San Francisco consulate, Justice Department says