[036]How to Gaslight 101: Pentagon Reevaluating Security Around ‘Nuclear Football’ After Capitol Rioters Almost Grabbed It
[029]George W. Bush was elated to find out that his mother trusted him enough to show him the fetus she kept in a jar (Cap 0:15) media link
[028]NIH Director Collins: We Have ‘More Important Things’ Than Rand’s ‘Posturing’ on Gain of Function
[020]Anon Opines: It is my belief that Biden is now at the top of the gubmint because when the takedown happens it will have Delaware written all over it.
[019]PRES. BIDEN: "The idea that the Democrats or the Biden is hiding people and sucking the blood of children, no I’m serious, that’s the..”
[018]Salt Lake City mayor and city council adopt joint resolution that declares racism a public health crisis
[017]Biden says that if he wants to hire workers, he'll just have to pay a $15/hr minimum wage media link
[016], 14170894 Protecting the United States from terrorist attacks is the #FBI’s top priority [they got some work to do]
[013]A two-star general who was suspended after years of sexual assault allegations at Fort Hood is cleared after internal investigation
[010]pb Found the POTUS interview with Savage. He's at the beginning. + ICYMI: “Rep. Jordan: Trump’s ‘Going To Be The Next President’, GOP Will Take House” - TRUMP Related