[288]Pennsylvania Secretary of "Health" signed a new order that makes mask-wearing mandatory whenever anyone leaves home. Takes effect just in time for July 4th. COINCIDENCE? media link
[286]LA School Police Chief Resigns After School Board Cut $25 Million in School Police Funding, Ordered All Officers Off Campus media link
[285]Albany, NY: 17 yr old and friend shoot a 3 yr old, plead guilty, set free until sentencing, shoot 4 more people media link
[281]@WhiteHouse: Law and order has prevailed - Seattle has been liberated from the anarchists media link
[280]THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: Biggest and Deadliest Medical Fraud Ever Perpetrated on the Human Race media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[278]Media narrative of peaceful Seattle CHOP zone turned upside down as mayor sends in police to stop violence media link media link media link
[277]Gov. Lujan Grisham, New Mexico health officials to provide update on COVID-19 efforts media link
[276]Timeline from 2011 of: [C_A] - Development, Installation & Implementation of > (WW) Social Media Surveillance Network
[275]Vid, crime doesn't pay: thief with a gun tries to hold up a store, gets locked in and is begging to God to be let out media link media link media link media link media link media link
[274]Ray Fisher accuses filmmaker Joss Whedon of 'gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable' behavior on set media link media link media link media link
[273]Gun sales on course for record high year, @greggutfeld: think of it like a poll, except a real one media link media link
[272]95% negative comments for PedoJoe's latest tweet, nobody is helping him on Twatter media link media link
[271]China's Ambassador in UK Summoned to Foreign Office Over 'Deep Concern' About Hong Kong Law media link
[269]CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely
[267]Russia Denies Causing Latest Radioactivity Over Europe; UN Agency Says Origin "Still Unclear" media link media link
[264]@SeattleFire: Crews on scene at the Columbia Tower at 701 5th Ave. for a water main break near or on floor 35 media link media link
[260]NYT Targets Mount Rushmore: Indigenous Land, KKK Ties, Slave Owner Presidents media link media link media link media link media link
[257]@WhiteHouse twat + Kayleigh vid: Anarchy is anti-American. Law and order is essential. Peace in our streets will be secured media link media link
[256]@ScottAdamsSays twat: If Biden is elected, there's a good chance you [Republicans] will be dead within the year media link
[255]Warning, graphic vid: Fetal Trafficking Under Oath - Planned Parenthood's Admissions About Infanticide media link
[254]Questions that should have been asked at Joe Biden’s press conference, if journalism wasn’t dead media link media link
[253]Walmart will stop selling ‘All Lives Matter’ shirts, but keep ‘Blue Lives Matter’ merchandise media link
[252]Based priest in Carmel, IN gets canned for telling the truth about BLM in his church bulletin media link
[250]What To Know About Pfizer's Coronavirus Vaccine – Clinical Trial Shows Significant Immune System Response
[249]Antifa Rioters Threaten a 'Rude Awakening' for the 'Pigs' Who Finally Broke Up CHOP Antifastan media link media link media link media link media link
[246]Heads up twatterfags: @M1cha31Patr1ck #Resistors I make fake ProTrump, QAnon videos and trick their dumb botnets into retweeting them. media link
[243]U.S. Seeks to Recover Approximately $96 Million Traceable to Funds Allegedly Misappropriated from Malaysian Sovereign Wealth Fund media link media link
[241]Former Cincinnati City Council president pro tem pleads guilty in charges filed alleging she exchanged votes for money
[240]@USNavy twats: NATO can no longer ignore China's activities in Europe; #NavyPartnerships in action in the #EastChinaSea media link
[236]From 2010/Obama presidency: Report: Iran pays $1,000 for each U.S. soldier killed by the Taliban
[233]Tape Reveals How Ally of Convicted Sex Offender Rabbi Tried to Whitewash His Acts media link media link media link media link media link
[231]BLM Protester Will Be Charged With Attempted Murder After Shooting At Driver During Utah Protest
[230]DOJ rt @ATFHQ: ATF is working with our public safety partners to provide a safe environment for the upcoming July 4th celebrations media link
[228]Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley are launching a joint fundraising committee called the "Squad Victory Fund" media link
[226]The New Normal: Extremes of Neofeudalism, Incompetence, Authoritarianism and Relocalization media link
[225]The Guardian Promotes Petition to Remove Racist Image of St. Michael Stomping Out the Devil Because It’s Racist media link media link media link
[224]Reminder: 5 Democrat governors knowingly increased COVID death count by sending COVID-positive to nursing homes, against CDC/Federal guidelines
[223]Christine Pelosi [useless] twat hating on Trump, supposed Russian bounties on US troops media link
[221]USMCA, a major Trump policy win, quietly begins July 1 as virus, economy, unrest dominate headlines media link
[217]Hundreds of Former George W. Bush Staffers Launch Pro-Biden Super PAC/Haz anyone seen Rove? media link
[213]U.S. Senators Introduce Bill to Study Military Aviators’ Cancer Risk from EMF, Non-Ionizing and Ionizing Radiation
[212]Italian police seize a record one billion euros worth of amphetamine pills 'made by the Islamic State' hidden in container ship media link media link media link
[211]Left-wing activist Shaun King has become a vocal proponent for the Black Lives Matter movement, but a recent report calls into question where the money raised by his political action committee has gone. media link
[210]Boston statue of Abraham Lincoln standing over freed slave on his knees will be removed media link
[208]After Robert the Bruce's Statue Was Vandalized by BLM, the National Trust for Scotland Apologized to Blacks for the Medieval King's Racism media link media link media link
[194]RussiaGate 3.0 & Afghan Peace Talks: Who Benefits From Pushing "Russia Bounty" Narrative? media link media link
[192]Now in Effect: Wyoming Laws Expand Food Freedom, Undermine Federal Regulations media link media link
[191]BREAKING: Mayor of Richmond, Virginia, invokes emergency powers to order immediate removal of Confederate statues; work crews being taking down Stonewall Jackson statue. media link
[189]Harvey Weinstein Victims Awarded $18.875 Million, Will Be Released From Non-Disclosure Agreements media link media link media link media link media link
[188]Yemeni Sources Report Airstrikes On Civilian Areas As Saudi-led Coalition Launches Operation Against Houthis
[185]Three Former Hilo Correctional Officers Indicted for Assaulting an Inmate and Attempting to Cover it Up media link
[181]Russians vote in favor of changes to constitution enabling Putin to remain as president until 2036 – preliminary results media link
[180]“She made that call. And you know what? I think she made the right call, so I’m not going to criticize her".....Go Gina! media link media link
[179]Edmond de Rothschild Achieves 4-year Goals for Sustainable Development /eyes on enemy media link
[178]Man armed with a BAZOOKA and gunmen with assault rifles turn up to protect protesters in Florissant media link media link
[175]Beijing announces retaliation against Washington's 'unreasonable oppression' of Chinese state media by demanding four US media outlets hand in sensitive company information media link media link media link
[168]Official Resolution Calls for Democratic Party To Change Name Over Racist Past media link media link
[163]Horowitz: More evidence that most coronavirus cases are now weaker than the flu media link media link media link media link media link
[161]Theresa May stuns social media with outburst over govt's security adviser choice media link media link media link
[158]Gun-lover & presumed QAnon-believer unseats 5-term Colorado congressman in Republican primary upset media link media link
[157]End of CHAZ: Seattle police arrest remaining protesters after mayor orders violence-plagued encampment to shut down media link media link media link media link media link
[156]Last Week Judge Emmet Sullivan Was Ordered to Dismiss General Flynn Case – What the Hell is this Corrupt Judge Waiting For media link media link media link
[154]Is The Nationwide Coin Shortage Being Used To Push Us Toward A Cashless Society? media link media link
[147]Supreme Court Paves Way for Americans to Drop Anti-American and Anti-Christian Schooling media link
[145]Clay County sheriff say she’ll deputize every gun owner if deputies can’t handle protesters media link media link
[141]Marine vet Amy McGrath will face Mitch McConnell after winning Kentucky’s Democratic primary media link
[137]Feds seize products made from suspected human hair in crackdown on China forced labor media link
[135]Lincoln Fund gave 723,000 so far to Biden's campaign. $305,00 last week alone. Act Blue has cash media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[133]Facebook removes 'violent' groups amid boycott from corporate interests — Antifa groups remain media link
[132]worth renoting: 83 Tons Of Fake Gold Bars: Gold Market Rocked By Massive China Counterfeiting Scandal media link
[131]Seattle doctor charged with COVID-19 relief fraud. over $3 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans
[130]Fugitive Chinese national sentenced to more than 3 years in prison for his role in large-scale birth tourism and immigration fraud ring
[129]SPD: "Officers are investigating several vehicles circling the area of today's operation. Police have observed individuals in the vehicles with firearms/armor. media link
[128]SCOTUS OPENING? Justice Samuel Alito is reportedly considering retirement and that his family is ready to leave Washington. media link
[127]NSA Robert O’Brien tells reporters “career intel officer” made call not to verbally brief @realDonaldTrump on alleged Russian bounty plot media link
[125](video) Rapper Lord Jamar: “Black Lives Matter is a Movement Given to Us by George Soros and his F**king Boys media link
[123]Pushing themselves into the light: Hundreds of former George W. Bush officials set to endorse Biden media link
[120]Fox News has fired Ed Henry after an alleged “willful sexual misconduct” incident in the workplace media link media link media link
[119]Private Payrolls Estimated To Rise by 2.37 Million in June, May Revised Up By 5.2 Million media link
[117]Secretary Pompeo remarks virtually to the UN Security Council, from the Department of State. remarks Scheduled for 10:00 AM
[116]here comes the vaccine... Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech shows positive results media link media link
[115](renote video) Cops rolling in to CHAZ. you have 3 minutes to disperse. media link media link media link
[114]Michigan State University Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks media link
[106]Former Colorado Judge Pleads Guilty to Obstructing Task Force Investigation of a Drug Trafficking Organization media link
[104]The Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff briefed the President yesterday on plans to redeploy 9,500 troops from Germany.
[099]from 2016, but relevant today: Muslim Brotherhood Takes Over the Twin Cities media link media link media link
[098]Under oath, Planned Parenthood's organ harvesting partner (ABR) states "we do a dissection" of babies... media link
[097]New York Attorney General Announces $19 Million Settlement In Harvey Weinstein Lawsuits media link
[079]Andy Ngo Twat: ""Antifa militants have launched an attack on the Portland Police Association building in north Portland"…. and a yt linky media link
[077]‘Karen’ Reports Kids for Playing Football in the Street–Then Cops Respond by Joining the Game-epochtimes media link
[075]in "really nigga?" news: Black Lives Matter protests may have slowed overall spread of coronavirus in Denver and other cities, new study finds-coloradosun media link
[073]'Nothing For Europe': Expert Raises Alarm as US Buys Almost All Remdesivir Stock-sputnik media link
[072]Canadian Woman Attempts to Buy Chemical Weapons on Dark Web, Gets 6-Year US Prison Sentence-sputnik media link media link
[071]Economic Releases for Wednesday: ADP Employment, ISM Mfg Index, Construction Spending, FOMC Minutes media link
[065]Moar on Flynn's remark: If We Don’t Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98% media link media link media link media link media link media link
[064]Takeda Pharm sold Translate Bio, Inc: $141.14m-June 30 (connected to Gates Found.) media link media link media link
[063]CO bars, nightclubs ordered to close after 'slight uptick' in CV-19 cases media link media link media link
[056]Under Sworn Testimony, PP Officials Admit Infanticide Occurs In Organ Harvesting media link media link media link
[046]Biden Campaign Asks Facebook To Censor President Trump’s Posts media link media link media link media link media link
[044]Sara Carter: Seattle Mayor Says Protestors Outside Her Home Have No ‘Regard’ For Her ‘Safety’ (what a shocker!) media link
[043]Volunteer Medic in Seattle’s Autonomous Zone Says CHOP Security Shot at Black Teen Killed in Monday’s Shooting media link
[042]Checking in on #CO03 election: Lauren Boebert (who's interested in Q) wins over Scott Tipton media link media link media link
[038]L.A. City Council Passes Motion to Replace Police with ‘Crisis Response’ for ‘Non-violent’ Calls
[032]DS, Elites and Dems are Pushing a ‘Color Revolution’ But the Target is American Freedom media link
[029]Macron facing backlash in France for criticizing in private the SJW professors media link media link
[024]Planefag Notables media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[023]It’s okay to hate whites? New Reddit hate speech policy apparently embraces discrimination media link
[010]Fifth pharmaceutical co charged in ongoing criminal antitrust investigation media link media link
[008]Former Colorado judge pleads guilty to obstructing task force investigation of drug trafficking org media link
[006]UFC patriot wears a Q and WWG1WGA badge on his sleeves to a UFC match on ESPN and gets crap for it media link
[005]In Prosecuting Police, Atlanta DA Has Contradictory Stance on Taser's Deadliness, Defense Says media link