[224]2019: Drones Buzzed US’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant and Authorities Have No Clue Why media link
[218]Epstein’s alleged secret girlfriend revealed as British-born author Shelley Anne Lewis media link media link media link media link
[212]Operation Torpedo = FBI compromised CP services: Dig and dig call media link media link media link media link media link
[211]Arizona teachers union informs members to write fake obituaries to the gov. to protest reopening schools media link media link
[210]Video: BLM protesters show up at the home of Republican Senator Warren Limmer in Minnesota media link media link
[208]Pompeo on TikTok: Americans’ Data Being Fed ‘Directly to the Chinese Communist Party’ media link
[207]Is Fauci's daughter Ali Fauci, the twitter software engineer? Sauce to dig media link media link
[206]Russia proposes $20 billion in new investment projects with China media link media link media link media link media link
[204]McCarthy on Election Interference: Google Using ‘Tremendous Amount of Power’ media link media link media link
[198]Biggest Decline In Nominal Output & Income In Our Lifetime… While Stocks Gained $7 Trillion media link media link
[195]Obama Roommate and Former Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett Would Not Answer Whether President Obama Knew of Trump Spying media link media link
[186]Poland’s Defence Minister Announces Additional 1000 US Troops To Permanently Deploy There media link media link
[181]Feds investigating flight logs of ALL planes that flew to Epstein Island/nearby airfields, including private jets and commercial aircraft. Lolita Express was just one of HUNDREDS of planes transporting kids and pedos… media link
[180]BREAKING: Senior FBI analyst Brian Auten and senior FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith both knew that Steele's primary subsource Igor Danchenko was based in the U.S. and was NOT "Russian-based," yet continued to deceive FISA court by claiming he was "Russian-based" in 2 FISA renewals media link
[179]Candidate Profile Leon Lawson anons say /ourguy/ Vote 08/04/2020 media link media link media link media link media link
[178]You can now be fined, jailed, and assaulted for not wearing a mask media link media link media link media link
[175]Largest FL Police Union Votes Unanimously To Endorse Trump: Tired of Being a Punching Bag for the Left
[174]More than 150 rounds are fired during a shooting outside a Portland apartment - as city suffers its deadliest month for 30 years media link
[173]Ron Johnson: ‘Corruption at the Highest Levels’ During Obama Admin Investigation of Trump’s 2016 Campaign
[171]Anti-Semitism payouts are an ‘abuse of members money,’ trade union warns Labour Party media link
[168]What a Fraud: Dr. Fauci Warned that Trump Campaign Rally Was Dangerous — Then Refuses to Condemn Leftist Street Protests and Riots media link
[167]PF Reports - Busy day media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[166]18 officers injured in clashes with Berlin anti-mask protesters media link media link media link
[165]“There’s Something’s Not Quite Right” – Secretary of State Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein
[164]‘North Korea TV can learn from them’: Netanyahu lashes out at Israeli media over ‘one-sided’ coverage of protests - PANIC media link media link media link
[162]Roger Stone Provides Evidence that Corrupt and Dishonest Democrat media link media link media link
[158]White House web post this weekend: Heroes of Western Civilization: 76 Years After the Warsaw Uprising media link
[153]Pompeo Drops a BOMB on Senator Feinstein – Outs Her Many Meetings with Iran’s Foreign Minister media link
[152]NTSB recovering planes in midair collision near Soldotna that killed 7, including legislator and local pilot
[151](Feb 2020)Inside 'poor man's pedophile island' where children are delivered to sick predators' hotel rooms media link media link media link
[148](2019) From 'Spook Air' to The 'Lolita Express': The Genesis And Evolution of The Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship
[145]The request for State from @SenRonJohnson @ChuckGrassley contact between State + Fusion GPS, FBI agents summer 2016 media link media link media link
[144]Planefag REPORT (2) Special Air Missions and MAGMA89 media link media link media link media link
[140]Mainstream media is the sound of a populace left in the dark about COVID-19 media link media link
[136]John Durham Report: Obama Weaponized The Federal Government Against American People, And It All Started In Ukraine media link
[134]The White House Flotus tweet the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have had a serious impact on America’s children and those who care for them media link
[131]Dan Bongino: Biden’s cognitive decline is rapidly worsening and is becoming increasingly difficult to mask media link
[130]Death of free speech in the US; Dailymail newsrooms sees journalists who deviate from the new liberal orthodoxy hounded out media link media link media link
[128]Former Democratic FCC Commissioner and Jim Clyburns daughter joins Soros open society foundations media link media link media link
[118]Past Bread Dig and Repost media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[114]AUSTRALIA Julia Gillard (Former Prime Minister) and Clinton foundation media link media link media link
[113]Holland's top scientists say there's no solid evidence coverings work and warn they could even damage the fight against Covid-19 media link
[108]Austria Confirms OPCW Report On Skripal-Faking By The British, Exposes FT Lies & Cover-Up media link
[095]Editorial/Opinion: Dissenters live in fear and serious debate is silenced - America's cultural revolution media link media link
[094]Sources say special prosecutor Bash is looking @ Obama admin's "to/from/about" queries media link media link media link
[091]Arizona School districts planning to reopen schools as 'daycare centers' AND charge parents $ media link media link
[089]Whitmer - vetoed a bill barring patients who test positive from being sent to nursing homes media link
[083]Call for Downunder Diggz: Julia Gillard, Julie Bishop, Turnbull media link media link media link
[073]Gavin Newsom's Back Taxes: Cash Crunch? Gavin Newsom’s 2020 Property Taxes Are Delinquent on BOTH of His Estates media link media link
[072]Dr. Alveda King Blasts Obama For Politicizing John Lewis Funeral: Leftists Will ‘Grab At Any Opportunity’ media link
[071]AUSTRALIA LOCKDOWN! (News.com AU): Coronavirus in Victoria: Melbourne to enter stage 4 lockdown media link media link
[070]The land with no face masks: Holland's top scientists say there's no solid evidence coverings work media link
[069]Why’d Donald Trump donate to the CF? (2015 Article) Facts Matter media link media link media link media link media link
[068](Washington Examiner): CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths media link
[064]Another Fire in Cali? Southern California's Apple wildfire continues to spread as officials order nearly 8,000 people to evacuate media link media link media link
[063]NG on why [They] Hate Trump and his UN-Involvement in 'Secret Societies' media link media link media link
[058]Report: Prisoners overtake Ware prison in Georgia, multiple active shooters and people down, fires spreading media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[054]Paramilitary "protesters" making a show of strength on London streets media link media link media link media link media link
[052]Who is this group of N Texas artists who will raise $ for "racial justice & pandemic relief?" DIGG media link media link
[051]PANIC in Melbourne over CV-19 - State of disaster & curfew declared media link media link media link media link media link media link
[046]Georgia live feed reporting riots at Ware State Prison media link media link media link media link media link
[038]Heres yer list: #GizzMaxList became unsealed some time yesterday and here's what happened while y'all were distracted by bullshit.
[036]Sources say special prosecutor Bash is looking @ Obama admin's "to/from/about" queries related to NSA's upstream collections of FISA Sec 702 data media link
[035]DOJ Update: # of federal arrests, charged individuals re: civil unrest/violent opportunism. Offenses range from assault to arson to destruction of federal property. media link
[033]New Grenell w/CAP: Huawei wasn’t started 3.5 years ago. China exploded under Obama. You have Trump Derangment Syndrome - because he didn’t hire you. media link
[031]The White House w/CAP: Roughly 2 million Americans have fully recovered from the Coronavirus. media link
[029]Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fails To Stop U.S. Army And Navy From Recruiting On Twitch
[027]Barack Obama issues desperate private warning about Trump voters to top Democratic donors. “We already saw this guy win once” media link
[023]San Antonio FBI is calling for people that got tested by certain clinics to contact them. Apparently the tests were somehow tainted! media link media link media link media link
[021]LA City Councilman, Jose Huizar, Charged In 34-Count Indictment In Wide-Ranging Political Corruption Probe media link
[018]Saturday night keks: Biden Campaign Says He Is So Close To A VP Pick He Can Smell Her media link
[014]LA City Councilman, Jose Huizar, an elected member of the Los Angeles City Council Charged In 34-Count Indictment In Wide-Ranging Political Corruption Probe media link
[012]Dr. Epstein’s Election Monitoring System MUST Be Deployed Immediately to Prevent Big Tech from Rigging the 2020 Election media link
[010]Defying expert advice, Maryland county forbids private schools from opening in the fall media link
[009]Judicial Watch: FBI Capitulates on Andrew McCabe Text Messages After Adverse Federal Court Ruling media link media link
[007]New Disclosures Confirm: Trump Himself Was the Target of Obama Administration’s Russia Probe media link
[004]CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to over count corona virus deaths media link
[002]Elon Musk calls out complacent entitled US Citizens, praises Chinese as smart/hard working media link
[001]Communism Secured: Musk Calls Chinese "Smart, Hard-Working", Says Americans Are "Entitled, Complacent" media link