[151]Houston FD responded to 500+ overcrowding complaints Memorial Day weekend, but no citations were issued, re: TX’s new 25% capacity limit on bars and clubs
[150]Judge Emmett Sullivan, from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000
[149]The sky in Beijing turned dark at 3:00 pm local time on May 21 when the #CCP's biggest political event of the year "#TwoSessions" was held (Tstorm) media link
[147]California Church Asks US Supreme Court To Intervene In Lockdown Battle After Clinton, Obama Judges Strike Down
[140]Russian satellite, comet or 'UFO'? Videos of an 'epic' fireball seen in #Australia's sky puzzle netizens media link
[135]Florida family grieves as Trump spreads debunked conspiracy theory to attack MSNBC host/Klausutis
[131]Harvard teaching hospital funded Lancet study that WHO used to stop HCQ trials./rebut to results noted
[124]Norwegian state TV to broadcast celebration of Islamic holiday, the first TV station in Western Europe to do a live broadcast of Eid
[122]Chloroquine Phosphate Has Shown Apparent Efficacy in Treatment of COVID-19 Associated Pneumonia in Clinical Studies media link
[117]Race you, NASA!: China confirms July launch of first Mars rover, which rivals Perseverance mission
[116]Labour MP fired from the shadow government by Jeremy Corbyn for calling out Pakistani-heritage rapists targeting white girls will help review a government report into the ethnic background of grooming gangs.
[115]Top EU diplomat: ‘end of American-led’ world order and rise of China ‘happening before our eyes’ /they gonna lose big!
[114]Irish PM criticized for appearing to violate his own social distancing guidelines during Sunday picnic
[113]WHO SUSPENDS trials of Trump-chosen hydroxychloroquine drug over SAFETY RISKS for Covid-19 patients /was essential
[111]Nonprofit organization seeks investigation of University of Pennsylvania and Biden Center for undisclosed China mega donations
[110]Secretary Pompeo: Glad to congratulate John Ratcliffe on his confirmation as the Director of National Intelligence.
[108]Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Defies President Trump — Sends Armed Police Squad to Shut Down Black Baptist Church in Southside Chicago
[105]Judge Emmett Sullivan from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000
[094]Ex-Independent Counsel Robert Ray predicts prosecutions from Durham probe: 'Political scandal of the highest order'
[089]anon's memorial day PSA: Flags out, half staff from sunrise till noon. If you don't have one, GO BUY ONE NOW!
[088]Rep. Andy Biggs: On coronavirus and many issues, China acts like a Cold War enemy and international outlaw
[038]Iran ignored warnings of retaliation from the US as the first of five Iranian tankers entered Venezuela’s exclusive economic zone on Saturday
[037]PHOTOS EMERGE of Iranian Officials Who Met Secretly With John Kerry in Paris on Saturday — One Is Identified
[032]Trump admin told a federal court Wednesday that it canceled a portion of border wall due to costs for other parts of the wall coming in higher than anticipated
[016]An Outbreak of Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection and Serological Cross-reactivity with SARS Coronavirus (2003 - good read)
[009]WH twatter - President @realDonaldTrump has kept his promise to fight the swamp and expose the deep state.
[007]McCabe wrote that Clapper's staff asked FBI to look up transcripts they'd collected of Flynn-Kislyak phone conversations from Dec 2016.