[260]Dig: CNN and the New York Times Support Chinese Communist-Funded ‘Marxist Journalism’ School media link media link media link media link media link
[258]UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from the 1st Assault Helicopter Battalion, 140th Aviation Regiment over Los Angeles today media link
[257]Amazon has removed A CHILD'S VOICE in 70+ countries worldwide. A CHILD'S VOICE exposed "elite" #pedophile networks before #Epstein #Maxwell & showed the Satanic nature of the people running in these circles media link
[256]US Marines commandant suspends use of amphibious vehicles in trainings after deadly accident media link
[255]"Can you believe that the lunatic Q Anon people believe the media actively covers up for pedophiles," reporters Tweet while refusing to report on Bill Clinton being identified on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island. media link
[253]Today in Hollywood people stormed a CNN building with Pizzagate and QAnon signs chanting SAVE THE CHILDEN media link
[252]First look at Netflix doc The Vow tracks sex slave cult NXIVM which branded members and demanded total obedience media link
[251]Citing impostors, feds urge lifting of court order protecting journalists amid Portland protests media link
[247]Noble Files For Bankruptcy One Month After Rushing To Pay Executive Bonuses media link media link
[245]@1stMEF host a press conference at @MCIWPendletonCA at 3 p.m. PST regarding the amphibious mishap July 30. media link
[244]18-year-old accused of attempted arson at Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse media link media link
[240]@realDonaldTrump "I ask all of those in the path of the storm to follow the guidance of your state, local, and tribal officials." media link
[234]The World Economic Forum and the UN are the architects of the ‘One World Government’. They want to dissolve borders, nations, cultures and monitor/control everyone on the planet. media link media link
[230]Esteemed French Dr. Didier Raoult Testifies Person Behind Death Threats He Received Is Top Doctor Linked to Gilead Pharmaceuticals media link
[228]Death sentence for Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev overturned by US Appeals Court media link
[227]Brian C. Procter MD claims kicked from [FB] for posting his daily C19 stats media link media link
[223]Meghan McCain hits Fauci for answer on whether protests spread COVID:'Part of the reason Republicans are so pissed'
[221]Bill Clinton’s Spox Releases Statement in Response to Witness Alleging Clinton Was on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island with “2 Young Girls” media link media link
[215]Governor Cuomo Directs State Agencies to Prepare Emergency Response Assets as Hurricane Isaias is Forecast to Impact New York media link
[214]Nancy Pelosi on Friday defended the marijuana provisions in the Dems most recent round of coronavirus relief
[213]A live Asian giant hornet was trapped this week in a promising step for scientists who hope to wipe out the invasive species media link
[211]AMAZING! Trump at 50% Approval Rating — Three Points Higher than Obama at Same Point in His Presidency media link
[209]Mark Meadows: Dems Have Made Zero Offers In Negotiations On Expiring Unemployment Benefits, School Funding media link
[207]Dr. Fauci: 'There's No Inconsistency' in Banning Church and Business But Allowing Mass Protests media link media link media link
[205]Military Has Lower Coronavirus Rates Than the Average Public, Except for the Youngest Troops media link
[203]WHO promotes China’s organ transplant program, despite allegations of human rights abuses media link media link
[199]Rep. Louie Gohmert: ‘I Will Use Zinc, Erythromycin, and Hydroxychloroquine’ to Fight Coronavirus
[196]New FBI Vault drop - John Imus - "Don Imus" (stage name) media link media link media link media link media link
[193]Florida Doctor Charged in Massive $681 Million Substance Abuse Treatment Fraud Scheme media link media link media link
[192]Pineville Man Charged with Forced Labor and Transporting a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity media link
[190]House Hearing: Jim Jordan Asks Dr. Fauci If Protests S/Be Limited By Gov, Fauci Waffles (5:50 min video)
[189]Karen Bass’s Long March from Communist Fringe to Biden’s VP Shortlist media link media link media link media link media link
[188]A convicted murderer was released to help reduce COVID-19 spread in prison. The victim's family is outraged media link
[187]High Level Cop Arrested for Using City Network, Google to Run Child Porn Ring While On Duty media link media link media link
[186]White House Has Submitted 'Four Different Offers' On Stimulus Which Dems Have Ignored: Meadows media link
[184]Bubble indemnity: Big Pharma firms will NOT be held accountable for side effects of Covid vaccine media link media link
[182]Esteemed French Dr. Didier Raoult Testifies Person Behind Death Threats He Received Is Top Dr Linked to Gilead Pharmaceuticals media link media link media link media link media link
[181]51 Global Studies Find HCQ Effective Treating COVID-19 — 16 Find HCQ NOT Effective, But 10 of Those Are Late Treatment Studies! media link media link
[179]During two months of protests and rioting over the death of George Floyd, 24 people have been killed. media link
[175]A spokesman for Bill Clinton said Friday that the former president “never” went to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s island media link
[171]Taliban Group Says Completed Release of 1,000 Afghan Prisoners Under Agreement With US media link media link
[169]36 former "Ellen Show" employees told me sexual harassment/misconduct by top exec producers runs rampant behind scenes media link media link media link media link media link
[168]The self-proclaimed apostle of a Mexican megachurch has been charged with child rape involving members in S. CA media link
[166]Dianne Feinstein: Allowing citizens to sue China for damages caused by the novel coronavirus would backfire media link media link
[165]Former W Virginia Univ professor sentenced, fraud enabled him to participate in People’s Republic of China’s “Thousand Talents Plan” media link
[160]DIGG Request: Jason Richards FBI Epstein/Maxwell/H Biden media link media link media link media link media link
[159](pb) DIGG Request: Jason Richards FBI Epstein/Maxwell/H Biden media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[158]Man who shot Austin protester Garrett Foster reveals identity, claims self defense, attorney says
[153]John Kerry was at Devos speculating that DJT would only be in office for one to two years media link media link media link media link
[152]John Kerry was at Davos speculating that DJT would only be in office for one to two years media link media link media link media link
[149]Pelosi on extra unemployment benefits expiring: Republicans are proposing curring unemployment…$600..They don’t have the votes for $600 media link
[142]Rose McGowan calls for arrests of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton following Ghislaine Maxwell's FBI capture media link
[140]Chinese Navy adds mega-generators to warships to power high-energy laser weapons media link media link
[137]Parents blast Florida school district's video of 'apocalyptic' reopened classrooms with pupils forced 6ft apart media link media link media link
[136]Over 500 State Department employees sign letter opposing decision to return to offices during pandemic media link
[135]Dr. Fauci Cheered Hydroxychloroquine Success Treating MERS Coronavirus in 2013… But Today He’s Skeptical… That’s Weird? media link
[133]Michael Jordan and Jordan Brand donate $2.5 million to three organizations to combat Black voter suppression media link
[132]At the request of Warroom anons, assembled new folder of memes on censorship by big tech yesterday late. media link
[131]San Fran: Chinese scientist arrested after seeking medical care. charges of lying about status as members of China’s People’s Liberation Army / Visa fraud. media link
[130]anon calls eyes on: re Jeff Epstein. "My documentary which I am making will include all 17 interviews & will shake the world" media link
[129]Researchers smell a rat, say expensive remdesivir getting ‘subtle push’ over HCQ in studies media link
[127]Continuing the series of mysterious fires and explosions in #Iran, a fire breaks out at a huge commercial area in #Tehran. media link
[126]needs verification: Mark Esper said the "importance" of NATO" lies in part with its mission to "avoid peace in Europe".
[125]Shitpost of the week award: Penguins shoot "poop bombs" more than 4 feet, incredibly important study finds. media link
[124]Senate committee passes bill to allow people to sue China for COVID-19 related damages media link
[123]Houston doctor in viral video touting hydroxychloroquine as virus cure doubles down on claims media link
[122]One US Marine killed, two injured and eight remain missing in an incident involving an amphibious assault vehicle off the coast of SoCal
[116]Ghislaine redactions revealed? ANONS DIG media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[114]Anon on Techno Fog - he'll be posting excerpts of Maxwell docs on twatter media link media link media link
[111]ER doctor Simone Gold fired from her position after 20 years after appearance at White Coat Summit media link
[101]Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed: allegations against Prince Andrew, Clinton, others (FBI already knew) media link
[097]WV University Professor Sentenced on Fraud w\China; Arkansan Also media link media link media link media link
[096]Rheuters Jumps on board: Ghislaine Maxwell documents are released, including Jeffrey Epstein emails media link
[095]Reuters Jumps on board: Ghislaine Maxwell documents are released, including Jeffrey Epstein emails media link
[094]Taiwan's former president Lee Teng-hui, who defied China and earned the nickname "Mr Democracy" for the part he played in the island's transition away from authoritarian rule,has died media link
[093]The Q Nears: I wonder how much of our Nat Sec has been compromised by pedophiles in gov. media link
[091]CDC Director Robert Redfield says threat of suicides, drugs, and more are a bigger problem for youth than COVID-19 media link
[090]Sen. Duckworth, an Iraq war veteran, confirms she was interviewed by Biden team for VP slot media link media link media link media link
[089]Patreon Just Lost MAJOR Culture War Lawsuit media link media link media link media link media link
[086]Does Breitbart News have a Pro Catholic Bias? media link media link media link media link media link
[085]Another Setup: Trump Blamed After Democrat HQ Burned To Ground In Arizona. Police Claim Democrat Activist Responsible. media link
[083], 'The biggest fraud: Part 2 – The vaccine swindle’'' media link media link media link media link media link
[082]Militant Antifa Group Urges Deadly Violence Against Feds media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[080]Tech hub Obama, Biden and Clinton helped Russia build set off U.S. intelligence alarms media link media link
[076]Trump vows to deploy National Guard to quell Portland's ‘beehive of terrorists’ if feds fail to stop unrest by ‘tomorrow’ media link
[075]Ghislaine Maxwell Had Sex With Teenage Girls on Epstein’s Island, His Former ‘Sex Slave’ Claimed
[074]Ellen Show crew claim that she turned a blind eye to sexual harassment and bullying by top producers as she apologizes to staff amid probe into 'toxic culture' and hints she will fire people media link
[073]Father whose penis dropped off became the first man to have a new one built on his arm media link
[071]COVID-19: Inslee order will shield private data obtained during contact tracing calls media link media link media link media link
[059]Judge grants over reach for Governor Polis' last call order for alcohol will remain in effect for at least another three weeks media link
[058]Michael Flynn's attorney on latest twist in her client's legal saga: 'Sad day for the rule of law' media link media link media link media link
[053]So with all the Traveling and Quarantine Bans. . . Are these politicians going into quarantine, or are rules just for the little people? media link
[049]Lori Lightfoot: "you get the people to run those agencies and the deputies that are pledging their allegiance to New World Order and good governance" media link media link
[048]Newsweek pounces on it: Bill Clinton went to Jeffrey Epstein's island with 2 "young girls," Virginia Giuffre says media link media link
[043]When Epstein signed plea deal, FBI & DOJ knew it had not interviewed all victims media link media link media link
[042]POTUS Friday Schedule media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[038]Girl Recruiter Sarah Kellen media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[037]The Hill Twats that a 'Meme Group joins with Lincoln Project in New Campaign against Trump media link media link
[026]'Clearly Trump's Fault': Seattle Mayor Again Blames Trump After Rioters Blew Open a Police Station Using a Van Full of Explosives media link media link media link media link
[025]Big Tech Whistleblowers Urge Lawmakers to Tackle Silicon Valley Bias: ‘Please Do Something Already’
[020]How did Alan Dershowitz negotiate an immunity deal when he was a witness/alleged perpetrator? media link
[019]'Firefighters now need ballistic vests do do their job, because, you know, 2020; Seattle Fire Dept. Tweets Thanks for Proper Safety Equipment media link media link
[016]Federalist Society co-founder says Trump’s tweet about postponing the election is grounds for ‘immediate impeachment’ media link
[015]Gov. Gavin Newsom's CA unemployment department has a backlog of nearly 1 million claims. He says it will take them two months just to catch up.
[014]Clive Palmer should 'read the room' over legal challenge to WA's coronavirus hard border, doctors say media link media link
[008]KEKs Upcoming UN 75th Anniversary Offers Chance to Expand Security Council, German Envoy Suggests
[007], Every Player, Coach and Ref Takes a Knee During National Anthem Before Pelicans-Jazz Game media link
[006]Boston Man Who Opened Fire on Police Officers During Riot Federally Charged media link media link
[004]Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar charged in 34-count federal grand jury indictment alleging wide-ranging political corruption media link
[003]The Anthropology of Espionage: Most informative article from 2000. *FBI Reported that numerous foreign spies continue to gain access to U.S. Secrets by posing as media reporters.
[002]FBI Finds Two ‘Material’ Errors In Audit Of 29 FISA Applications. The Carter Page FISAs Had 17 ‘Significant’ Omissions media link media link
[001]Spotlight Grows on Mysterious ‘Suicide’ of Dr. Fauci’s Right-Hand Man at NIAID; Dr. Judy Mikovits Says Top Scientist Was “Suicided” to Silence Him