[284]A chapter on Central banks and payments in the digital era was pre-released on 24 June; the full Annual Economic Report and the Annual Report will be released on 30 June.
[282]Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., says that “Marxist-backed” protesters are trying to foment a Bolshevik-style revolution in the United States.
[280]NBC News repeats false claim that protests don’t lead to more coronavirus cases; aim.org backs up the fact
[276]Potus: I just had the privilege of signing a very strong Executive Order protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues
[275]DC livestream going to Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Square. they have a countdown to 6PMest
[268]POTUS 'Doing What is Neccesarry' *Continues to be good model and stay at 'home' until this thing is done.*
[260]DOJ Applauds Congressional Passage Of Reauthorization Of The Antitrust Criminal Penalty Enhancement And Reform Act
[259]Russian National Sentenced to Prison for Operating Websites Devoted to Fraud and Malicious Cyber Activities
[257]Minnesota State Rep. Warns Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to “Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule”
[252]Jacqueline Cavanagh, an entertainment publicist and digital media strategist who founded her own firm, CC-PR, in 2018, has died at age 43
[251]Scarborough: Trump ‘Acting Like He Doesn’t Want to Get Reelected’ — Like He Wants to Take GOP ‘Down with Him
[246]Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Traveled to 29 Countries, Including Five Visits to China-gatewaypundit
[242]Facebook to label but leave up 'newsworthy' posts that violate policies-thehill (sauce link gives 404 but checked)
[230]Nancy Pelosi is so racist she can't even get George Floyd's name right. Calls him "George Kirby".
[226]George Nader, who was a key witness in the Russia investigation and informally advised President Trump's team on foreign policy, was sentenced to 10 years in prison
[225]Archbishop of Canterbury says Church must think again about portraying Jesus as white and reveals plan to look 'very carefully' at whether statues in Canterbury Cathedral 'should be there'
[224]Toronto doctor gets no professional penalty for sex assault on 16 year old after panel finds he was struggling to express gay identity
[220]Biden cartel news Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Traveled to 29 Countries, Including Five Visits to China
[216]AG Bill Barr says that the DOJ is in the process of examining the videos from the left’s attempts to pull down the statue of Andrew Jackson near the White House.
[206]Washington sheriff suggests residents defy governor's statewide mask requirement: 'Don't be a sheep'
[204]Federal judge rules Cuomo, de Blasio cannot arbitrarily limit church gatherings due to COVID-19 while allowing mass protests
[201]China Warns US That "Crossing Red Lines" Puts Trade Deal At Risk/diggies confirm they are losing
[196]JUST IN: Eight new cases of dengue fever have been confirmed in the Upper Florida Keys, the state health department said Friday.
[191]Pompeo: @realDonaldTrumppromised to punish the CCP officials responsible for eviscerating Hong Kong’s freedoms. Today, we are taking action to do just that
[189]FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Florida banned alcohol consumption at its bars Friday, shutting down Corona wave 2
[186]The Michigan House today passed the “Microchip Protection Act” with bipartisan support/eyes on peeps
[184]The death of two men, Jayaraj and his son Bennicks, in Tuticorin has sparked massive outrage in Tamil Nadu - India
[183]NJ AG Gurbir S. Grewal today announced voting fraud charges against Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson, Councilman-Elect Alex Mendez, and two other men
[181]U.S. Department of State Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing 12:30 PM EST
[179]Mexico City Police Chief Wounded In Daylight Assassination Attempt Using .50 Cal Rifles & Grenades
[169]Tom Fitton w/CAP: Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew. Clapper knew. Rosenstein knew. FBI knew. DOJ knew...
[167]Senator Lindsey Graham Rips President Trump Again for Visa Ban – Claims It Has a Negative Impact on the Economy
[166]John Brennan w/CAP: @realDonaldTrump is thoroughly, irredeemably, & dangerously broken. Like other unprincipled despots, he will use any tactic...
[165]New York Democrat, Michael Blake, refuses to concede House primary election, alleges ‘black voter suppression'
[164]Ivanka: Today he’ll (DJT) sign an EO directing the USG to hire on the basis of skills + knowledge rather than simply degree requirements.
[161]Knifeman 'stabs three victims dead in Glasgow hotel before being shot by armed police' as major incident is declared
[159]Police Source: Woman Who Framed Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Guilty of Perjury, Bribed With Cash Payment
[157]Washington state sheriff tells residents to not be 'sheep' over statewide coronavirus mask mandate
[156]U.S. Army Soldier, Ethan Melzer, Charged with Terrorism Offenses for Planning Deadly Ambush on Service Members in His Unit
[153]tomorrow these domestic terrorists about to start uprooting some of our ancestors from their graves protesting the burial in cemeteries.
[152]New Jersey Mail-in Ballots Reportedly Destroyed in Mail Truck Fire. 1 in 5 Ballots Rejected as Fraud Is Charged in N.J. Mail-In Election
[146]OracleExec (Twat user quoted by Q) went to the WH in 2019; Also, Ezra Cohen-Watnick worked for Oracle in the time between his "firing" from the NSC and his hiring at the DOJ as Sessions' liaison with national intelligence.
[139](Deadline.com) Oscar Nominated Director Ciro Guerra Calls Sexual Harassment & Assault Claims “False”; Promises Legal Action In Response
[138](WExaminer) China’s ambassador in Washington and a Chinese diplomat in New York City secretly aided in the recruitment of scientists in the United States, according to the FBI.
[133](Education) The board of education in Oakland, California, has voted to abolish its own police force; Kauai Pilots Distance Education as opposed to In Class Instruction
[127](NewsBusters) John Oliver mocked the idea that Washington's statue could be next - time to eat his words?
[126](NewsBusters) Nets Conceal Biden’s LIE: 'Over 120 Million' Americans Are 'Dead from COVID'; (NewsMax) Illinois Governor Won't Lift Restrictions Until Feds Deliver COVID Vaccine
[125](NewsBusters) NYT ‘1619 Project’ Founder Demonized the 'White Race' as 'Barbaric Devils,' 'Bloodsuckers' in 1995
[115]Giulio Occhionero "Is NATO's major problem represented by its non-US members? Some of them don't want to pay, some of them sell themselves to China and one of them even plotted against the @POTUS. @atlanticomag
[113]Verizon Suspends Advertising on Facebook, Joins Growing Boycott; The Facebook Ad Boycott Is About Silencing Conservatives, Not Stopping ‘Hate’
[111]DailyMall (Retwat) 'Key witness from the Mueller Report to be sentenced on child sex charges; facing 10 years
[110]Papa G (Twats) Misfuds phones @DOJ [Comey]; No Holds Barred: Barr and Durham Must Investigate Obama [Obama]
[105]Cambridge University Defends, Promotes Academic After 'Racist' Tweets Removed From Twitter (Zerohedge)
[102]Black Lives Matter seeks restraining order to prevent LAPD use of batons, ‘rubber’ bullets on marchers (LATimes.com)
[100]The Hill (Twatt) Zombie Madeleine Albright, H.R. McMaster, Low Energy Jeb Bush sign letter warning "coronavirus" threatens 'muh democracy'
[097]In $37 million push to buy Chinese-made masks for COVID-19, Washington state runs into delays, poor quality and fit problems (seattletimes.com)
[095]Black Collective Voice forms in Seattle to educate and empower the people (mynorthwest.com/blackcollectivevoice.org)(Breitbart.com)
[094]RT (Twatt) Iranian military says a major explosion outside Tehran was an incident at a gas storage facility
[093]Former Sheriff Reichert: Elected officials have ‘failed to protect law abiding citizens’ (mynorthwest.com)
[088]MSM scrambles to smear ‘free speech’ platform Parler as Twitter censorship wave pushes conservatives out
[087]Trump seems resigned Biden will win: "He's going to be your president" (YahooNews smokes crack then "reports" again)
[078]CDC Now Estimates 22 Million Americans Infected with the China Coronavirus Making US Mortality Rate 0.6%
[071]New DJT: [Biden] has no idea [whether destroying statues is OK], so the answer [from his campaign] is yes!
[070]DJT Zero Delta: Coronavirus deaths are way down. "Embers" or flare ups will be put out, as necessary!
[069]Hunter Biden's Ukraine employer landed deal with USAID program while under corruption investigation
[067]Pelosi, McConnell eyeing former Joint Chiefs Chairman Joseph Dunford to chair Congressional Oversight Commission
[066]Barr and DOJ: “We’re Going to Prosecute – Videos Involved in the Attack on President Jackson’s Statue Are Being Reviewed”; scores of indictments filed
[057]‘Climate Pledge Arena’: Jeff Bezos unveils massive neon virtue-signal for Seattle NHL stadium he’ll RENAME
[053]Why Chinese whistle-blower may be right that Communists paid Vatican to ‘shut up’ about its war on Catholics
[046]The Great Awakening: Tidal Wave of Social Media Users Exit Twitter for Free Speech Alternative-pjmedia
[044]Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board-washexaminer
[042]NYT’s 1619 Project Founder Calls ‘White Race’ ‘Barbaric Devils,’ ‘Bloodsuckers,’ Columbus ‘No Different Than Hitler’
[035]DC Mayor Muriel Bowser urges residents to stay home on 4th of July—after she marched with hundreds
[011]As employers around the U.S. implant microchips in workers to track productivity, the Michigan House passed a bill making them voluntary in the state.
[009]Youtuber Tommy Sotomayor interviews republican candidate for Congress Angela Stanton (the lady that POTUS pardoned) Live