[273]St. Louis Police have arrested and charged 24-Year-Old Stephan Cannon with the Murder of David Dorn media link
[272]The owner of the club George Floyd worked for was Maya Santamaria. Her mother attended the University of Hawaii at the same time as Obama's mom. media link
[258]New DJT -I built the greatest economy in the World, the best the U.S. has ever had. I am doing it again! media link
[255]Minneapolis City Council to Announce Commitment to Disbanding City’s Police Department media link
[253]@AdonisAlbright #BREAKING on @OANN: Minneapolis' City council expected to announce they will commit to disbanding city's police department. media link
[251]Fox News October 26, 2019 -Arthel: Growing concerns among U.S. businesses over China's revised cyber security rules which demand all foreign companies doing business in China to stop encrypting our data which would give Beijing full access to intellectual property and raises privacy concerns. media link
[250]Internes Dienstpapier des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge: Mehr als jeder dritte Asylbewerber reiste mit Visum per Flugzeug ein
[245]NYT Editorial Page Head Quits After Internal Revolt Over Tom Cotton Op-Ed media link media link media link media link media link
[243]pb 269 Companies Supporting ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter – Just In Case You Want To Know Who Wants You Dead & Overturn The Culture
[242]Police brutality is abhorrent, but #PsyOpBob played no innocent roll. Everybody there knew he wanted to cause trouble, and was calling him out. media link media link
[241]Kayleigh -@FaceTheNation face the facts: Esper and Barr BOTH AGREE that the Insurrection Act can be used as last resort. CBS did not air @EsperDoD's full statement. media link
[239]New DJT -Opinion Editor at @nytimes just walked out. That’s right, he quit over the excellent Op-Ed penned by our great Senator @TomCottonAR. TRANSPARENCY! media link
[238]Sunday Talks – Senator Lindsey Graham Discusses Rod Rosenstein Testimony – Someone is Blocking FBI Agents From Testifying… media link
[237]New DJT - If Biden had any passion or respect for law enforcement, he kept it well hidden in his Philadelphia address. He criticized cops far more than he did arsonists & looters. Michael Goodwin, @nypost media link
[235]Reddit post honoring dead wife of Travis AFB Sergeant arrested for murder of LEO was posted prior to the killing - according to anon media link
[230](Lb) - anon - This was set up almost exactly like the Ukraine coup, but DJT was many steps ahead. media link media link media link media link media link
[227]Minneapolis Cop Charged In George Floyd’s Murder Was Hired Despite Having A Criminal Record With 7 Convictions media link media link
[225]New DJT -.@RonnyJackson4TX is a spectacular man. An Admiral in the Navy, he is a brave and loyal Warrior who loves our Military and Vets. media link media link
[224]New DJT -Congressman Jeff Van Drew (@VanDrewForNJ) is a Courageous Leader who defended me against Pelosi’s Impeachment Scam media link
[223]New DJT -Congressman Mark Amodei (@AmodeiForNevada) is working hard for the incredible people of Nevada! media link
[222]New DJT -Governor Doug Burgum (@DougForDakota) is doing a phenomenal job leading North Dakota! media link
[221]Bill Barr can't hold in laughter over sending troops to handle Antifa over governor's protest. media link media link
[219]New DJT -Unlike Senator Manchin, Big Jim Justice was very loyal to your favorite President during Pelosi’s Impeachment Scam. media link
[217]Lindsey Graham, 8 Feb 2020: “Half the people involved in the Russian investigation are going to jail.” - vid media link
[216]Minnesota AG Keith Ellison May Have Just Screwed Up Case Against George Floyd Cops -pjmedia media link media link media link media link media link
[215]NYC man who threatened to burn down Diamond District charged with ‘making terroristic threats,’ police say media link
[214]California Sheriff’s Deputy Killed, Another Injured in Ambush in Northern California – Suspect Steven Carrillo Was Captured and Charged with Murder. media link media link media link media link
[213]@laralogan - Can journalists please ask Keith Ellison, Minnesota AG, about this tweet from his verified account? Why was the tweet it removed? Who did it? media link
[208]Two of the Ex-Cops Charged in the Killing of George Floyd Were on the Job for Less Than 4 Days: Lawyers media link
[206]Three Australian men arrested over alleged child abuse in the Philippines - as police rescue 13 children from a horror sex den media link media link media link media link
[205]WHICH IS IT? Democrats demand mail-in voting because they can’t leave their homes due to Covid-19, but now they’re protesting in the streets standing shoulder to shoulder media link media link
[200]Deported Drug Trafficker, Money Launderer Arrested After Illegally Crossing Border into California
[197]2018 History: Minneapolis City Council Member Cano hires Ilhan Omar’s husband as senior policy aide
[196]The head of a shelter for South Korean victims of Japan's wartime sex slavery was found dead in her home in an apparent suicide media link
[195]United Therapeutics Corporation Files Lawsuit Against Liquidia For Infringement Of Tyvaso Patents media link media link media link
[194]Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell: “There Were Red Flags Early On in the Russia Investigation” and the Deep State Classified and Hid Them
[192]U.S. special operations forces are currently testing and evaluating a specially-designed computerized fire control and rifle sight system vid
[189]Chicago Mayor Condemns 'Vigilantism' After Men Are Seen Patrolling Streets Carrying Bats media link
[188]Egyptian army enters eastern Libya/needs another souce to stay in the list media link media link
[187]Protest leader who threatened to burn NYC's Diamond District taken into custody for questioning by NYPD media link media link media link
[186]“American universities and research laboratories should not be used to contribute to PRC goals of military dominance,” State Dept media link
[183]George Floyd protesters in London are now angry about a Chrchill statue, people who defended the statue were sent away by the police media link
[180]Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Deputy Killed In Alleged Ambush By Man With A Stockpile Of Bombs media link
[179]Caldwell was “ambushed” by a “couple of people” who jumped out of the bushes in an attempted robbery. media link
[177]President Trump’s Poll Numbers Better than Obama At Same Point in His Presidency Indicating a 2020 Election Win media link
[175]Crude Production at Libya’s Largest Oil Field Resumes as Months' Long Blockade Lifted media link
[174]Trump orders National Guard to withdraw from DC as ‘everything is under perfect control’ media link
[167]State Dept. Releases Phone Transcript Of Hillary Admitting She Knew Benghazi Was Planned Attack media link
[165]Big habbenings in Taiwan. Gonna make chYna mad./Beijing friendly mayor in recall election media link
[163]protesters have gathered outside the US embassy in south London to protest police brutality media link
[162]Bill Barr on "(De)Face the Nation" - full transcipt media link media link media link media link media link
[161]In case you missed it: Trump signed an executive order Thursday that grants emergency powers to government agencies to fast-track and expedite the permitting process for infrastructure and energy projects. media link
[156]@haaretzcom - '(Trump's) Attacks on ANTIFA are attacks on Jews: Opinion @aripaul - hmmm [smells like soros propganda if youre interested in investigating] media link
[155]George Floyd, ANTIFA, CAIR & Keith Ellison's Minnesota article by tierneyrealnewsnetwork.com media link media link media link
[150]Georgia Democrat who endorsed Trump slams liberals for 'standing on the shoulders of Black voters'-washexaminer media link
[149]B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Inc.-vid OP (too long to watch but track back to it with these) media link
[147]DC Riot reports: Massachusetts Trump supporter, 82, ‘violently assaulted’ by motorist, 27, police say and 2 men from Ohio arrested with weapons media link media link
[142]They saved me': How protesters protected a lone cop, a moment captured in powerful photos media link media link
[137]Don’t ever ask or order me to “flatten the curve” and give up my liberties again. I won’t comply. :Brandon Darby media link media link
[134]Rioter Reports Antifa and BLM media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[124], Code fag explains dynamic / non-dynamic linking on twatter. media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[122]Being US ally is valuable but COMPLICATED, German FM says after Pentagon reportedly told its troops to pack up (Rt.com) media link
[121]San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said he’s “embarrassed as a white person” media link media link media link
[114]New Air Bases, Baby Cabbage Key to Chinese Long-Term, Doomed To Fail, Claims in South China Sea. media link
[113]twatter link - anon says video of a black woman calling out domestic terrorism and praising America and the military.
[110]Anons - "dynamic" happens. Both the title and picture on a card can change media link media link
[105]Donors of anti-Trump resistance group media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[100]Antifa tied to the Weather UG, Obama, Hollywood, the Democrat Party and much more media link media link media link media link
[093]50 State AGs & DOJ are pushing to breakup Google's ad-eech dominance media link media link media link media link
[091]Sean Davis and Mara Liasson twitter spat over Antifa media link media link media link media link
[086]Cuomo shielded largest donor involved in elderly care from CV lawsuits media link media link media link media link media link
[085]McCabe Memo details how DOJ’s Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire media link media link media link media link
[082]Anons on the OF tweet image II media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[081]Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends media link media link media link media link
[080]Minneapolis Mayor Frey forced to leave protest for refusing to defund police media link media link media link
[074]Follow the pen: RR testified 6/3 " I did not suggest or hint at secretly recording President Trump." denied suggesting 25th Amendment be invoked, McCabe/Page contradict media link media link media link media link
[073]Did the Obama Foundation create the Floyd image, and then get the ball rolling with flyers, protest art (marketing)? media link
[072]Camp Lejeune, Home of Marine Expeditionary Forces in Readiness, and the largest Marine Corps Base on the East Coast, linked in @USMC tweet media link media link
[068]Anons on the GF/Obama Foundation tweet image + code posted by Q media link media link media link
[063]Floyd's brother to testify in front of House Judiciary Committee hearing on police brutality media link
[054]Bettina Röhl. Journalistin und Tochter von Ulrike #Meinhof in #swr1: "Angela #Merkel ist die Königin der #Antifa." Der Moderator fällt schier vom Stuhl media link
[034]Köln: "Aktivist" Reiner Schmidt / Bündnis gegen Pro Köln / Mitglied der "Interventionistischen Linken" media link
[031]Epoch Times Deutsch - Städte Brennen, aber niemand wagt, es kommunistischen Aufstand zu nennen | Declassified Deutsch
[019]Kennen Sie unsere Schulterarmabzeichen? https://twitter.com/USArmyEurope/status/1267851362085330944 media link media link media link
[012]#Soros hat es angekündigt: mit #Geld sorgt er für Unruhen und Zerstörung. Dieser Teufel finanziert #NGOs, Zeitungen und #FridaysForFuture. Er gehört hinter Gitter media link
[008]H.J. Müller + Daniel Mantey sind in Frage zu stellen, neue mögliche Hintergründe sind aufgetaucht..