[404]Mike Coudrey tweet - Why haven’t they done ANYTHING to stop the Obstruction of Justice by the Secretary of State? media link
[403]Candace Owens celebrates win against ‘communist’ censors as Facebook fact-checkers forced to remove ‘correction’ to Biden post media link
[402]Shakedown: Boris Govt to Pay France £28m to Start Stopping More Boat Migrants media link media link
[400]Oregon Gym Fined $90,000 For Staying Open During Covid Shutdown, As County Commissioners Take Trips To Hawaii
[399]City of Philadelphia Election System Request for Proposals Why so many redactions? media link media link
[397]Lin Wood tweet - What kool-aid did @RepDougCollins drink? Doug used to fight for @realDonaldTrump & We The People. Now Doug refuses to fight. He is MIA media link
[396]Delaware Orthopaedic Specialists Clinic in Newark, Delaware closed today…they opened just for Biden media link media link
[395]Kelly Loeffler owns DOMINION STOCK! Looks like someone put their hand in the cookie jar and got CAUGHT. This is HUGE, PATRIOTS! media link media link
[394]Russia accused of 'hypocrisy' after attacking Australia over Afghanistan war crimes report media link media link media link
[393]Digs on new Sidney Powell team member - 'smartest guy in the room' media link media link media link
[389]More info from Lin Wood on Georgia officials wiping all the Georgia voting machines media link media link
[388]“After (Biden) seeing the doctor for about an hour and a half, Dr. Kevin O’Connor said there was a sprain. media link
[386]Mike Coudrey tweet on 'Occupy the State Capitol' protest after Raffensperger orders voting machines to be wiped (you mean, with a cloth?) media link
[383]Los Angeles enacts new lockdown, report says county spent millions of CARES Act funds on PR firms media link
[382]Dept of Defense tweet - A @usairforce airman parachutes into the Malamute drop zone for a training exercise at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[378]Absentee ballot drop boxes, used for the first time in 2020 in Georgia, will be in place for the January runoff as well media link
[377]Judge Timothy Batten Issues Order to Freeze All Dominion Machines in Georgia …UPDATE: Judge Reverses Order Within Hours media link media link media link
[376]HRC was on Walmart board of directors 1986-1992 and Walmart is a DHS strategic partner media link media link media link media link
[375]Joseph Flynn tweet - They (GOP) better wake up quick or they will be yesterday news we can form a new Party very quickly trust me on that one media link media link media link
[374]Lin Wood tweet - Does @GaSecofState Brad Raffensperger operate a branch office at Eaton Corporation? media link media link
[369]Judge reversed the impoundment in Georgia - Dropbox related? media link media link media link media link media link media link
[367]WE SAID, THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE! - Biden team not allowing pool reporters to see Joe Biden go in or leave the doctor. Repeated requests were denied media link
[366]Democrat Rep. Emanuel Cleaver: "I think Donald Trump can’t be trusted with the secrets of second graders,” , media link media link media link
[365]Australian authorities seize child, rule parents ABUSIVE for resisting hormone therapy to help daughter become son media link
[362]An-ex prostitute who was busted in a police sting is running to become the first trans woman on the City Council media link
[357]([Aric Thompson] - Dominion Tech) & ([Robert Brady] - Floyd County GA Election Chief) = (Nov 3 & 4 etc) Vote Count "Irregularities" media link media link
[356]Yesterday Bidens dog Major was apparently talking to a pet psychic , then he rolls Joe's ankle , connection here (dog comms) media link media link media link media link media link media link
[354]Lin Wood tweet - HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT FOR PATRIOTS media link media link media link media link media link media link
[352]Michael Flynn Says Coup Against Trump Still In Progress In First Public Remarks Since Pardon media link media link
[345]Sidney Powell: The #KrackenOnSteroids Team Is Also Looking at Election Fraud in Virginia media link
[343]Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital? media link
[342]Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris media link
[335]Cornyn on Biden aides' undisclosed ties: "The Senate is not obligated to confirm anyone who hides this information" media link
[324]US District Judge Timothy C. Batten issued an emergency order to stop #Georiga officials from performing a “software update” media link
[316]Liberal Party tries to normalise corruption with a scandalous statement from NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian media link media link media link
[311]We Are Witnessing the Greatest Wealth Transfer In Human History - U.S. Billionaires Gained $1 Trillion Since The Pandemic Started
[306]Call to dig: Mitt Romney's niece (Rona McDaniel) is the @GOPChairwoman media link media link media link media link
[303]CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations media link media link media link media link media link
[298]FARNAN: Dems Tried to End Trump’s Presidency By Framing General Flynn (Because They Cheat) media link media link media link media link
[295]Sidney Powell has tagged and both she and Lin Wood are following two brand new twitter accounts: media link media link media link
[293]Here's Why You Should Skip the Covid Vaccine media link media link media link media link media link
[292]Time's Up charities set up by celebrities as part of Me Too movement spent $1.4m on salaries, $157k on conferences at luxury resorts and just $312k helping victims of sexual harassment media link media link media link media link media link
[288]Epidemic of suicides claims more lives in one month than #Covid has in eight months in Japan media link
[286]How Mossad executed Iran's nuclear chief (or did he defect?) media link media link media link media link media link
[282]Fauci on SCOTUS Ruling on Religious Gatherings: ‘Considerable Risk’ for Coronavirus Spread media link
[281]Philip Kline tweet - After learning that hundreds of thousands of ballots are potentially fraudulent- The FBI has now requested to look at our data. "…Special Agent Young Oh of the FBI LA Field Office…" media link
[279]Sidney Powell tweet - FINALLY!!! #FBI #DOJ People should have been indicted already! media link media link
[277]Time magazine's 'Person of the Year' nominees: Stacey Abrams, Andrew Cuomo, Dr. Fauci, Gretchen Whitmer, BLM activists
[273]There is Enough “Preponderance of Evidence” to “Doubt the Result” — Democrat Elections Observer Weighs in On Corrupt Georgia Vote media link media link media link
[270]Hungarian cultural commissioner lights powder keg of controversy after describing Europe as ‘George Soros’ gas chamber’
[269]“These People Were Vicious – I Saw All Kinds of Illegal Behavior” – Michigan Election Witness Who Saw 4 AM Illegal Ballot Drop for Biden Speaks Out
[264]A good documentary to watch showing what happens when country's run banks without physical assets and just printing presses.
[261]Trump Admin brings back firing squads and electrocutions for some Federal Executions media link media link
[260]@LLinWood If @GOP & @GOPChairwoman do not take immediate action to expose fraud & correct 11/3 election, Republican Party will cease to be viable. media link media link
[251]If a whistleblower brought a case based on violations of the Single Audit Act (2 CFR 200) it would be an EXCELLENT vehicle to DRAIN THE SWAMP media link
[250]Students in Manchester UK want to remove the term “Black” from textbooks because of black lives means something
[248]Sky News host Rowan Dean says the battle for the Oval Office is "still actually heating up" (video
[243]Gay Swedish Pol takes leave after ex exposed as Pedophile (sure, nothing to see here) media link
[241]The President has the Constitutional right to adjourn Congress until such a time that he thinks proper - Checkmate media link
[240]It's in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia's Votes media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[238]Dig on FVEY CIC facility in Frankfurt Germany media link media link media link media link media link
[237]Digs on covert CIA hacking base hidden in the US consulate in Frankfurt media link media link media link media link
[236](lb) Effective 11/12/20 2 CFR 200.113 STATES ARE MANDATED TO REPORT FRAUD IN THEIR DOMINION CONTRACTS media link
[235]What are the chances this exact split between Trump and Biden happens 53 times in a row? media link
[231]"I am from Germany and in Frankfurt where this is maybe happened, the stop the underground train and the strets around the area" media link
[229]Sidney Powell retweeted: Dominion Rep Who Scanned Ballots in Georgia County Where Thousands of Trump Votes Were Uncounted Also Worked for Kamala Harris media link
[220]over 40k phone calls to reg. Dems in Atlanta, Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee: 72% said they didn't vote. media link
[215]Michigan Judge Who Tossed Pro-Trump Voter Fraud Suit Caught Releasing Child Molesters media link
[213](pb) NASS opposed designation of elections as critical infrastructure11828414 yubikey/yubico minibread (all pb) media link media link
[212](pb) Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden and Mark Pocan were the ones investigating ES&S, DOMINION, Staple Street Capital Group, LLC among others back in December of 2019. media link media link media link media link
[211](pb) Hootan Yaghoobzadeh and Steve owens both tied to Carlyle Group which was founded by Soros media link
[204]"Staple Street acquired Cyberlink ASP Technology in November 2019" WHAT IS CYBERLINK ASP?? media link
[203](linky) New DJT: Will be doing an interview with Maria Bartiromo at 10:00 A.M. on Fox News. Enjoy! media link media link media link
[201]Meeting Minutes from January 2020 in Arizona discussing an Electronic Adjudication 'Upgrade' media link media link media link media link
[200]Sidney and Lin Wood are asking patriots to sign Support petition for GA Election Fraud- they need 100k signatures, are prolly at 28k, Please Share/Spread for our Frens
[199]Dominion Voting Sensitivity setting : Default setting was lower in a RECOUNT of a GA RUNOFF than the initial election. media link media link
[198]Dig Request: I knew the moment that I compared voter turnout in CO and found that primary voter turnout from 2016 to 2020 increased by over 140% despite population increasing less than 5% that something was off.
[196]Staple Street DIgg: Interesting little PDF from 2019. Elizabeth Warren; HIG MCCarthy & Staple Street Letters
[195]Yubikey / Yubico dig (the infamous voting machine USB keys); Yubikey CERN case study media link media link media link media link media link media link
[194]Molly McCann entering into a clerkship for a judge in Texas and stepping away from the political scene for the duration. (from 11/25/20) media link media link
[193]re: Codemonkey calling for a DIG on Staple Street Capital Partners who bought Dominion in 2018… media link
[192]Any Georgia anons here, sign the petition, pass on to all you know, demand for Kemp to allow legislative session on elections. Posted by Lin Wood https://stopgeorgiafraud.com/
[191]>2 CFR 200 is where WE THE PEOPLE have the power over Dominion…NEVER CONTRACT WITH THE ENEMY! media link
[187]@CodeMonkeyZ: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital? media link media link media link
[185]Kamala’s Official Campaign Photographer Was A Ballot Counter in Georgia media link media link media link
[181]More people died of suicide in Japan in one month than the entire coronavirus pandemic media link
[175]Ted Cruz Rips John Brennan to Shreds in Throwdown Battle Over Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist media link
[174]Reviewing the Appeals Court's Decision Affirming Dismissal of Trump Campaign Lawsuit in Federal Court in Pennsylvania media link
[170]CM: We now know Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) is owned by Staple Street Capital. Who owns Staple Street Capital? media link media link media link media link media link
[169]Some interesting landmarks on the island the US military "peacekeeper" helicopter crashed near (possible real OP, possible cover for deaths in Germany?) media link media link media link media link
[164]Did President Trump Spring a Trap on Treasonous Democrats on Election Night? media link media link
[162]CM: Dropping the details on part of Dominion Voting Systems shell ownership chain (turtles all the way down, kek) media link
[160]For those of you who thought that the Barack Obama "Orange Revolution" in Iran was a "rare" thing media link media link
[159]Major shift at Supreme Court on Covid-19 orders (5-4 decision shows SCOTUS is on the side of FREEDOM?) media link media link media link media link media link
[158]Blogger Analysis Regarding Current Supreme Court media link media link media link media link media link
[157]TECH BOSS TRAGEDY Tony Hsieh dead – Ex-Zappos CEO dies 9 days after fire at Connecticut family home as Ivanka Trump leads tributes media link
[156]Kayleigh McEnany: Pennsylvania judge who ridiculed Trump campaign lawsuit 'misunderstood' argument media link
[155]CNN host lays out how Trump could pull off ‘legal and constitutional’ win via Congress media link
[151]California: ISIS Jihadi Stabs Four in University Classroom, University Blames Toxic Masculinity media link
[150]Former Filipino Lawmaker and Attorney Says Smartmatic Pre-Loaded Machines with Ballots before Start of Manila Elections (VIDEO) media link
[149]Georgia Patriots Hold Car Parade Outside of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s Home (VIDEO) media link
[146]Five Videos – Five States Where Votes Were Switched Live on TV Away from President Trump to Biden –Updated media link
[145]CM: Hey @LLinWood, why is it being reported that Kamala Harris' official campaign photographer was helping scan ballots in Floyd County, Georgia? media link media link media link media link media link
[144]1.2M Pennsylvania votes could be fraudulent; Election data could 'easily' overturn 3 states: analyst
[142]General McInerney says his cell phone, on which he is conducting the interview is KNOWN TO BE HACKED by bad actors
[141], CIA officer killed in combat in Somalia- Reports of FIVE US Soldiers killed - Reports of ONE ClA Contractor killed media link media link media link
[139], Brig. Gen. Hale has published his 21 Reads for 2021. media link media link media link media link media link
[138](PB) might well illustrate the DS book contract payoff system. Who really buys a book called "Make your Bed" by a disgraced Admiral? media link media link media link media link
[135]How Mossad executed Iran's nuclear chief: Power to entire region was cut as his convoy was ambushed with huge bomb, snipers and gunmen on motorbikes before he was dragged from car and finished off... and then assassins melted away media link media link
[133], The Dominion/Michigan contract found earlier media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[130]'Fine me!' Hundreds of Trump supporters gather in front of the Alamo to protest curfew media link
[129], 15 QAnon influencers sue YouTube for removing their content from the platform media link media link
[128], CHECK OUT THIS .PDF – IT'S A DOMINION SHOPPING LIST W/PRICING media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[126]The Pennsylvania Department of State in April 2018 announced a decision to decertify voting machines and have counties put in place voter-verifiable paper record voting systems before 2020
[124], Darth Vader actor dead at 85, David Prowse Comms? 6 foot, 7 inches, you say?! media link media link media link
[123], Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[122], Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured media link media link media link media link media link
[121]Thousands of FAKE VOTES allegedly Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County, PHOTO EVIDENCE collected… media link
[119]3298d25c-1e71-4f45-b361-271bbe388da6 media link media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[117]President Trump Is After the Individual or Individuals Who Voted Illegally in Wisconsin – As Gateway Pundit Exposed Earlier
[114]Pennsylvania judge says plaintiffs have 'viable claim' that state mail-in ballot rule was illegal media link media link media link
[108]Love for the Flag Explains the Iwo Jima Memorial's Power—and Whether We Should Topple Other Monuments
[100], Five British MPs and Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani cheated death when 'Iranian plot to blow up Paris rally with Mother of Satan bomb smuggled into Europe by diplomat was foiled' media link media link media link media link media link media link
[096]Fear PORN Actor Sean Penn: "Now is the time to really quadruple down on all of the common-sense efforts of masking, social distancing." media link
[093], Anons, hold the line! I think we will see more light soon… Absence of an audit log means Biden can't counter when POTUS produces evidence from confiscated servers. media link media link media link media link
[089]Lt Gen McInerney Reports US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured
[088]Pompeo Passes Torch to Biden Admin Touting a Fundamentally Realigned Globe media link media link
[087]WaPo fear porn Article is about the 504th (kraken) worried about an app that could infect their team. media link
[083]In-flight emergency prompts aircraft to dump fuel in Westmoreland County media link media link media link media link
[082]Trump's Executive Order made in 2018 will see the end of the treasonous MSM in the US media link
[081]Take a wild guess who the fuck had control of "Hammer" & "Scorecard" according to Lt. Gen. McInerney? media link
[080](pb) following wives and money, CHRIS AND AMY LANTRIP (LLC HELLSCAPE RABBIT HOLE) media link media link media link media link
[078], Listen to General McInerney describe the Kraken and the raid of the CIA facility in Frankfurt, Germany media link media link
[076]The Oakland County, Michigan Child Killings. In 1976 and 1977, four (4) pre-teen children were abducted and murdered over a thirteen-month period.
[075]I missed this earlier today, Gen Flynn quote tweeting CM. Posting it in case other anons missed it as well. media link
[074]In July, a state panel recommended parole for Leslie Van Houten, who was convicted of helping Charles Manson and others kill L.A. grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, in August 1969 media link
[073], US Special Forces engaged CIA to capture server farm in Frankfurt. Servers secured. media link
[066]Shots Fired by Investigators Protecting District Attorney Jackie Lacey's Home, LAPD Says media link
[059], Michigan Dominion Contract was signed 2017 / Whitmer Inaugurated 2019 / Contract was signed under Gov Rick Snyder media link media link media link media link media link media link media link
[056]A dozen grocery stores around New Mexico have been forced to close for two weeks because of a public health order issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham media link media link
[055]Corporations kill people worldwide with apparent impunity most of the time. Here's a pretty egregious example. Some justice resulted media link
[054]If you want to donate to Sidney Powell, who is representing the Citizens of the United States... https://defendingtherepublic.org
[053]BLKWLF12 USAF BACN GLEX on final approach at Al Dahfra AB, Abu Dhabi after appearing heading west over Arabian Sea media link media link
[045]Wait, what? Venezuela burns vote machines media link media link media link media link media link
[043]Make sure to verify the voting machine does not switch your vote. If you have any problems, notify the poll workers. (DJT 2012 tweet) media link
[042]"It doesn't matter who you vote for–it matters who is counting the votes." Be careful of voter fraud! (DJT 2012 tweet) media link
[041]This presidential act has some teeth. It’s an easy read. It executes precisely 45 days after the election: December 18. media link
[039]The day after @BarackObama blocks a Texas voter photo ID law, @JamesOkeefeIII exposes more dead people getting ballots (DJT 2012 tweet) media link
[038]DJT tweet - Why do you need a photo ID to buy a drain cleaner but not to vote? (DJT 2012 tweet) media link
[033]Manitoba Madness Keean Bexte: I went to a Walmart and illegally purchased a Christmas card in Manitoba, to send to the Premier, who has banned the sale of Christmas goods media link media link
[032]Confirmation of Stephanos Bibas to US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Third Circuit includes Pennsylvania, New Jersey, & Delaware media link
[030]This is the hack that proved America's elections can be stolen using a few lines of computer code
[027]This presidential act has some teeth. It’s an easy read. It executes precisely 45 days after the election: December 18 media link
[026]Insanity in the UK. Check this out, security guards try to make a bystander delete his footage from his phone media link media link
[025]Here's the Part of Kamala Harris' Past the Media Won't Show You Damn… Dinesh D'Souza grabs Kamala by the short hairs….kek
[024]Almost every news outlet should just disappear when a journalist takes a poll of the naming of Biden’s cat media link
[023]Anon opines 'Wasn't it Gen Flynn who said something along the lines of 98% of population follow the 2% leaders?'
[021]@JennaEllisEsq Amazing times when I agree with CNN and even more when I agree with Fareed Zakaria. Trump always wins and deserves his two scoops every night for the next 8 years. media link
[020]Number of Detentions at Anti-Lockdown Protest in London Rises to 155, Police Say media link media link media link
[018]NASCAR Pit Crew Member William "Rowdy" Harrell and His Wife Killed in Car Crash On Their Honeymoon media link media link media link
[017]re-tweet from Sidney Powell -@EmeraldRobinson If you’re wondering how five lawyers have managed to discover more election fraud in 3 weeks than the GOP has managed to find in 3 decades then you’re not alone. media link
[016]Swedish Air Force Pilots show the JAS 39 Gripen fighter to U.S.Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon Pilots 28th November 2020 https://youtu.be/wYnk8vuRpwA media link
[015]Babylon Bee tweet - Trump rows across the Great Lakes in surprise attack to liberate Michigan media link
[013]General Flynn tweet - his Patriot @visionfarm provides an honest, fair, clear (and short) thread of @SidneyPowell1 filing in GA. Worth the read media link media link media link media link media link
[012]DJT tweet - "The number of ballots that our Campaign is challenging in the Pennsylvania cas is FAR LARGER than the 81,000 vote margin. media link
[007]@LLinWood Today is a great day to visit my home page on Twitter & RETWEET the TRUTH media link media link media link
[004]Sean Penn and his nonprofit organization, Community Organized Relief Effort, known as CORE, has coronavirus drive-through testing facilities. media link media link