[151]Houston FD responded to 500+ overcrowding complaints Memorial Day weekend, but no citations were issued, re: TX’s new 25% capacity limit on bars and clubs media link media link
[150]Judge Emmett Sullivan, from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000
[149]The sky in Beijing turned dark at 3:00 pm local time on May 21 when the #CCP's biggest political event of the year "#TwoSessions" was held (Tstorm) media link media link
[147]California Church Asks US Supreme Court To Intervene In Lockdown Battle After Clinton, Obama Judges Strike Down media link
[146]Mike Pence on Social Media Censorship of Conservatives: ‘We’re Just Not Going to Tolerate It’ media link
[145]the 9th Court decision to keep churches closed, that Grewsom just 180'd on. read the dissent media link
[142]@thejointstaff Read his full message to #HonorTheFallen and the families they left behind media link media link
[140]Russian satellite, comet or 'UFO'? Videos of an 'epic' fireball seen in #Australia's sky puzzle netizens media link media link
[135]Florida family grieves as Trump spreads debunked conspiracy theory to attack MSNBC host/Klausutis media link media link
[133]Hungary Says It Will Defend Its Borders and Keep Border Fence Despite EU Court Ruling media link
[131]Harvard teaching hospital funded Lancet study that WHO used to stop HCQ trials./rebut to results noted media link media link
[128]Eisenhower Warned About Scientific Elites Like Dr. Fauci /Military-Industrial Complex media link
[124]Norwegian state TV to broadcast celebration of Islamic holiday, the first TV station in Western Europe to do a live broadcast of Eid media link
[122]Chloroquine Phosphate Has Shown Apparent Efficacy in Treatment of COVID-19 Associated Pneumonia in Clinical Studies media link
[118]ARMED AND DANGEROUS, call 911 immediately if seen, Peter Manfredonia media link media link media link media link media link media link
[117]Race you, NASA!: China confirms July launch of first Mars rover, which rivals Perseverance mission media link media link
[116]Labour MP fired from the shadow government by Jeremy Corbyn for calling out Pakistani-heritage rapists targeting white girls will help review a government report into the ethnic background of grooming gangs. media link media link media link
[115]Top EU diplomat: ‘end of American-led’ world order and rise of China ‘happening before our eyes’ /they gonna lose big! media link
[114]Irish PM criticized for appearing to violate his own social distancing guidelines during Sunday picnic media link
[113]WHO SUSPENDS trials of Trump-chosen hydroxychloroquine drug over SAFETY RISKS for Covid-19 patients /was essential media link
[112]Twitter Removes Account on Oregon Voter Ballot Scandal media link media link media link media link media link
[111]Nonprofit organization seeks investigation of University of Pennsylvania and Biden Center for undisclosed China mega donations media link
[110]Secretary Pompeo: Glad to congratulate John Ratcliffe on his confirmation as the Director of National Intelligence. media link
[109]Staten Islanders with masks drive out non-mask wearing person in grocery store media link media link media link
[108]Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Defies President Trump — Sends Armed Police Squad to Shut Down Black Baptist Church in Southside Chicago media link
[105]Judge Emmett Sullivan from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000 media link
[101]South Bay Pentecostal Church has taken the Cali church closing to the US Supreme Court media link
[099]Klausutis/Scarborough/911 connections diggz media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[094]Ex-Independent Counsel Robert Ray predicts prosecutions from Durham probe: 'Political scandal of the highest order' media link
[090]New DJT twat w/CAP: TRANSITION TO GREATNESS! Get ready, it is already happening again! media link
[089]anon's memorial day PSA: Flags out, half staff from sunrise till noon. If you don't have one, GO BUY ONE NOW!
[088]Rep. Andy Biggs: On coronavirus and many issues, China acts like a Cold War enemy and international outlaw
[078], Planefag Reports TYPF media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[075], 'GOP' "Lawmaker" whining about Trump on Scarborough media link media link media link media link media link
[058]Judge Sullivan allegations in anonymous tweet threads media link media link media link media link
[048]Iran & Venezuela hail victorious 'Defiance' over US media link media link media link media link media link
[040]Scavino tweet: Gay Latino walks away, mentions Pizzagate & FISAGate media link media link media link
[038]Iran ignored warnings of retaliation from the US as the first of five Iranian tankers entered Venezuela’s exclusive economic zone on Saturday media link
[037]PHOTOS EMERGE of Iranian Officials Who Met Secretly With John Kerry in Paris on Saturday — One Is Identified media link
[032]Trump admin told a federal court Wednesday that it canceled a portion of border wall due to costs for other parts of the wall coming in higher than anticipated media link
[025]New York Times on Memorial Day Weekend: ‘Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?’ media link media link
[019]ZH: The Fed Is Now The Proud Owner Of Bankrupt Hertz Bonds media link media link media link media link
[016]An Outbreak of Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection and Serological Cross-reactivity with SARS Coronavirus (2003 - good read)
[014]New DJT - Sleepy Joe's reps have just put out an ad re golf, then puts Hussein on blast re golf media link media link
[012]'Significant' Fire Erupts at Bombardier Aerospace Facility in Belfast media link media link media link
[009]WH twatter - President @realDonaldTrump has kept his promise to fight the swamp and expose the deep state. media link
[007]McCabe wrote that Clapper's staff asked FBI to look up transcripts they'd collected of Flynn-Kislyak phone conversations from Dec 2016. media link media link media link