[232]The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden Written in 1949 but only published in 1981 A free PDF copy is available here
[229]Court rules anti-Israel protests near Michigan synagogue protected speech-timesofisrael via soc media
[225]Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar uses taxpayer budget to employ friend who also designed smear sheets-smh.com.au
[224]Lincoln Project Falsely Claims Trump Approved of Delegate Shouting ‘Monkey’ About Obama-breitbart
[223]CNN Cuts Out of Trump RNC Speech — ‘A Lot of What You Just Heard From the President of the United States Is Wrong, Misleading and Outright Lies’-breitbart
[222]US President of Christian Liberty University Reportedly Resigns After 3-Way Sex Scandal Exposed-sputnik/thehill
[220]Market Report-Monday, August 24th, 2020-S&P500 and NASDAQ ATH with Dow closing highest since February
[218]New York attorney general files legal action against Trump Organization in investigation of company finances media link
[215]the fella shot in WI had a "history" of non-compliance…the video of him being shot is graphic…but he clearly is not complying…
[210]Storebrand also prohibited investments in BASF; Rio Tinto and Southern Co On the whole, Storebrand will exclude 27 companies from its investments
[209]Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar: "Child Trafficking And The Deep State Are Real, 'Systemic Racism' Is A Hoax"
[205]@usairforce Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 910th Medical Squadron participated in combat arms training @910AW’s Combat Arms Training & Maintenance firing range.
[204]🔴 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Speech to Farmers at Food Box Program Distribution Center
[198]DUSA Pharmaceuticals To Pay U.S. $20.75M To Settle False Claims Act Allegations Relating To Promotion Of Unsupported Drug Administration Process
[193]Australia: Authorities Give Themselves Power to Remove Children From Parents to Ensure COVID Compliance
[192]1/3 of all U.S. coronavirus deaths occurred in just three states controlled exclusively by Democrats.
[188]Just some interdasting stats about the Ruskies Military, And the U.S. of A., Can't leave out ChYna
[187]The Bee: Belarusian opposition’s own election monitoring appears to show Lukashenko won 61% of the vote
[184]BREAKING: CA Supreme Court overturns 2005 death sentence for Scott Peterson in the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn son
[182]NY attorney general’s office investigating if Trump inflated assets in financial documents to get loans, other benefits.
[178]NASA Researcher Arrested for False Statements and Wire Fraud in Relation to China's Talents Program
[167]The committee chair of House Oversite and Reform, Carolyn Maloney, Is questioning the Postmaster, Louis DeJoy
[165]Russian-backed organizations amplifying QAnon conspiracy theories, researchers say/MSM pushing Russia, QAnon
[164]The owner of Atilis Gym registered his location as a REPUBLICAN policitical HQ and is open for business!!
[160]FBI w/CAP: Attorney General William Barr recently directed the formation of a task force to combat violent anti-government extremism?...
[156](Live) RNC delegates hold in-person roll-call to formally renominate President Trump. Convention is underway
[153]Wisconsin Govenor pours gas on fire. ..."shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement" media link
[150]This ny times article is a smoking gun on the genesis of the coronavirus lockdowns. CCP launched a massive social media campaign in ITALY...
[148]Armed Militant Leftists Block Police Vehicle and Threaten Officers With Rifles in Wisconsin media link
[146]Top Universities Take Millions From China Front Group. Dozens of universities, including Columbia and Stanford
[144]New WSJ Poll shows Trump’s STRONG with SWING voters, STEADY with Hispanic voters, WINNING on handling economy
[139]US Universities' Admins must step up and fight Beijing's digital classroom influence - "Zoom" in play
[138]Despite designation as a "foreign mission", Universities continue relationship with Confucius Institute
[136]Richard Spencer, White Supremacist and Neo Nazi: "I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket."
[135]More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.
[132]Arizona has seen a 20% increase in deaths in the first seven months of this year — and not all of them have been directly linked to the coronavirus
[127]Coronavirus update: Top US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci praises Australia's COVID-19 response
[125]Wisconsin Rioters Light Kenosha County Courthouse on Fire Over Sex Offender Who Was Shot By Police
[120]Denver officials denounce “anarchists” who damaged property, set fires during anti-police demonstration
[116]No Bump Chump: Biden Suffers Same Fate as Loser John Kerry and George McGovern in Post-DNC Polls
[109]Conways Announcement: KellyAnne Leaving White House And George Withdrawing From The Lincoln Project
[099]Andy Ngô Outbreak of anti-police violence in Kenosha, Wisc. after a police-involved shooting of a black male. #BlackLivesMatter media link
[096]China pledges 100 years of gold backed currency in a deal to reopen trade negotiation (Rick Roll included)
[056]The Bee: Trump Asked To Please Stop Making 'Pew Pew' Noises Throughout Space Force Strategy Meeting For The Keks!
[054]RudyG "I finally succeeded in getting the number of words in my convention speech below the number of small time Marijuana smokers Comrade Kamala put in prison."
[047]Pompeo: Looking forward to sharing with you how my family is more SAFE and more SECURE because of President Trump. See you all on Tuesday night!
[045]CNN's Stelter says network will do live 'fact-checks' of Republican convention, gets blasted for not doing same with Democrats /keep blasting!
[044]Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. announced the list of speakers for this week’s historic Republican National Convention.
[043]Rubikon: Die sächsische Landesregierung wurde vermutlich massiv unter Druck gesetzt, um nicht aus der Phalanx der Corona-Opportunisten auszuscheren.
[019]Oberste Zivilrichter entscheiden Trotz Kinderehen-Verbots: BGH bestätigt mit 16 geschlossene Ehe
[014]Schreckgespenst „zweite Welle“: Robert Koch-Institut schüchtert die Bürger mit löchrigem Zahlenwerk ein
[008]Der Guardian hat mehr als 170 QAnon-Gruppen, Seiten und Konten in Facebook und Instagram mit insgesamt mehr als 4,5 Millionen Anhängern dokumentiert media link
[006]Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn kauft mit seinem Ehemann Luxusvilla in Berlin für mehr als vier Millionen Euro
[003]Skandal in Chemnitz: Linke Künstler erhalten 20.000 Euro Fördergelder aus Kulturhauptstadtprogramm, um sie an militante Antifagruppen weiterzuleiten