[284]A chapter on Central banks and payments in the digital era was pre-released on 24 June; the full Annual Economic Report and the Annual Report will be released on 30 June. media link
[282]Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., says that “Marxist-backed” protesters are trying to foment a Bolshevik-style revolution in the United States.
[280]NBC News repeats false claim that protests don’t lead to more coronavirus cases; aim.org backs up the fact media link
[278]Mayor of California City And Consultant Charged In Scheme To Launder Campaign Contributions media link
[276]Potus: I just had the privilege of signing a very strong Executive Order protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues media link media link
[275]DC livestream going to Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square. they have a countdown to 6PMest media link
[269]Cuomo: He'd Rather be Killing Your Parents; and he's not alone.. &Digz media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[268]POTUS 'Doing What is Neccesarry' *Continues to be good model and stay at 'home' until this thing is done.* media link
[267]John Bolton says he’d be happy to testify in Canada on Huawei exec’s extradition case media link
[266]FBI is warning the public about potential fraud schemes related to antibody tests for COVID-19. media link
[265]These Communists are planning on storming the Emancipation monument at 6 o’clock Eyes On media link
[263]Colonial Drug Trafficking and the British Empire media link media link media link media link media link
[260]DOJ Applauds Congressional Passage Of Reauthorization Of The Antitrust Criminal Penalty Enhancement And Reform Act media link
[259]Russian National Sentenced to Prison for Operating Websites Devoted to Fraud and Malicious Cyber Activities media link
[257]Minnesota State Rep. Warns Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to “Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule”
[255]Biden family owned slaves 5 generations ago does not make him a racist media link media link media link
[252]Jacqueline Cavanagh, an entertainment publicist and digital media strategist who founded her own firm, CC-PR, in 2018, has died at age 43 media link
[251]Scarborough: Trump ‘Acting Like He Doesn’t Want to Get Reelected’ — Like He Wants to Take GOP ‘Down with Him
[248]US Navy Warns Sailors Prostitutes in Bahrain ‘Collecting Intel on You’-sputnik media link media link
[246]Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Traveled to 29 Countries, Including Five Visits to China-gatewaypundit media link
[243]EPA chief urges defunding of NPR, 'sacred cow that needs to be slaughtered'-washexaminer media link
[242]Facebook to label but leave up 'newsworthy' posts that violate policies-thehill (sauce link gives 404 but checked) media link
[237]Deep State Uses Color Revolution for Regime Change at Home media link media link media link media link
[230]Nancy Pelosi is so racist she can't even get George Floyd's name right. Calls him "George Kirby". media link
[229]26 Trinitario gang members charged in Rikers Island stabbings, slashings and other violence media link media link media link
[226]George Nader, who was a key witness in the Russia investigation and informally advised President Trump's team on foreign policy, was sentenced to 10 years in prison media link
[225]Archbishop of Canterbury says Church must think again about portraying Jesus as white and reveals plan to look 'very carefully' at whether statues in Canterbury Cathedral 'should be there' media link media link media link media link
[224]Toronto doctor gets no professional penalty for sex assault on 16 year old after panel finds he was struggling to express gay identity media link media link
[222]Activists Urge US Dept of Agriculutre to Deny Deadly New Monsanto GMO-Herbicide Combo media link media link
[220]Biden cartel news Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Traveled to 29 Countries, Including Five Visits to China media link
[218]Disturbing Surge®️ Second Wave®️ Chinese Virus rehash media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[217]ANTIFA: Stop Posting Pictures And Video Of Us Committing Crime — It’s Dangerous For Us media link
[216]AG Bill Barr says that the DOJ is in the process of examining the videos from the left’s attempts to pull down the statue of Andrew Jackson near the White House. media link
[213]Mexican Organized Crime Boss Identified by Breitbart Apprehended media link media link media link
[209]500,000 Users Sign Up For Parler In Three Days After Twitter Suspends Pro-Trump Accounts media link
[206]Washington sheriff suggests residents defy governor's statewide mask requirement: 'Don't be a sheep' media link media link
[204]Federal judge rules Cuomo, de Blasio cannot arbitrarily limit church gatherings due to COVID-19 while allowing mass protests
[201]China Warns US That "Crossing Red Lines" Puts Trade Deal At Risk/diggies confirm they are losing media link media link
[198]DraftKings Insiders Dump $596 Million Of Stock On Unsuspecting Robinhood Daytraders media link media link
[196]JUST IN: Eight new cases of dengue fever have been confirmed in the Upper Florida Keys, the state health department said Friday. media link
[194]Key Mueller witness George Nader sentenced to 10 years in prison for child sex charges media link
[191]Pompeo: @realDonaldTrumppromised to punish the CCP officials responsible for eviscerating Hong Kong’s freedoms. Today, we are taking action to do just that media link
[189]FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Florida banned alcohol consumption at its bars Friday, shutting down Corona wave 2 media link
[188]Kremlin Warns US Embassy In Moscow Over Breaking Russian Law By Flying LGBTQ Rainbow Flag media link
[186]The Michigan House today passed the “Microchip Protection Act” with bipartisan support/eyes on peeps media link
[184]The death of two men, Jayaraj and his son Bennicks, in Tuticorin has sparked massive outrage in Tamil Nadu - India media link
[183]NJ AG Gurbir S. Grewal today announced voting fraud charges against Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson, Councilman-Elect Alex Mendez, and two other men media link
[182]call to diggz on enter for community change/antifa connection media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[181]U.S. Department of State Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing 12:30 PM EST
[179]Mexico City Police Chief Wounded In Daylight Assassination Attempt Using .50 Cal Rifles & Grenades media link
[176]Organizer of Antifa attacks on Tucker Carlson identified, linked to congressional Dems media link
[172]Svetlana Lokhova, defamed by the Russiagate narrative, appeals her case in another U.S. court media link media link media link media link media link
[170]To date, Dan Scavino is the longest-serving aide in the Trump Administration. media link media link
[169]Tom Fitton w/CAP: Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Rosenstein knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew... media link
[167]Senator Lindsey Graham Rips President Trump Again for Visa Ban – Claims It Has a Negative Impact on the Economy media link
[166]John Brennan w/CAP: @realDonaldTrump is thoroughly, irredeemably, & dangerously broken. Like other unprincipled despots, he will use any tactic... media link
[165]New York Democrat, Michael Blake, refuses to concede House primary election, alleges ‘black voter suppression' media link
[164]Ivanka: Today he’ll (DJT) sign an EO directing the USG to hire on the basis of skills + knowledge rather than simply degree requirements. media link
[161]Knifeman 'stabs three victims dead in Glasgow hotel before being shot by armed police' as major incident is declared media link
[159]Police Source: Woman Who Framed Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Guilty of Perjury, Bribed With Cash Payment media link
[157]Washington state sheriff tells residents to not be 'sheep' over statewide coronavirus mask mandate media link
[156]U.S. Army Soldier, Ethan Melzer, Charged with Terrorism Offenses for Planning Deadly Ambush on Service Members in His Unit
[153]tomorrow these domestic terrorists about to start uprooting some of our ancestors from their graves protesting the burial in cemeteries. media link media link media link
[152]New Jersey Mail-in Ballots Reportedly Destroyed in Mail Truck Fire. 1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election media link media link
[146]OracleExec (Twat user quoted by Q) went to the WH in 2019; Also, Ezra Cohen-Watnick worked for Oracle in the time between his "firing" from the NSC and his hiring at the DOJ as Sessions' liaison with national intelligence.
[141]Traitor (2008) outlines the E-Mail command tactic used by the DS media link media link media link
[139](Deadline.com) Oscar Nominated Director Ciro Guerra Calls Sexual Harassment & Assault Claims “False”; Promises Legal Action In Response media link
[138](WExaminer) China’s ambassador in Washington and a Chinese diplomat in New York City secretly aided in the recruitment of scientists in the United States, according to the FBI.
[136](Huawei) UK allowing China’s Huawei to build $1.2 billion factory despite US security concerns media link
[135]US doubles bounty for ISIS leader to $10 million amid rumors he died in US drone strike media link
[134](NewsMax) NYC Homicides Hit Five-Year High; Bronx Police Commander Retiring in Protest media link
[133](Education) The board of education in Oakland, California, has voted to abolish its own police force; Kauai Pilots Distance Education as opposed to In Class Instruction media link
[131]FederalReserve/Loop Capital/Peak6/InterfaceYouthCore all in one media link media link media link media link
[130](Breitbart) Madonna Declares Trump a 'Nazi' in Rant over his 'slow the testing' remark media link
[127](NewsBusters) John Oliver mocked the idea that Washington's statue could be next - time to eat his words? media link
[126](NewsBusters) Nets Conceal Biden’s LIE: 'Over 120 Million' Americans Are 'Dead from COVID'; (NewsMax) Illinois Governor Won't Lift Restrictions Until Feds Deliver COVID Vaccine media link media link
[125](NewsBusters) NYT ‘1619 Project’ Founder Demonized the 'White Race' as 'Barbaric Devils,' 'Bloodsuckers' in 1995 media link
[116], While Sides are Played VF attempts to distort optics; but to no avail Digs on Abigail Tracy media link media link
[115]Giulio Occhionero "Is NATO's major problem represented by its non-US members? Some of them don't want to pay, some of them sell themselves to China and one of them even plotted against the @POTUS. @atlanticomag media link media link
[113]Verizon Suspends Advertising on Facebook, Joins Growing Boycott; The Facebook Ad Boycott Is About Silencing Conservatives, Not Stopping ‘Hate’ media link media link media link
[112]'Crazed ANTIFA Member: "Time to kill all white people." Taken down by them but re-uploaded media link
[111]DailyMall (Retwat) 'Key witness from the Mueller Report to be sentenced on child sex charges; facing 10 years media link
[110]Papa G (Twats) Misfuds phones @DOJ [Comey]; No Holds Barred: Barr and Durham Must Investigate Obama [Obama] media link media link media link media link media link
[108]Union says 93 meatpacking employees have died from coronavirus & Flight 93 Path media link media link media link
[105]Cambridge University Defends, Promotes Academic After 'Racist' Tweets Removed From Twitter (Zerohedge) media link
[102]Black Lives Matter seeks restraining order to prevent LAPD use of batons, ‘rubber’ bullets on marchers (LATimes.com) media link
[101]the Washington Compost 'OPINION' (Twatt) "Like.. why isn't Trump trying to win?" media link media link
[100]The Hill (Twatt) Zombie Madeleine Albright, H.R. McMaster, Low Energy Jeb Bush sign letter warning "coronavirus" threatens 'muh democracy' media link
[099]RT (Twatt) Over 100 residential areas are underwater due to severe rainstorms #Ukraine media link
[098]Man accused of fatally shooting 7-year-old girl three hours after jail release (NYPOST.com) media link
[097]In $37 million push to buy Chinese-made masks for COVID-19, Washington state runs into delays, poor quality and fit problems (seattletimes.com) media link
[096]As COVID-19 spreads in Spokane, Inslee visits and meets unmasked resistance (Seattletimes.com) media link
[095]Black Collective Voice forms in Seattle to educate and empower the people (mynorthwest.com/blackcollectivevoice.org)(Breitbart.com) media link
[094]RT (Twatt) Iranian military says a major explosion outside Tehran was an incident at a gas storage facility media link media link
[093]Former Sheriff Reichert: Elected officials have ‘failed to protect law abiding citizens’ (mynorthwest.com) media link
[092]California lawmakers poised to pass new gun ban through budget maneuver (the Sacramento Bee) media link
[091]Sputnik (Twatt) Warner Bros. Pict3ures postpones 'Tenet' release to August amid pandemic media link
[089]The Hill (Twatt) Jack Abramoff charged with conspiracy in cryptocurrency case (Blast from Past) media link
[088]MSM scrambles to smear ‘free speech’ platform Parler as Twitter censorship wave pushes conservatives out media link media link media link media link media link
[087]Trump seems resigned Biden will win: "He's going to be your president" (YahooNews smokes crack then "reports" again) media link
[086]Q&A with Oregon worker processing unemployment claims: "We were told to lie" media link media link media link media link
[081]Caps of Q twat thread (now hidden) about Verizon pulling ads from Facebook media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[079]Coronavirus tears through San Quentin’s Death Row; condemned inmate dead of unknown cause media link
[078]CDC Now Estimates 22 Million Americans Infected with the China Coronavirus Making US Mortality Rate 0.6% media link
[077]UC health experts: San Quentin coronavirus outbreak could pose threat to entire Bay Area media link
[073]CNN: Black Lives Matter protests have not led to a spike in coronavirus cases, research says media link
[072]Senate committee votes 21-1 to expand authority of Justice watchdog over Graham objections media link
[071]New DJT: [Biden] has no idea [whether destroying statues is OK], so the answer [from his campaign] is yes! media link media link
[070]DJT Zero Delta: Coronavirus deaths are way down. "Embers" or flare ups will be put out, as necessary! media link
[069]Hunter Biden's Ukraine employer landed deal with USAID program while under corruption investigation media link media link media link media link
[067]Pelosi, McConnell eyeing former Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford to chair Congressional Oversight Commission media link
[066]Barr and DOJ: “We’re Going to Prosecute – Videos Involved in the Attack on President Jackson’s Statue Are Being Reviewed”; scores of indictments filed
[065]After Public Backlash, Lincoln County, Oregon Reverses Its Mask Exemption Policy For Non-Whites media link media link media link media link
[064]FBI Refuses To Disclose Records On Source Who Undermined Steele Dossier media link media link media link media link media link
[063]FDA Criticized as COVID Tests Still not Accurate, But U.S. Starts Second Lockdown Anyway media link media link media link media link media link
[060]CA Gov Newsom won't share details on $1B mask deal with China, + anon theories media link media link
[058]GOP senators join social media app billed as alternative to Big Tech-thehill via soc media media link media link
[057]‘Climate Pledge Arena’: Jeff Bezos unveils massive neon virtue-signal for Seattle NHL stadium he’ll RENAME media link media link media link
[054]Conservatives urge move to 'free speech' platform Parler in protest over Twitter censorship media link
[053]Why Chinese whistle-blower may be right that Communists paid Vatican to ‘shut up’ about its war on Catholics media link media link media link media link
[047]Larry Kudlow: "The economy's not going to be closed down again."-thehill via sco media media link
[046]The Great Awakening: Tidal Wave of Social Media Users Exit Twitter for Free Speech Alternative-pjmedia media link
[045]The Great Awakening: Tidal Wave of Social Media Users Exit Twitter for Free Speech Alternative media link
[044]Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board-washexaminer media link
[043]Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board media link
[042]NYT’s 1619 Project Founder Calls ‘White Race’ ‘Barbaric Devils,’ ‘Bloodsuckers,’ Columbus ‘No Different Than Hitler’ media link media link
[041]NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane's home, office raided by police media link media link media link
[040]NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane's home, office raided by police (Aust DS) media link media link media link
[039]Media-Induced Fear Of COVID-19 Is Starting To Cause A Second Wave Of Severe Economic Panic media link media link media link media link media link media link
[035]DC Mayor Muriel Bowser urges residents to stay home on 4th of July—after she marched with hundreds
[020]South Dakota Constitutional Amendment A, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2020) media link media link media link media link media link
[018]The California legislature has now voted to strike these words from our state constitution media link
[016]Drowned Family Tied To Clinton/Gates cartel continued reporting media link media link media link media link media link media link
[012]MASSIVE EXPLOSION outside Tehran reportedly rocks military base or research site media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[011]As employers around the U.S. implant microchips in workers to track productivity, the Michigan House passed a bill making them voluntary in the state. media link
[010]Jussie Smollett’s Alleged ‘Attackers’ Now Say They Won’t Testify Against ‘Empire’ Actor media link media link
[009]Youtuber Tommy Sotomayor interviews republican candidate for Congress Angela Stanton (the lady that POTUS pardoned) Live
[008]Illinois Gun Permit Applications Soar 500% As Frightened Liberals Embrace 2nd Amendment media link media link
[006]President Trump Nightly Scoops media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[004]US Charges Jack Abramoff With Violating Lobbying Law That Was Amended Because Of His Schemes media link media link media link