[203]FBI Records Vault drop - Public Access Line Policies and Procedures media link media link media link media link media link
[202]Parscale ON US?: "We've spent the last 3 years building some new technology" media link media link
[194]Nuland’s biscuits again: midwife’s plan for US policy on Russia is dumb, delusional and dangerous media link media link media link
[193]MAJOR: India to Make an Emergency Purchase of 33 Russian Fighter Jets to Counter China media link
[192]Virginia Attorneys Plead Guilty for Orchestrating a $200 Million Extortion Scheme Targeting a Multinational Chemicals Company media link media link
[189]JIM ACOSTA mentioned QAnon at TODAY’s White House Press Conference. He says “QAnon" at the 12:26 mark of this vide
[185]Potus: hy are Democrats and unions working against life-changing school choice for underserved children? media link
[184]Donald Trump's Tulsa rally is ON as Oklahoma Supreme Court rules it can go forward and mayor rescinds curfew order media link
[183]Potus: Senator Mitch McConnell (@Team_Mitch) always delivers for the people of Kentucky media link
[182]Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Confirms They Are ‘Trained Organizers and Marxists’ media link
[178]Potus: Congressman @JamesComer is working hard for the people of Kentucky! plus moar candidates media link media link media link media link
[176]Indian Congress leader ARRESTED for spreading ‘FAKE NEWS’ about China border clash in leaked call media link
[175]Sen. Tim Scott Breaks Down in Tears on Senate Floor During Speech on Race media link media link media link
[171]Sonos Inc. sold by Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts (KKR&Co.): $179.99m-June 17 media link media link media link
[170]EU Central Bank Chief Warns of 'Dramatic' Post-COVID Recession, Calls to Agree on Recovery Plan media link
[169]Potus: I just spoke to the highly respected Mayor of Tulsa, G.T. Bynum, who informed me there will be no curfew tonight or tomorrow media link
[168]JUST IN: The City of Phoenix has passed a mandatory mask ordinance, beginning Saturday June 20 at 6 a.m. media link
[167]Former interim governor of Mexico's third largest state pleads guilty for role in transnational money-laundering scheme
[166]Photographs of Missing Children The IRS is a proud partner with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) media link media link media link
[164]Indian Security Forces Kill 8 Militants In Two Operations In Kashmir media link media link media link media link media link
[162]Saudi Arabian Wealth Fund Invests $1.5 Billion In Jio Platforms, India’s Top Mobile Operator media link
[161]Mysterious US stealth plane with an 'odd' coating reportedly makes another test flight media link
[151]Georgia city council asks mayor to resign over rant, saying 'privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance'
[149]CHOP Hosts Black-only Event in Park for Juneteenth; White ‘Allies’ Asked for Security, Money media link media link media link media link
[148]Mother Of Atlanta Cop Charged With Murder Fired For "Creating An Uncomfortable Workplace" media link
[145]Major central banks to reduce frequency of dollar swaps media link media link media link media link media link
[140]Tulsa imposes curfew ahead of Trump rally,now a six block autonomous MAGA zone media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[133]The chief executive of Wirecard resigned on Friday after the search for US$2.1 billion of cash missing (scmp.com) media link
[132]Trump to renew effort to end legal protections for DACA recipients (washingtonexaminer) media link media link
[131]Fifth Redacted Name in Rosenstein’s Scope Memo Identified as Walid Phares (ctreehouse) media link
[130]WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Traveling in downtown Tulsa for President Trump’s visit (Fox23) media link media link
[125]Ex-head of Chuvashia who sued Putin for ‘unlawful dismissal’ dies after being hospitalized with Covid-19 (rt) media link
[124]Italian scientists say sewage water from two cities contained coronavirus traces in December media link
[121]British Columbia Man, Canada’s 1st citizen arrested failing to don a face mask during air travel, he also lit a ciggy
[118]Boston Fed president says rising COVID-19 cases in states that reopened early will result in less job growth media link
[115]Terry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems prefer Biden stay 'in the basement' media link media link media link
[114]another resignation: Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs, announced her resignation to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo media link
[113]New DJT twat w/CAP: Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been... media link
[111]Employee headcount at US Class 1 operations tumbles 17% in May. Norfolk Southern, CSX among those furloughing or laying off employees
[110]The gold-framed portraits of four former Speakers of the House who shared ties to the Confederacy have been removed from the walls of the U.S. Capitol. media link media link media link media link media link media link
[107]Cuomo Rips ‘Evil Icon Of Our Nation’s Racist Past’ When ‘Noose’ Found In Harlem Park. Then The Truth Comes Out media link
[106]US Offers Eye-Catching Rewards for Capture of Ex-FARC Mafia Leaders media link media link media link
[105]Help Navy Veteran Joe Collins Beat ‘M Peach 45’ Maxine Waters For Congress media link media link media link
[099]Lord of the Rings star Sir Ian Holm dies aged 88 after battle with Parkinson's disease media link
[098]Consider the source: Fact check: Ellen, Oprah, many others are not under house arrest for child sex trafficking media link
[096]Can't imagine this ending well: On July 4th, Independence Day, a coalition of patriot groups are going to retake the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone for America
[093]Deaths in Himalayan clash inflame India-China tensions. Indian reports said at least 20 soldiers dead. at least two dozen Chinese soldiers dead media link
[091]Makes one go hmmm: Jimmy Kimmel announces he’s taking a break from late night talk show media link media link
[090]Chinese fighter jet menaces Taiwan for 6th time in 10 days. detected entering Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ)
[088]Black Lives Matter Chapter Co-Founder, Louisville, KY Demands White People Give Up Their Homes media link
[087]Half-brother of Robert Fuller killed by police (after he open fired) amid hanging death investigation. media link
[086]Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday he is “considering” imposing a quarantine on travelers coming to New York from Florida, where coronavirus cases are spiking. media link
[085]Salem, Ore.: Gov. Brown: Masks to ‘become part of our daily lives’. includes related Portland newz media link media link
[084]Tulsa Mayor declares last minute curfew around Trump rally location media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[083]A newly discovered spyware effort attacked users through 32 million downloads of extensions to Google's Chrome web browser, researchers at Awake Security told Reuters media link media link
[081]#ANTIFA #BLACKLIVESMATTER put American flag over George Washington and set it on fire. media link media link
[073]City Of Tulsa! Proclaim the existence of a civil emergency. Strange timing… Considering of POTUS rally. media link media link
[072]4f652dc6-5e57-48b3-ab63-4edf2270e310 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[068]More communist tactics. They should read a history book about how some countries became the way there are. media link media link media link
[057]Former defense official sentenced to 30 months for leaking classified info to journalists media link
[053]Anons dig on the alleged BLM (or cop mafia?) flag Q posted. media link media link media link media link media link
[052]A study in the UK. Shows promise for seriously ill patients. Already approved, inexpensive, widely available, already in use. media link
[050]Twenty alleged members of a notorious Italian crime family were arrested after two embittered ex-wives gave information to the authorities.
[049]USArmy Twat: “The plan will ensure that Army civilians are the most ready, professional, diverse and integrated federal workforce." media link
[048]Eleven percent of African Americans say they were close with someone who has died from the coronavirus media link media link
[036]What Spike? Hospitalization Data Show No Indication of a Second Wave media link media link media link
[033]'Predator Poachers' YT channel, baiting and catching pedophiles media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[024]Maryland Governor "proud to hang these Thin Blue Line flags to honor our brave LE officers media link
[023]UK school apologizes after asking 11-year-olds to define ‘hardcore pornography’ media link media link media link media link
[022]After taking away overtime pay, Garcetti enlists LAPD for reimagined vision media link media link media link
[018]washingtonexaminer-Robert Mueller and DOJ sued over footnote alluding to 'pee tape' claims media link media link
[017]msn-Chicago coronavirus: Northwestern Medicine study finds COVID-19 virus strain unique to city media link
[014]Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls Former National Security Adviser John Bolton a “traitor” in a statement about the claims made in his new book. media link media link
[013]Anon brings (lb) Notable to the bread Euroweeklynews-12 Arrests and 1,000 Victims Identified as Human Trafficking Network in Spain’s Barcelona is Dismantled
[011]Dailycaller article-National Arm Of Black Lives Matter Spent Millions On Travel And Consultants, Financial Statements Show
[010]Zerohedge article-China's Central Bank Vows To Expand Total Credit By 30% Of GDP In 2020 media link
[009]21stcenturywire.com article regarding COVID-19 used as a capitalism reset platform media link media link
[008]Anon posts Twatter Child sexual exploitation policy refuting previous anon claims of it being condoned
[007]Two schools go into lockdown in #Massey as New Zealand police respond to 'critical incident' media link
[006]Australia says it is under a massive cyber attack by a foreign state actor media link media link media link
[004]Californians must wear face masks in public under coronavirus order issued by Newsom media link media link