[028]Christiane Amanpour Tweet: The world is watching the impeachment trial, and fmr. Australian Prime Minister @JuliaGillard says it's crucial to "consider what they would be saying if this had happened in another nation… What would they be saying about accountability?" media link media link
[027]Christiane Amanpour Tweet: Former Australian PM @JuliaGillard points out that "an ultra-macho style of leadership, a blustering style of leadership, not looking at the facts, pretending that somehow you can out-swagger a virus – that has been the style that has *least* worked this time." media link media link
[026]Video: Trump loyalist Sebastian Gorka launches tirade on Australian Sky News TV - Finn McHugh - news.com.au media link
[023]Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia - whitehouse.gov
[021]Biden keen to visit Australia, spoke to Morrison about emissions reduction - Rob Harris - smh.com.au
[020]Joe Biden set to invite Scott Morrison to White House climate summit - Richard Ferguson - theaustralian.com.au
[016]After 440,000 Americans are Dead — Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!
[015]After 440,000 Americans are Dead Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong
[006]Jade Sacker CNN in Capitol building during invasion was CNN in on the Capitol Building invasion? (video)
[005]Sources on Hill say Pelosi coordinated the "snap impeachment" of Trump with Russia "collusion" hoaxer Schiff
[002]Russia, US collaboration cracks drug network in rare show of cooperation (reposted from General Research)