[294]RT: Ivanka Trump claims she'll take Covid-19 vaccine live on ‘The View’, says Americans should all trust the FDA
[285]Australia says embassy officials did not obstruct Chinese investigation into journalists Bill Birtles and Mike Smith
[283]From Netflix's 'Cuties' to Sex Trafficking, We Have a Child Exploitation Problem (Yuge Link List)
[281]Text message emerges proving CNN's Jake Tapper tried to pressure Sean Parnell to not run against Conor Lamb
[279]Obama Administration Releases Long AwaitedNew E.O. 12333Rules on Sharing of Raw Signals Intelligence Information Within IC
[276]Jets Wide Receiver Charged With Stealing $1.2MM In PPP Funds, Blowing It On Jewelry And Gambling
[270]Refresh: Past Q post advised to track down historical books regarding WWI/II and compare historical revisions
[265]LA Country Director Of Public Health caught on tape saying schools will return after the election
[257]Hunter Biden Partnered with China Military Contractor Notorious for Stealing US Military Technology
[252]Undercover Huber @JohnWHuber Mueller’s team charged @GeorgePapa19 with 20 year felony obstruction for merely “deactivating” his Facebook...
[246]Q cap-NEW: DOJ Records Show Weissmann, Other Mueller Henchmen Claimed to Have “Accidentally Wiped” at Least 31 Phones Used in Russia Probe
[245]A Spanish police officer sparked online outrage after being filmed pressing on a fourteen-year-old boy's neck with his knee to restrain him.....
[242]police covering their name,badge numbers during demonstrations, RPD Deputy Chief Morabito says protesters are looking them up and threatening the officers' families.
[239]Australian diplomats 'interfered in a Chinese legal case' by sheltering correspondents Bill Birtles and Mike Smith, China says
[237]Investigators looking at 2 hi-level Obama meetings in which Comey a/o McCabe discussed issue of providing defensive briefings to Trump campaign re Russia...
[232]Adam Schiff's Latest Russia 'Whistleblower' Investigated By House Intel, Inspector General, & Was Fired From DHS For Surveilling Press
[231]Keystone State Republicans have added almost 198,000 registered voters to the books since 2016, while Democrats have gained an additional 29,000
[229]Killer Cuomo has his psycho comrades in the legislature working on concentration camps for New York. Note, this isn't limited to the rona. All "contagious" maladies
[227]Disney threatened to boycott Georgia over heartbeat law, filmed ‘Mulan’ near Uighur concentration camps
[226]President Trump Holds Campaign Rally in Freeland, MI 10 September 2020 Scheduled for 16:00hrs EDT - expect POTUS will be running late due to presser
[224]Every Senate Democrat just voted against COVID-19 relief. They blocked money for schools, testing, vaccines, unemployment insurance, and the Paycheck Protection Program.
[220]Bechtel part of Northrop Grumman nationwide team awarded US Air Force ICBM modernization contract
[215]Attorney General William P. Barr and DEA Acting Administrator Timothy J. Shea Announce Results of Operation Crystal Shield
[210]The CBBC broadcast First Day last week as a coming-of-age story about a fictional 12-year-old transgender girl’s transition to secondary school
[209]'It's really sick and dark': The left says PEDOPHILIA is a sexual orientation, should be protected under LGBT laws
[195]Ankara blasts Macron’s ‘arrogant’ statement as he says ‘Turkey is no longer a partner in East Mediterranean’
[193]"The only people who will benefit more from Cuties than the perverts … are the conspiracy theorists who have yet one more piece of elite … sexualizing children."/czech those stats hhmmmmmm
[192]Michigan Governor and Crazed Tyrant Gretchen Whitmer Orders High School Football, Soccer and V-Ball Players to Wear Masks, Even During Competition
[181]Rhode Island Governor Power Grab: Groups Cry Foul Over Raimondo’s Extending Emergency Pandemic Powers "Indefinitely"
[180]The manipulations of Democrats to use the COVID-19 issue for political gain are being exposed......
[178]“Mattis quietly went to Washington National Cathedral to pray about his concern for the nation’s fate under Trump’s command.......
[147]Nullifying Election Law 60 Days Out is Cheating. GA Federal Judge Eleanor Ross nullified a longstanding Georgia law regarding absentee ballots.
[146]reminder (from 2015): Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals
[138]New DJT w/CAP: Fake News is at it again! They will take any statement from me, no matter how proper or well delivered... media link
[133]Netflix just released the controversial 'Cuties'... sexualizing children and normalizing pedophilia!
[129]Who Wants Ta Know?: Has there been any talk about why POTUS hasn't taken the normal Air Force 1 lately? This was the plane he took Tuesday to FL and NC. (PalmBeachPost)
[128]Bold Patriot: ‘The whole place just went, whoa’: Woman told to remove Trump shirt, votes topless (Washington Times)
[125]In crackdown on race-related content, Education Department targets internal book clubs, meetings (Politico)
[123]Soros Donor Network Steers Six Figures to Three New Super PACs Ahead of 2020 Election (Free Beacon)
[122]Report: Far Left Groups Secretly Organize and Prepare for MASS VIOLENCE After Joe Biden Loses in November (The Gateway Pundit)
[121]Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova on Last Week’s Atlantic Hit Piece: “My Guess is that Two of the Anonymous Sources are Eric Ciaramella and Colonel Alexander Vindman of Impeachment Fame” (The Gateway Pundit)
[119]House panel details 'serious' concerns around Florida, Georgia, Texas, Wisconsin elections (The Hill)
[118]":Truth-~Wins! :War-Castles-Media :BREAKING-NEWS on the Elections_ Coming-Forward_ Russell-Jay_ Gould" (Youtube)
[114]Barr: Federal action helped cut Chicago murder rate in half! Operation Legend a deterrent with 'real possibility of long-term imprisonment' (WND.com)
[111]Hero veteran’s ‘Oregon is burning’ campaign ad sweeps the internet for originality and fire (BizPacReview)
[109]Rhode Island professor says killing by Portland activist OK from 'moral' perspective: 'He killed a fascist' (FoxNews)
[108]Fact Check: Joe Biden Falsely Claims 6,114 Military Dead from Coronavirus; Real Number Is 7…. (Breitbart\FOX)
[107]Supposedly Reliable Steele Acted 'Crazy,' His FBI Handler Says: 'People's Ears Were Bleeding.' (RealClearInvestigations.com
[105]Another "DEW Point"? Malden, Washington Anons comparing and contrasting current VS past fire (kxly.com) media link
[100]According to a pre-release excerpt from the Washington Post Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States. (Conservative Treehouse.com)
[098]Re: 9th Circuit creating a new fourth amendment notice requirement for surceillance practices [US rights {c} surveillance] (reason.com)
[095]"War games." Experts held 'war games' on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess
[093]Joint team effort!! WSP, Fife Pd and Puyallup PD just arrested a 36yr old Puyallup resident. He was caught in the median on SR-167@ Meridian setting a fire! He is currently on his way to jail! Great job everybody! (KomoNews\Twitter\Kiro7)
[092]Pervert: NY Gynecologist Accused of Sexual Assault by Andrew Yang’s Wife, Dozens of Others Has Been Arrested
[091]Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road from 9/11 to Covid-19 (from Patriot Act on….)
[090]Prominent Disney Stakeholder Calls Company’s Embrace Of China ‘Wildly Offensive,’ Demands Answers
[084]Tom Hanks accused of getting special treatment after returning to Australia amid coronavirus quarantine
[075]Twitter permanently suspends QAnon account belonging to friend of Scott Morrison for 'harmful activity'
[074]Fires along the I-5 corridor - SAME location as proposed bullet train from LA to Washington state
[071]Pelosi warns London there will be ‘absolutely no chance’ of UK-US trade deal if it violates Brexit protocol on Northern Ireland
[070]3 People Charged For Assaulting Police Officers During Portland Riots. Mostly peaceful "protests"
[069]FISA Court Tells FBI Spying Program Violates Rules on Protecting Citizen Privacy Rights, But it Can Carry On
[038]Chinese Ambassador says bringing manufacturing back to Canada is hopeless attempt to stop globalization
[029]Investigate the investigators? Netanyahu seeks ‘independent inquiry’ into own corruption probe over alleged conflicts of interest (RT)
[026]Cali State Senator who introduced legislation to make SODOMY with CHILDREN LEGAL blames "Qanon" for "attacking" him
[011]Violent Black Lives Matter Protester Knocks Out Trump Supporter at Trump Street Rally in Massachusetts
[002]NY Gynecologist Accused of Sexual Assault by Andrew Yang’s Wife, Dozens of Others, Has Been Arrested