[223]The Big Con – The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society are Being Funded by Google?… media link media link media link
[216]Kentucky Man Sentenced to Prison for Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct While Traveling and Residing in Cambodia-justice.gov media link
[214]Grassley lifts hold on Trump nominees after getting answers on firings of inspectors general-washexam media link
[212]Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy says that white people should shine black peoples’ shoes to show a “sense of shame” and “embarrassment” for racism-dailycaller via soc media media link
[207]Message to the Senate of the United States on the Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
[206]Facebook removes Trump ads with symbol once used by Nazis to designate political prisoners media link
[205]Congress Targets Social Media Companies for Circulating Chinese Propaganda media link media link
[204]New DJT rountable twat w/CAP: It was not Ambassador Lighthizer’s fault (yesterday in Committee) in that perhaps I didn’t make myself clear... media link
[202]US State Department OKs $600 Million Deal Giving Ukraine Gun, Radar Defense Systems media link media link media link
[201]‘KEEP BREATHING FOR ME!’ Body-Cam Footage Contradicts DA, Officers Administered CPR On Rayshard Brooks media link
[199]Trudeau embarrasses woke Canadians in colossal failure to secure coveted seat on UN Security Council media link
[194]interdasting thread on Catherine Herridge tweets, Giulio Occhionero chimes in to help Catherine media link media link media link media link
[192]for the kek of it: New Program Helps People Of Color Adopt A White Liberal To Speak On Their Behalf-babylonbee.com media link
[190]Former DIA Analyst Sentenced for Leaking Classified Information to Journalists-justice.gov media link
[189]Potus: First thing the anarchists did upon taking over Seattle was “BUILD A WALL”. See, I was ahead of our times! media link
[188]poolreports: Message to the Senate of the United States on the Protocol Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
[187]Ex-Trump adviser breaks silence on Russia probe, says Iran deal played role in false allegations media link media link media link media link media link
[186]Potus/USCGNortheast: Extraordinary rescue yesterday by our brave and “Semper Paratus” U.S. Coast Guard. media link media link
[185]Horowitz: Time for Trump and conservatives to crush judicial supremacy. Here’s how. media link media link media link media link media link
[179]EU okays landmark Israel ‘Open Skies’ aviation deal, despite annexation tensions media link media link media link media link media link
[177]Congressman Rats Out FBI Protection Racket of Clinton’s ‘Sale’ of Top Secret U.S. Military & Nuclear Warhead Technology to China media link
[174]An F-A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the carrier Theodore Roosevelt took a swim in the Philippine Sea, but the pilots have been recovered and are OK
[172]What's the Caesar Act and how will new US sanctions impact Syria? media link media link media link
[168]Facebook has removed posts from Trump Camapaign for violating rules against organized hate media link media link media link media link
[167]Hillary Tells UK News Rioters are ‘Tiny, Tiny Minority’ of BLM, Trump Has ‘Hijacked’ Christianity
[166]Bolton: Trump Is Not ‘Fit for Office’ — Doesn’t Have ‘Competence to Carry Out the Job’ media link
[162]Bruce Springsteen goes on the attack against President Trump's COVID-19 response: 'Put on a f***ing mask'
[161]NEW POTUS TWEET: I will be releasing a new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees media link
[159]Britain ‘broke own rules’ by failing to inspect factories making bombs for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen media link
[158]Robert Fuller: Half-brother of a black man found hanged in US park is shot dead by sheriff's deputies media link
[157]AWFUL. Wife of Police Officer Posts Video of Threats She and Her Husband Receive Because He Is a Police Officer media link
[156]NEW POTUS TWEET: The DACA decision, while a highly political one, and seemingly not based on the law, gives the President of the United States far more power than EVER anticipated. Nevertheless, I will only act in the best interests of the United States of America! media link
[155]Bolton Said He Had 'No Problem' With Lying In 2010 Interview, Trump Says Former NSA Sabotaged North Korea Talks media link
[154]‘Unacceptable threat’ and ‘provocation’: European nations fume after US pulls out of talks on global digital tax media link
[153]EU’s top court slaps down Hungarian law on NGO transparency imposed amid Budapest feud with Soros over ‘political meddling’ media link
[152]"They Don't Like Me" - Trump Floored After Supreme Court Protects DACA, Suggests 2nd Amendment At Risk Without 'More Justices' media link media link media link media link
[150]In this proposed german bill from June 16, 2020 by Christian Lindner (FDP) it is said 2 and a half times that the pandemic is officially over. media link media link media link
[142]New rewards offered for information leading to capture of two FARC leaders media link media link media link media link
[140]The Serbian president explained in no uncertain terms that any solution to the Kosovo problem will require Russia’s approval media link
[137]The Latest: Richmond judge extends order barring removal of Lee statue indefinitely media link media link
[133]DIA analyst Frese sentenced for leaking classified's to journos media link media link media link
[127]New DJT twat w/CAP: These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people... media link
[125]New DJT twat w/CAP: When Wacko John Bolton went on Deface the Nation and so stupidly said that he looked at the “Libyan Model” for North Korea, all hell broke out... media link
[121]Herridge: How Bolton's book compromises fragile human sources and could advantage foreign governments media link
[120]New DJT twat w/CAP: Bolton’s book, which is getting terrible reviews, is a compilation of lies and made up stories, all intended to make me look bad. ...sick puppy media link
[116]Jean Kennedy Smith, the last surviving sibling of President John. F. Kennedy, dies aged 92 media link
[115]Based Grenell: Everyone should be troubled by someone who refuses to testify under oath but is willing to talk under a book deal. $$$ media link
[113]The US wants to kill part of an 8,000 mile-long undersea cable linking Hong Kong with LA over China spying fears
[112]DNI Ratcliffe statement on filing declaration in U.S. Government case against John Bolton media link
[111]Atlanta Police reports higher number of 'call outs' for incoming shift media link media link media link media link
[110]DA who filed murder charges against an ATL police officer using deadly force in self defense, faces multiple sexual-harassment lawsuits from female employees media link media link
[108]POTUS references 5676977. Tetrasilver Tetroxide (US Patent #5,676,977). The cure for AIDS media link media link
[104]EasyUpload link to Google Court Docs (not sure myself how secure this site is so download at own risk)
[103]New Portland Autonomous Zone currently named after Patrick Kimmons, a black male who was killed by police 2018 after he shot two people
[100]Anon links to Twatter thread containing GOOGLE v PARSA Lawsuit COURT DOCS (big names included) media link media link media link media link media link
[099]Anon stipulates on POTUS Tweet including the word 'bungle' and relating Google Trends media link media link media link
[095]'Death Sentence': Why Did Dem. Governors Place COVID-Positive Patients Back in Nursing Homes? media link
[094]It’s Spreading: Over 40 LAPD Transit Officers Call Out on Wednesday – After 43 Skipped Work on Monday media link
[092]Scores of Atlanta cops call out of work after ex-officer charged in Rayshard Brooks death media link
[089]Bill Gates and Paul Allen, both with Microsoft and their respective foundation and institute are far along in quantum computing, ai media link media link
[088]Concerns grow in Belgium and France over problems at Gravelines nuclear power station. media link
[086]South Korea’s chief nuclear negotiator to hold talks with officials in DC amid flaring tensions with North Korea media link
[084]Housing Market Outside New York City Booms As City Dwellers Flee (Anyone with half a brain could see this coming). media link media link
[082]Vermont Principal Put On Leave For Not Agreeing With Black Lives Matters (strange coming from a place that is 90% white). media link
[081]Pompeo Slipped Note to Bolton Saying Trump 'Full of S***' During North Korea Summit, Tell-All Claims. media link
[080]-NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN!- Turkish Military Is Using Old Stock Footage To Promote New Ops In Northern Iraq. media link media link media link media link
[079]Report: Former Japanese justice minister and wife arrested for suspected vote buying. media link media link
[076]At least 3,000 children fell victim to sex abuse at hands of French Catholic Church. media link media link
[075]Report: Berlin politicians knowingly sent children to live with PEDOPHILES for decades, new report reveals. media link media link media link media link
[072]Operation In(ter)ception: Hackers are targeting European aerospace and military companies, tech security experts warn media link
[071]POTUS new law paving the way for sanctions against Chinese officials for alleged oppression of Uighur Muslims.
[069]Slovenian commercial showing Melania Trump posing as the first woman POTUS. media link media link
[064]Report: Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard under investigation for funneling $140,000 in Atlanta Funds to supplement his salary. media link
[060]Atlanta Police Union Head: ‘It’s the Worst Day in Law Enforcement in the City of Atlanta That’s Ever Been’
[058]‘Completely Crazy’: Lighthizer Denies Bolton’s Claim That Trump Asked China For Election Help media link media link
[057]So the Aunt Jemima Virtue Signal deal was really Pepsi Co doing a CYA media link media link media link media link media link
[055]DJT Jr rt: Join Trump Team online for TRIGGERED Father's Day Special (son interviews father) media link media link
[054]Fake news WAPO tries to shift the focus to "dangerous....right-wing boogaloo movement" media link media link
[053]MN:Absentee ballot witness signature not required for primary media link media link media link media link
[052]George Floyd & CUP Foods DIGG media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[046]After massive police walkouts in Atlanta, mayor unsuccessfully requests help from other jurisdictions media link
[032]4 of the top 5 States with the Worst Covid-19 Outcomes media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[018]Nazi priest Krunoslav Stjepan Draganović worked with CIA, Red Cross & Vatican Bank media link media link media link
[011]10 things public health establishment got wrong about CV media link media link media link media link
[008]Devin Brosnan contradicts DA: Has NOT agreed to be "state's witness" media link media link media link
[006]Fulton County DA under investigation re $140,000 of Atlanta funds media link media link media link
[005]Q Drop #851: CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape media link media link media link media link media link