[338]Wrong turn leads to postal carrier's arrest; mail found in car included absentees media link media link media link
[336]DOJ seizes over $1B worth of bitcoin associated with the underground online marketplace Silk Road media link
[334]ZH: Facebook Censors Massive Pro-Trump Group Protesting "Widespread Ballot Fraud" media link media link media link
[332]Dominic Raab and the Foreign Office have called for a fresh Presidential election. In Belarus… media link
[328]Trump campaign announces press conference in Atlanta with Donald Trump Jr., Rep. Doug Collins, and others at 6:00 P.M. media link media link
[327]Pelosi OWNS the Software used to collect & distribute the Election Voting Tallies & Can have a back door put in any time they want! media link media link media link media link media link
[326]Matt Gaetz: While some of us are fighting for President Trump…Nikki Haley is eulogizing him. Sad! media link
[324]Eric Trump replay: Just saying on Pennsylvania:200k votes voted only for Biden and not for any down-ballot races. media link
[323]Senior Trump Advisor David Bossie states that Arizona’s 11 Electoral Votes will be allocated to President Donald J. Trump. media link
[322]Ballot watermarks mentioned on government website CISA for controls within the mail-in voting process media link
[320]American Thinker: Democrats are turning on the NeverTrump Lincoln Project for its failure to deliver on promises
[318]Project Veritas to release bombshell video of USPS carrier pledging voter fraud in Neveada media link
[317]It Begins… Democrat Lawmakers Call on Twitter to Remove US President Trump from Platform media link
[316]U.S. News Technology Business Virus Outbreak San Francisco San Francisco voters approve taxes on CEOs, big businesses media link
[315]In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season media link media link media link media link
[312]Remember the words of war hero and legendary patriot General George S. Patton media link media link media link media link media link
[311]Former Jerry Nadler Intern Charged for Allegedly Spitting on Officer During NYC Protest media link media link media link media link
[306]Upon calling the state they have been told that none of them are registered voters and their votes have not been counted. media link media link
[305]Rebel Commander Ezra Levant has been denied access to the vote counting going on in Philadelphia. media link
[304]a Clark County election official, says he cannot guarantee there isn’t fraud in Nevada media link
[303]BREAKING: Mich Gov Whitmer sent health dept into Detroit TFC Center to evict GOP pollwatchers but not Dem pollwatchers or media, claiming COVID media link
[302]Democrat PA Officials ‘Privately’ Feeding Biden Campaign His Potential Margin of Victory media link media link media link media link media link
[300]On Wednesday Democrat Officials in Pennsylvania Said 92% of Vote was Counted — Today They Say Only 88% of Vote was Counted media link
[298]Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit In Nevada, Claims 1000s Of Ballots Cast By Non-Residents media link media link media link
[297]Rudy explains the Trump campaign's court case they just WON in Pennsylvania on ballot counting: "Now we have the right to observe." media link media link
[296]Pennsylvania County Won't Resume Counting Votes Until Friday Due To "Administrative Work" media link media link media link
[295]Breaking: With a court order in hand, the Trump Campaign has been granted full access to vote counting centers in Philadelphia and are inside now media link
[293]New York Times Piece Claims Trump is Deliberately Inserting Typos Into His Tweets as Secret “Code” to His Supporters media link
[287]Summary of U.S. Attorney's Office Announcments on Efforts to Protect Voters and Prevent Fraud media link media link media link media link
[286]Michigan USPS Whistleblower: Late Mail-In-Ballots Are Being Stamped As Received on November 3rd media link
[280]BREAKING: Trump Campaign to Announce Lawsuit in Nevada media link media link media link media link
[279]American Thinker - The left's attempt to steal the election. Just another night in the deepstate media link
[278]BREAKING: Pam Bondi has received a court order to enter the ballot counting center in Philadelphia media link
[272]Came across a tweet from fulton county that sounded funky.. Just throwing it out there for possible election fuckery.. media link
[271]TEN DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD It's about the Bolshevik coup, Russia 1917, aka Red October. media link
[267]Sara Carter = Biden returning to Nuke deal (Iran) will lead to confrontation between Israel and Iran media link
[263]former state elections commissioner Elaine Manlove killed in crash on eve of election media link
[258]Mainstream Is Censoring This AP OneWire Press Release About Obvious Election Fraud, So I Am Leaking It. (DHS ELECTION AUDIT STING) media link
[254]Halfchan calling Trump already won 285 Electoral Votes, announcment being delayed/ slow walked media link media link media link
[252]JUST IN: U.S. jobless claims fell to 751,000 in the week of October 31 from 758,000 in the prior week - Reuters media link
[251]Turns out 118 year old “William Bradley” voted via absentee ballot in Wayne County, Michigan. William Bradley died in 1984. media link
[249]In California's ballot-harvesting rematches, the old slow-walk ballot-count is back media link media link
[246]From what I gathered, the bleeding of the ink can invalidate the reading of one of more candidates by the ballot machine media link
[244]Confessions of an election rigger (voter fraud) media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[241]Flynn: My Country Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty…Let Freedom Ring (17 second video) media link media link media link
[239]How ballots get printed - printing vendors (US Service Flags in shot of Printing Vendor Warehouse) media link media link
[235]Had to chkek if Edison Research had infested Ukraine… imagine anon's shock. media link media link
[233]Wisconsin federal ballet posted online by Wisconsin elections commission, not watermarked as sample media link
[229]Time - Warner - Comcast is one the main tools to keep people in Dem strongholds in the dark. media link media link media link
[228]Hidden audio recordings of training sessions for pollworkers to commit fraud, trash certain provisional votes for destruction and kick out poll watchers among other strategies. media link
[227]Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election media link
[225]CA Citizen Documents Ballot Gathering at roadside drop box on 11/4 -AFTER POLLS CLOSED media link media link
[221]MicroDots: Electronic Frontier Foundation - John Perry Barlow - Microdot secure tech for xerox et al media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[220]Casar responds after Houston police chief blames Austin City Council for Democrat losses in Texas media link
[219]Trump campaign expands lawsuits in strategy rooted in Constitution's voting law authority media link
[217]Watch: Detroit Absentee Ballot Counting Chaos as Workers Block Windows, Bar Observers media link
[216]Compilation Of Blatant Voter Fraud By The Democratic Operatives In The 2020 Election #stopthesteal
[214]ELECTION BRAWL Who is conservative activist Bevelyn Beatty [Is Stabbed] and WHY did she accuse Black Lives Matter members of attacking her?
[212]Exclusive: AZ Poll Workers Gave Voters a Sharpie to Vote and Then Threw Out Their Ballots, Lawsuit Claims media link
[210]Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are Counted media link
[206]Gnews has been posting only about voter fraud all day. media link media link media link media link media link
[205]Biden Campaign Fraud Series 1: SF Express (China's version of Fedex/DHL) packages found at Atlanta's vote counting, Fake Votes Printed and Delivered Directly from Biden's Boss in China
[199]Why do we accept as fact that America's "cities" will naturally turn blue? media link media link
[198]Planned Role of NSA Election Security Group in Elections Integrity media link media link media link media link media link
[197]New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, And South Dakota Voted To Legalize Recreational Cannabis media link
[195]InkJet Pinter Security Markers: never implied that official ballots were printed with a "normal" printer, but if they were, DHS could trace those too if they wanted. media link
[190]RIG FOR RED DoD Tweet: Refueling aircraft mid-flight – that’s the job of a boom operator. media link
[188]Arizona secretary of State says Trump campaign doesn't have legal pathway should it bring lawsuit media link media link
[184]Watch the WATER(marks) CALIFORNIA media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[183]'Cruel irony' that former state elections commissioner killed in crash on eve of election, officials say media link
[182]Attorneys, colleagues and friends are mourning the sudden death Oct. 31 of 38-year-old attorney Lee Sawyer media link media link
[181]Do the ballots have a secret water mark? Are the NG counting ballots? Watch the water? media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[170]CA Vote Tally: Numbers ain't adding up here, will check tomorrow when it updates again. media link media link media link
[168]Wisconsin’s voter turnout, with 98 percent of precincts reporting, indicates that nearly 9-in-10 registered voters cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election media link
[160]rchbishop Viganò: America is in midst of ‘Colossal Electoral Fraud,’ ‘Do Not Think the Children of Darkness Act with Honesty – We Must Pray NOW to Defeat Enemy media link media link media link
[157]POTUS Schedule for THURSDAY, November 5, 2020. THE PRESIDENT has no public events scheduled. media link
[153]JUST IN from Maricopa, Arizona: Vote count will be transmitted electronically by officials, but the media has to leave per @CNN media link
[145]James Woods: Considering all the places that mouth might have been, could this be considered assault with a deadly weapon? media link media link media link
[143]Secretive high-end art world can be vehicle for dirty money, US Treasury warns media link media link
[142]IT has TRUMP WINNING, and it is UPDATED EVERY TEN FUCKING MINUTES, YET we are supposed to believe that BIDEN WON MICHIGAN? media link
[137]TRUMP TRAP: Is China Successfully Manufacturing Ballots And Coordinating With Leaders Of Battleground States To Rig The Election For Joe Biden? media link media link media link media link
[136]Listen to this guys, David Brooks of NYT says, something that sounds an awful lot like Mika the clown said “it’s our job to tell people what to think”, arrogant assholes media link media link
[133]This is not Norm Coleman. This is not Mitt Romney or George W. Bush. This is Donald Trump. And you're going to wish you'd never tried this. media link
[131]@Project_Veritas has been contacted by a Special Agent within the Office of Inspector General for the USPS media link
[130]Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted - Michigan poll observer Matthew Seely describes how Wayne County (Detroit) polling station workers ejected GOP watchdogs media link
[129]Pro-Trump Patriots Chant ‘Shame on Fox’ at Arizona Protect the Vote Rally media link media link media link
[128]You and the NYT have made stuff up for 4 years. The echo chamber of DC newsrooms just repeat it. But Americans no longer believe you. You’ve ruined your credibility outside DC. media link
[126]FoxNews call of Arizona was indefensible. Even lefties are saying this. Why did Fox want to suppress the Trump vote?
[125]MEET NORM EISEN - responsible for the current Color Revolution against POTUS, lawfare, mass mobilization media link media link media link
[122]WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area
[120]Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted - Lancaster, PA had 43,000 MORE mail-in ballots than they had requested That doesn’t seem sketch at all media link
[117]Analysis: Seven Milwaukee wards report more 2020 presidential votes than registered voters; Biden nets 146K votes in city media link
[110]I found this poster for the scheduled protest. Person who posted it calls himself an antifa thug. What’s the flower by his name mean? media link media link media link media link media link
[108]We will “call” Arizona when EVERY legal vote is counted. I don’t give a damn where you work, but the voters decide elections, not spreadsheet managers. Thanks. media link
[107]Biden-Harris transition team website goes live even as election remains undecided media link media link
[104]Arizona. On MSNBC, Steve Kornacki reports on latest batch of AZ votes counted may tighten the race in Trump's favor, notes NBC hasn't called this race yet Fox & AP have called AZ for Biden. NBC, ABC, CNN and others haven't: media link
[097]Twitter Is Censoring Sean Davis For Quoting PA’s Supreme Court Decision Allowing Post-Election Ballots media link media link media link
[096]Imagine if 138,000 votes had appeared out of thin air all for Trump, not a single 1 for Biden. Could you imagine the media outrage? media link
[095]Michigan @USPS Whistleblower Details Directive From Superiors: Back-Date Late Mail-In-Ballots As Received November 3rd, 2020 So They Are Accepted media link
[094]Several hundred people are marching in Minneapolis — including onto Interstate 94 — to protest Donald Trump's presidency and for rights that they don't believe Joe Biden also won't deliver. media link
[089]Charlie Hebdo publishes provocative cover of beheaded cancan dancers in response to recent terror attacks in France media link media link
[086]PA Secretary of State overseeing what’s being done in PA isn’t just a partisan but this level of anti-Trump partisan media link
[077]Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History? No Way media link media link
[074]I have a liberal friend who is very bright and funny. I really like him a lot. Naturally we banter about politics. media link
[073]"Marc Elias, the Democratic lawyer behind many of the voting changes causing havoc in the 2020 presidential election, is also responsible for hiring Fusion GPS to compile the “Russia dossier”
[072]The Steal Is On. What Republicans Must Do Next To Guarantee Victory. media link media link media link
[070]Well fuck. Bezos just bailed out on his own stock, apparently expecting massive capital gains tax spike courtesy of Comrade Biden. media link
[069]Michigan updates Secty of State vote count web page, Trump still leading by 200K votes. media link
[066]"I Honestly Feel Like The Fuse On The Powderkeg Of This Country Has Been Lit & We Are On The Precipice Of A Second Great American Civil War. I Pray Im Wrong, But I Fear Im Right, No Matter Which Way This Election Turns Out." media link media link
[063]SEVEN VOTERS Older than the Oldest Human Being Alive Today Voted in Michigan Including One Man Born in 1850 media link
[062]‘No Evidence’ of Significant Foreign Interference in 2020 US Election - DHS Agency media link media link
[060]Biden Launches Presidential 'Transition Team', Trump Asks SCOTUS To Intervene media link media link
[057]Carl Lentz has been fired by Hillsong for “a recent revelation of moral failures” writes Brian Houston in an email to church members. media link media link media link
[056]On 30th of November the Supreme Court will argue whether President Trump can exclude illegal aliens from 2020 census or not. media link
[055]PA sec of state Kathy Boockvar ran for a seat on the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court in 2011 and then as the Democratic challenger to late Rep. media link
[053]PopeFrancis says terrorism seeks to compromise fraternal cooperation between religions media link
[051]Your a joke @MarkSZaidEsq and you know it. You always were part of covering up for the corruption in Washington DC and I’m not concerned about your petty statements. I’m just grateful I never sold out like you. media link
[049]REMEMBER THIS from 2 months ago? Democrat Whistleblower Reveals Massive Voter Fraud Operation By Democrats To Steal Election Using Mail-In Ballots
[048]Because the election was yesterday and they are still counting the ballots in Michigan today, you blue check mark idiot. media link
[046]"Trump was winning the lot, then the Dems refused to continue to count in democratic controlled states. They resume 10 hours later and bingo all the votes are going Biden's way.
[037]Harmeet Dhillon from President Trump’s Legal Team Says They are Expecting to Finalize the States Needed to Win the Election
[036]It was all a STING, the ballots were watermarked and this man appointed by Trump helped pull it off. Watch the water, watch the lawsuits and the fake ballots TOSSED. This agency was founded AFTER the 2018 Midterms. media link media link media link
[035]"JUST IN: Instead of delaying releasing results until tomorrow, Nevada officials will release more results later today due to the high interest in how Nevada voted."
[032]Get the Facts: Election night results are not official results. These sites may experience outages due to a variety of issues including too many people trying to view the site or cyberattacks media link
[030]Who were two Chinese donators in Francis Peter’s Congress nomination in 2016 ? And what secrets are in the hard drives? media link media link media link media link media link
[028]Hunter Biden and FBI director Wray, their secret ties to the CCP media link media link media link
[027]Hunter Biden is suspected of participating in Ye Jianming’s acquisition of Kewen media link media link media link
[023]"Soon, we'll have the same fraud pollsters who lied to us come out with numbers suggesting @realDonaldTrump should concede the election. Absolutely, take it to the bank." media link
[019]We're calling on @FoxNews to retract its early and rash call that Biden has won AZ media link media link
[017]Wayne county hasn't reported in yet, Rashida Tlaib's district, so you know there's gonna be fukkkery there, but Trump currently leads by 237,000 votes in Michigan as per Sec of State website. media link
[015]UPDATE TO PREVIOUS NOTABLE - It just so happens that we are on track to have more votes than registered voters in every single state that could potentially win Trump the election media link media link